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The Administration Thread


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It's going to be a great weekend, starting later on today. I'm getting my post in now. It'll be done. (The neighbours bunions are playing up so there's the needed confirmation!)

@quote me @screenshot me err what else was there? ?


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20 minutes ago, LazloW said:

The collective trains of thought that run through these threads could keep cognitive  scientists in work for years.

From some speculation that the ‘issue’ is ‘something’ to do with Moor Farm - nobody knows what - the thread has gone on to conclude that Moor Farm is going to be a housing estate (why - seemingly because Erewash councillors are all Forest fans!?!?), we’ve then moved on to Clowes wanting to develop Moor Farm (why - because he’s a developer, so stands to reason right), then - as a result of these nailed on certainties - we’ve moved on to identifying alternative locations for a training ground, moving existing businesses, without any consideration for the costs of such things, the time it would take to achieve, whether the businesses want to move, where they’d move to etc and then onto all our yesterdays and how it was all wonderful before anybody built industrial and retail units on an industrial estate and retail park and they should have left it as fields (not that it was) or railway sidings (which would have been unused) or should have turned it into parkland (where does all the industry go… fields?). And then we have some moaning about traffic in Pride Park… all from ‘the remaining issue is something to do with Moor Farm’.  

Fascinating really. Proving the rule that nature abhors a vacuum. 

I mean, my post about the arena wasn't at all serious.

I don't want my subscription going up, anyroad.

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6 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Quantuma’s two statements (Weds and Thurs) essentially said the same thing. It doesn’t say “masses of paperwork”. Both said there are a “small number of outstanding matters (Weds)/issues (Thurs)” and waiting on things to do with third parties outside their control. The additional comment in yesterdays statement was a “multitude of documents”. 
So they’re allegedly waiting on other parties to read through, approve and sign the paperwork, it’s not the time for panic and speculation despite how frustrated we all are. It is still in process from what we’re being told, we have enough players to start the season even if it’s not the quality we all want ideally, the funding has been provided for us to complete the season. I really hope everyone can see there are positive signs and just hold on a little longer.

By all means if it doesn’t happen @me with I told you so’s and all that, I just don’t feel it’s good for any of us to get too worked up….yet! 

Agree, CR, but they should have learnt a valuable lesson from Mr. Scott, Chief Engineer of the USS Starship Enterprise, who always exaggerated the time it would take to get vital work done on his beloved engines in order to keep his reputation as a miracle worker when the job was completed in half the time.

Quantuma seem to have done this in reverse. 

How long will it take for this deal to go through given all the complications and the multiple documents as yet unsigned?

1 week realistically.

Fine, issue a statement telling everyone that we expect it to be done in 2 days.

scotty GIFchange cannot GIF

Edited by Miggins
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9 minutes ago, ramboy63 said:

Yep looks that way and were a week away from our first friendly fixture next weekend cant even muster a 5 a side team we have no goalkeeper

Goalkeepers are: Roberts, Evans, JThompson

20 outfielders in the first team and U23 squads to choose from(some are 2nd year scholars), 7 other 2nd year scholars in the U18 squad, and a number of first year scholars (yet to be officially announced)

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10 minutes ago, StrawHillRam said:

<ominous music>

June the 4th, 1973, was much like any other summer's day in Peterborough, and Ralph Mellish, a file clerk at an insurance company, was on his way to work as usual when --- <da dum!> Nothing happened! <dum dum da dum>

Scarcely able to believe his eyes, Ralph Mellish looked down. But one glance confirmed his suspicions. Behind a bush, on the side of the road, there was *no* severed arm. No dismembered trunk of a man in his late fifties. No head in a bag. Nothing. Not a sausage.

For Ralph Mellish, this was *not* to be the start of any trail of events which would not, in no time at all, involve him in neither a tangled knot of suspicion, nor any web of lies, which would, had he been not involved, surely have led him to no other place, than the central criminal court of the Old Bailey. <muttering voices, Judge's gavel banging.> But it was not to be <ominous music returns>.

Ralph Mellish reached his office in Dulls-ells Street in Peterborough, at 9:05 a.m., exactly the same time as he usually got in! <door opens>

"Morning, Mr. Mellish"

"Morning, Enid"

Enid, a sharp-eyed, clever young girl, who had been with the firm for only 4 weeks, couldn't help noticing the complete absence of tiny but tell-tale blood stains on Mr. Mellish's clothing. Nor did she notice anything strange in Mr. Mellish's behaviour that whole morning. Nor the next morning. Nor at any time before or since the entire period she worked for that firm.

"Have the new paper clips arrived, Enid?"

"Yes, they're over there, Mr. Mellish." <faintly> "Oh..."

But for the lack of any untold circumstances for this secretary to notice, and the total non-involvement of Mr. Mellish in anything illegal, the forweight of the law would insure that Ralph Aulds Mellish would have ended up like all who challenge the fundamental laws of our society. In an iron coffin with spikes on the inside.

Chuffing hell i didn't expect the spanish inquisition

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Sorry but this is a farce, every single time it’s close another “unforseen” obstacle gets put in the way. 

we’re a ******* WEEK away from our first friendly and have no team to field. Fans treated with absolute disdain as usual and seemingly not one of those clowns at the club know their arse from their elbow as per usual. 

Ducking wake up and get it sorted you utter, utter morons!!! 

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