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Christmas schedule ruined


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45 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

I was looking forward to New Year’s Eve celebrations on the Thames at the Crowne Plaza at Caversham  bridge but I’ve now had to alter the booking . Thank you Sky.

I thought the fireworks had already been cancelled?

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19 minutes ago, Woodley Ram said:

All I see is Sky TV money going into  our coffers 

I rather see traditions kept rather than lust after cash 

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Boxing Day at Home (PPS home, not house home!) is a highlight for me. 

First sitting* for cold turkey, real chips** and pickles.  Escape the madness and mayhem at (house) home***.  Have a few family members tag along with me.  Sneak myself an alcoholic beverage in, cunningly disguised as "just coke" so I can sup it in my seat****!

I celebrate a Boxing Day home match when the fixtures throw them out.  I'm not exactly gutted, but I'm more than a little peeved!


*Plenty more later, but match-goers eat first!
**The only time the chip pan comes out.
*** Used to be 2 dozen or so visiting at any time of day and/or evening.  More like 12-15 or so nowadays, and fewer kids.
****The only time I partake in an alcoholic beverage before or at a game.
***** Concentrate... there wasn't a *****



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Well thanks a lot sky because of you I might not be able to attend any games over christmas now thanks a lot. You put games on days that I might not be able to attend now.

But I will try my damn hard to see if I can my shifts around it but one of busy times a year. All games on a monday and thursday. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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15 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

It’s a bit more than “lust after cash” at the moment though isn’t it?

Times are desperate and we need all the money we can get right now.

Yeah I guess so, however Sky is the reason we are in this mess. The golden goose promise land of the Premier league, making clubs spend beyond their means paying greedy footballers and their parasite agents ridiculous wages they don’t deserve. All driven by the cash churned out by Sky paid by people who don’t care if a fan has to travel from Newcastle to Southampton on a Sunday dinner (or Derby being moved from the traditional Boxing Day game to the 27th). Sorry rant over, hopefully by then we won’t need the money that much ? 

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I don't mind the rescheduling tbh, not a massive fan of the boxing day games anymore as I like to see my friends and spend it in the pub or at one of their homes. I want to do stoke away so a day change doesn't bother me there either tbh so from a selfish note it's all hunky dory. 

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2 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

I was watching Hacksaw Ridge the other day.....maybe that explains some of our players poor performances on Saturday matchdays.....

Not for it is not

They had fall on days that I work I really going try fit it around normal my shifts my bosses normal pretty understanding about it.

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