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Jozwiak- is it time to go?

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10 minutes ago, Coconut said:

There's no point in us keeping him if the majority of people's minds have already been made up, if everything he does well is written off as inconsequential and anything he does poorly highlighted and picked apart. Players targeted with threads like this might as well go, they rarely turn it around, especially without a change in management.

We should get rid of a player because some of the fans don't like him?

You've noticed we don't pick the team right? 

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7 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

We should get rid of a player because some of the fans don't like him?

You've noticed we don't pick the team right? 

If that's all you took from the post I don't know what to say. 

If there's little to no prospect of a player's performances improving, due to a number of factors including the fans being on his back then persisting with them doesn't seem beneficial to anyone.

Do you see any potential for a massive turnaround in fortunes for Jozwiak in our current setup? I don't.

Edited by Coconut
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1 hour ago, SFox1993 said:

Won us a fairly important penalty final game of the season i seem to remember, wish people would give the lad a break tbh.

I thought at the time though, that if they hadn't desperately chopped him down there was very little hope he would score.  Being very unkind but I can only  judge on what I had seen from him through the season.

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2 minutes ago, Coconut said:

If that's all you took from the post I don't know what to say. 

If there's little to no prospect of a player's performances improving, due to a number of factors including the fans being on his back then persisting with them doesn't seem beneficial to anyone.

Do you see any potential for a massive turnaround in fortunes for Jozwiak in our current setup? I don't.

This is the worry, but with a few more signings and some more game time, then we might. Plus there's also the potential to play him more than one way. Let's hope the fans will wait. 

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1 minute ago, Spanish said:

I thought at the time though, that if they hadn't desperately chopped him down there was very little hope he would score.  Being very unkind but I can only  judge on what I had seen from him through the season.

Don't think we saw enough of him in those positions last season. But if it had been Waghorn I'd have bet against him - but then look what happened in the match, so there's always chance.

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My feeling with Jozwiak is that he does 9/10 things very, very well. The problem is that the 1/10 are the things that will directly affect the result, his final pass and his finishing.

Theres a hell of a player there, works so hard, protects the ball excellently, wins free kicks, can get upfield quickly with the ball at his feet, fairly quick and uses the ball well in non dangerous areas, and is reasonably consistent with all of that. He just looks like he is lacking any sort of decisiveness when it matters. 

Overall, the good things outweigh the bad in my eyes but I think it’s easy to see why we have got to a point where many don’t rate him as he struggles to directly impact games. But I think we’d really miss his indirect impact.

If you could roll him and Lawrence into one player you’d have a world beater.

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7 minutes ago, Spanish said:

I thought at the time though, that if they hadn't desperately chopped him down there was very little hope he would score.  Being very unkind but I can only  judge on what I had seen from him through the season.

Can't really say he wouldnt have scored though as they didnt give him the opportunity ? still got in the position to draw the foul which played a bit part in keeping us up.

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6 minutes ago, Coconut said:

If that's all you took from the post I don't know what to say. 

If there's little to no prospect of a player's performances improving, due to a number of factors including the fans being on his back then persisting with them doesn't seem beneficial to anyone.

Do you see any potential for a massive turnaround in fortunes for Jozwiak in our current setup? I don't.

Yes - I read and understood your post - But it mostly centred around your assumption that there was no chance of his performances improving - Which is daft

Will his performances improve? I have no idea - Maybe they do, maybe they don't - But your sweeping assumptions that a specific player is never going to improve is daft when you have very little insight into what he's being asked to do by the management and coaches

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30 minutes ago, Coconut said:

If that's all you took from the post I don't know what to say. 

If there's little to no prospect of a player's performances improving, due to a number of factors including the fans being on his back then persisting with them doesn't seem beneficial to anyone.

Do you see any potential for a massive turnaround in fortunes for Jozwiak in our current setup? I don't.

Shortly after arriving at the club, I seem to remember Joz saying that he preferred playing attacking football but thought that we were playing mainly defensive football.

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23 hours ago, simmoram1995 said:

I’m sorry to say but I think his performance yesterday signifies that he is not needed in this team. Lack of effort or quality and I think he looks disinterested and disengaged. I think he’d be better off being loaned out or sold. That way we might be able to sign a player or loan a winger who could cut it in this league.

what are your thoughts?

Talk about provocative questions ! .. If you intended to start a debate .. you succeeded ! 

”Lack of effort” .. you really don’t watch much football or watch Joz. … whatever else he is, he is a grafter.

“ Lack of Quality”.. compared to what ? … how many players do we have that can beat a man and have decent pace ? Then There’s the small matter of him being a recognised international, young and still developing. 

“Disinterested” .. really ? Not noticed it myself .. ever .. always looks willing and combative.

He had a very average game on Saturday. Didn’t get much of the ball, got caught in two minds (shoot or pass) - once - on the basis of this and not scoring goals in a team where all are falling short you want rid when prices are at the bottom. Idiocy ! 

So on the basis of that you want to loan him out and get in what exactly ? .. “another player who would cut it in this league” .. available really cheaply at any corner shop are they ? 

He provides competition for Festy, other teams know he’s dangerous so stretch resources to watch him. He also has excellent on the ball skills. 

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Think we need to show some patience as fans. We want Joz and the others to play as well as they possibly can, so I'm not sure criticising   him is going to help. 

From memory players who play in major tournaments over the summer tend not to have a great start to a season - maybe this is the problem for Joz. Hopefully Wayne and Liam can work on it

I accept that its a while ago but my understanding is that when he joined the club, he could speak no English and the only two people he could talk to initially were Bielik and his missus. Then the virus kicked in. So its not been easy for him

Lets show him some sympathy and support

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2 hours ago, nottingram said:

My feeling with Jozwiak is that he does 9/10 things very, very well. The problem is that the 1/10 are the things that will directly affect the result, his final pass and his finishing.

Theres a hell of a player there, works so hard, protects the ball excellently, wins free kicks, can get upfield quickly with the ball at his feet, fairly quick and uses the ball well in non dangerous areas, and is reasonably consistent with all of that. He just looks like he is lacking any sort of decisiveness when it matters. 

Overall, the good things outweigh the bad in my eyes but I think it’s easy to see why we have got to a point where many don’t rate him as he struggles to directly impact games. But I think we’d really miss his indirect impact.

If you could roll him and Lawrence into one player you’d have a world beater.

If you rolled Lawrence and Jozwiak into one you'd have a winger who couldn't cross and couldn't hit a barn door like we already do have.  Both have absolutely poo end product. 

Edited by Marriot Ram99
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3 hours ago, nottingram said:


If you could roll him and Lawrence into one player you’d have a world beater.

What really really really good where it doesn't matter and really really really bad where it does ?? 

Does that make a world beater ??  Ha Ha 

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On 08/08/2021 at 11:37, simmoram1995 said:

I’m sorry to say but I think his performance yesterday signifies that he is not needed in this team. Lack of effort or quality and I think he looks disinterested and disengaged. I think he’d be better off being loaned out or sold. That way we might be able to sign a player or loan a winger who could cut it in this league.

what are your thoughts?

You make one very valid point

He might be better off being loaned out or sold

We wouldn't

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41 minutes ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

If you rolled Lawrence and Jozwiak into one you'd have a winger who couldn't cross and couldn't hit a barn door like we already do have.  Both have absolutely poo end product. 


13 minutes ago, Dethorn said:

What really really really good where it doesn't matter and really really really bad where it does ?? 

Does that make a world beater ??  Ha Ha 

Love the positivity 

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