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This is what we’re up against


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Lets be honest, most of us are complicit.

Just the same as anyone that has sat there slagging off the officials having watched the 10th replay of an incident, is complicit in VAR.

Just the same as anyone that has watched a match on Sky on Tuesday/Thursday/Friday at 12pm, 6pm, 8pm, is complicit in matches being played at times inconvenient for fans.

Everyone that has continued with their Sky Sports subscription whilst watching them rip the heart of our national game, is complicit with this financial situation.

Reap what you sow and all that.

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4 hours ago, Jourdan said:

Every team (except special cases like Wednesday) starts the season on zero points.

Every team starts with eleven players on the pitch.

I think this is as even as it’s ever going to get.

You take the financial inequality out of football and you lose the magic. Who would watch the FA Cup, for example?

Granted, we could abolish parachute payments and distribute the £120 million to the rest of the Championship or below.

You can re-distribute the wealth, but you can’t ensure clubs will spend the money sensibly.

As @LeedsCityRam says, it is times like these where you have to do things smarter. Having an extra few million guarantees nothing.

I take your point. I don’t necessarily agree with the angle you’re coming from, but I can understand where you’re coming from!

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Kind of funny that people seem to get why capitalism is such a deeply flawed system when they can see it ruining football, but not so much when it comes to zooming out and seeing the same cause/effect at play in society generally

"Sport should be run in the interests of those who participate in it, follow it and love it, not just for the privileged and wealthy few"

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8 hours ago, David said:

£125m for being the worst team in the league.

Just let that sink in.

One hundred and twenty five million pounds for being crap.

That’s 3 clubs coming down with a total of £381m, but that’s not all, the Premier League will also give them parachute payments to soften the blow.

Sorry to start another topic on this, but it’s a topic that needs to be repeated, football is broken. It’s broken and they are doing nothing about it. Why?

We have to try and compete with those 3 next year, with barely any revenue we have to compete against clubs with over £100m in their back pockets.

What hope do we have?

Yes I know money doesn’t always = success, Brentford beat Bournemouth, made it to Wembley but how many years have they been trying to get there? 

Whoever goes up it’s a major achievement, getting past the parachute payment clubs, it’s huge, one season up there and they have banked over £100m, it’s madness.

We can never have a completely level playing field, I understand that, but the PL and EFL could come together and distribute that money out more fairly.

Why are they not?

Why are these questions not being asked?

Do we need to see more clubs liquidated, more clubs going bankrupt trying to compete from the Championship to League 2, all the national media journalists will be all over that, justice for Bury, why not call it out now? 

Heads are so far up the Premier League’s backside the Football League barely gets a mention.

I’m ranting I know, but £125m for being crap. 

Who signs off on that and thinks it’s good for football? 

It’s broken, football is broken.

I'm sorry but your post loses some of its credence when we HAVE spent multi million pounds worth of cash on absolutely useless players reaping the dividend of avoiding relegation to League 1 by the skin of our teeth.

You can harp on about clubs coming down from the Premiership having oodles of cash but we did too but the advantage we made of it was to piss it all up the nearest wall. 

It's not the money that's the issue it's what you do with it. Or not what to do with it as Mel Morris will now sadly testify.

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6 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

I'm sorry but your post loses some of its credence when we HAVE spent multi million pounds worth of cash on absolutely useless players reaping the dividend of avoiding relegation to League 1 by the skin of our teeth.

You can harp on about clubs coming down from the Premiership having oodles of cash but we did too but the advantage we made of it was to piss it all up the nearest wall. 

It's not the money that's the issue it's what you do with it. Or not what to do with it as Mel Morris will now sadly testify.

Better late than never! I knew you wouldn’t let me down ☺️

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Kind of funny that people seem to get why capitalism is such a deeply flawed system when they can see it ruining football, but not so much when it comes to zooming out and seeing the same cause/effect at play in society generally

"Sport should be run in the interests of those who participate in it, follow it and love it, not just for the privileged and wealthy few"

Oc Layin GIF

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There was a reason it was only the "big 6" clubs fans that protested at the ESL plans. 

They wanted the status quo to continue. 

