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The Administration Thread


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11 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

We know Mike Ashley has money.

We do not know how much of it he is offering to give to Q/creditors.

The £28 was what someone txt to ed Dawes on air during sportscene the other night - clearly to imply that £28 was Ashley's offer but that may not be the figure on Q's desk. Not to mention the *many* aspects of the agreement.



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27 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

If he's not buying the stadium, it's fine.

If not, you're indeed correct. Which is probably why the admins "aren't engaging"

MA is playing the waiting game he is clever and switched on for sure,he can see were the CK deal is going and the money is there to save us from liquidation,this needs sorting either way as we wont have a team to even put on the field at this rate

Never been sure that CK as the funds going forward yes he is rich in commodities but not cash rich according to wikki he only as a net value personally of 5.6m which is the complete opposite to MA

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1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:



Thing is, I just don't buy it that there's some kind of Mel doesn't want it be Ashley game going on in the background. Mel put the club in administration, before that he was prepared to sell it to fakie shakie and Erik Alonso.

I find Ashley being very sketchy about how much he'll actually pay until he's the only game in town and they have to take his offer far more believable than shady Mel out of personal bitterness is stopping a deal.

Mel may be having "an" influence but that's going to be "to protect Mel Morris".

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1 minute ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Thing is, I just don't buy it that there's some kind of Mel doesn't want it be Ashley game going on in the background. Mel put the club in administration, before that he was prepared to sell it to fakie shakie and Erik Alonso.

I find Ashley being very sketchy about how much he'll actually pay until he's the only game in town and they have to take his offer far more believable than shady Mel out of personal bitterness is stopping a deal.

Mel may be having "an" influence but that's going to be "to protect Mel Morris".

He was willing to sell to Fake whoever's because they'd pay his price. MA wants to pay him less was the gossip early on.

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52 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Oh come on Curtains. Now things really are drawing to a conclusion.

If CK fails there's some people with lots of money interested, the stadium deal should be sorted one way or another and the transfer window will still be open. 

Sneaked in their ?

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4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

He was willing to sell to Fake whoever's because they'd pay his price. MA wants to pay him less was the gossip early on.

Then its not about Ashley, it's about Ashley's price, which is the interest of all the creditors and Quantuma to get the best from. Hardly sinister Mel pulling the strings considering Q's job is to get the price for creditors.

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4 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Thing is, I just don't buy it that there's some kind of Mel doesn't want it be Ashley game going on in the background. Mel put the club in administration, before that he was prepared to sell it to fakie shakie and Erik Alonso.

I find Ashley being very sketchy about how much he'll actually pay until he's the only game in town and they have to take his offer far more believable than shady Mel out of personal bitterness is stopping a deal.

Mel may be having "an" influence but that's going to be "to protect Mel Morris".

protecting himself whilst putting two fingers up to a club he supposedly loved...? dictating our clubs future from afar trying to get the best deal he can.......after leaving a shambolic mess of a football club which was in a healthy position when he arrived.....thanks Morris ......you just think about yourself!!?.....what about us fans who pay good hard earned money to follow our beloved club...this is heartbreaking it really is ??

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2 minutes ago, S8TY said:

protecting himself whilst putting two fingers up to a club he supposedly loved...? dictating our clubs future from afar trying to get the best deal he can.......after leaving a shambolic mess of a football club which was in a healthy position when he arrived.....thanks Morris ......you just think about yourself!!?.....what about us fans who pay good hard earned money to follow our beloved club...this is heartbreaking it really is ??

Oh yeah, Morris is a b******.

Mike Ashley is just a business b******.

What's going on is business bastardry.

The only reason Morris wouldn't want a deal with Ashley is Ashley's offering less money. I don't buy that it's personal, sinister or underhanded, he'd be on board with big Mike in a heartbeat if the offer matches CKs.

Even if Morris was out of the picture entirely, the same business bastardry would be going on.

Everything that's happening is the result of Mel Morris putting the club in administration. He put it in administration because he didn't want to pay for it any more. Everything is the result of Mel Morris. But this is how it was always going to be. Business insolvency is never pretty.


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1 hour ago, Big Trav said:

And this is why Ashley is going directly through the EFL...

Makes no difference, Quantuma at present are in charge of the club.If Ashley wants to make an offer he has to go through the administrators. The EFL cannot interfere in the outcome of who takes over the club.

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