The same goes for the rest of the EPL, they had a chance to reshape the game and take some of the power away from the rebel clubs. Self preservation overtook the greater good. All they did was redistribute the parachute payments saved by Norwich and Watford to themselves. ?‍♂️

Don't expect anything to change higher up, as soon as English clubs started inviting all and sundry to buy their clubs they basically sold the games soul down the river. 

Good points by @G STAR RAM above. 

Nothing in the EFL will change until clubs start to live within their means and fans accept the consequences of this, which is basically paying lower wages and lower transfer fees along with developing young talent. 

There might be a generation of fans not prepared to put up with this though as all they have known is Premier league / sky razzmatazz. 

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10 hours ago, Woodley Ram said:

whilst this is true it doesn't take into account their liabilities such as wages, ongoing payment of legacy transfer fees etc . Still partially in a Covid era where Championship clubs with out parachute payments are now existing on peanuts its not exactly a level playing field or even the same playing field for that matter. 

More cool them for not putting relegation clauses into the contracts. 

I understand the purpose of parachute payments and I think if they’re used whilst a club trims the fat and gets back within their new means then fair enough BUT and this is important for me - parachute payments should NOT count towards revenue. They’re a safety net not a leg up against the rest of us peasants. 

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We've helped break football by paying so much for our Sky Sports subscriptions, thereby flooding the premier league with unprecedented amounts of cash.  It's no wonder relegated premier league clubs arrive in the championship awash with money....we've given it to them, via Sky. 

The harsh reality is, fans of championship clubs who buy Sky Sports subscriptions are actually making it more difficult for their own team to get promoted. 

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11 hours ago, David said:

Didn’t take long.

But this is more than just Derby. I can point you towards more than a dozen topics that are sticking the boot into the club where you could have a whale of a time.

Can even find a couple where AFC Derby and full on liquidation scenarios for doomsday.

Regardless of where we finished, who’s in charge it’s wrong, we should be able to call that out without attacking our own club yet again.

The prize money on offer in the Premier League is obscene, the numbers are more nauseating when you consider grounds have been empty for over a year in 3 leagues, 3 leagues which unlike the Premier League ticket revenue accounts for a large percentage of the clubs yearly revenue.

But yeah, let’s ignore that to complain about Rooney again because that’s the biggest issue the Football League is facing right now. 

Doubt if fans of DCFC or any other club would complain about the system if they were sat mid table in the Premier League. 

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Oh and another thing....how did the teams getting the parachute payments get into the Premier League in the first place without said parachute payments? They didn't magic themselves there so again just undermines the point you're attempting to make. Sheffield United were playing in League 1 four years ago, Bournemouth were playing in League 1 eight years ago and so on. So there is a way but we have contrived to stuff things up which we or Mel Morris to be exact have only themselves to blame.

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5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Lets be honest, most of us are complicit.

Just the same as anyone that has sat there slagging off the officials having watched the 10th replay of an incident, is complicit in VAR.

Just the same as anyone that has watched a match on Sky on Tuesday/Thursday/Friday at 12pm, 6pm, 8pm, is complicit in matches being played at times inconvenient for fans.

Everyone that has continued with their Sky Sports subscription whilst watching them rip the heart of our national game, is complicit with this financial situation.

Reap what you sow and all that.

They’ve set the ball rolling and are now up in arms because football doesn’t need them any more. The Asian market is far more lucrative than the domestic one. The Euro super duper league will come sooner rather than later and you’ll have games kicking off at times to suit China. I said it years ago, it’s just a matter of time.

The best thing that could have happened to our game is if the Fat 5/6 would have kept their nerve and buggered off to sunnier climates. Get it over and done with.

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Don't think anyone  would be giving a toss about this if we were in the premiere leauge, but we're are not through poor management ,qestional coaching,and poor recruitment all of our own doing or not doing to be more precise.

It's never been a level playing field and never will be, and I am sure it's getting more bias towards top flight clubs. However if it was just about pumping money In to  a club to become successful Mel has surely disproved that theory.

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1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

Oh and another thing....how did the teams getting the parachute payments get into the Premier League in the first place without said parachute payments? They didn't magic themselves there so again just undermines the point you're attempting to make. Sheffield United were playing in League 1 four years ago, Bournemouth were playing in League 1 eight years ago and so on. So there is a way but we have contrived to stuff things up which we or Mel Morris to be exact have only themselves to blame.

Is that same Bournemouth that broke FFP rules to get promoted? 

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