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Harry and Megan Oprah Interview


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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Very interesting, for what’s is worth my view on it is they following:

Harrys done alright for a Ginger hasn’t he! 

Do you feel so threatened by gingers that you have to try belittling them, by poking fun at them. 

Would you make a similar comment about someone's sexuality, skin colour, phys or ethnicity. Even the dumb blonde jokes are now frowned upon. But you feel it's OK to disparage a minority of our society. Those that laughed along with you are just as bad.

Ginger and Proud.

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When you see all the right wing press lined up to attack them, with bullets fed by the establishment, I instinctively am suspicious. 

I am also amused by people thinking that because they have given a interview after objecting to their private family letters being published in the press they are hypocrites. The 2 situations just don't correlate.

Wayne Rooney gives interviews to Radio Derby, does this mean it would be acceptable for RD to obtain and publish a private letter to Steve McClaren for example.

People are just being triggered as usual, just like they are with the BBC, Gary Lineker and whoever else Rupert Murdoch et al disagrees with.    

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4 hours ago, David said:

Not watched it, not interested and how is Piers Morgan still on TV?

Anyhow, this video is great if you haven’t seen it.

The tl;dw is some Royal Commentators in the media, agreed to give their thoughts on the interview, 3 days before it was even released. For money of course. 

The lads even chucked in a lie saying Meghan would not be getting the vaccination, one commentator called her selfish for her.

Absolute gold, really is.


This brilliant video was way more interesting than the trashy gossip of the royals. Some posh snobs, who have said racist things in the past, are probably a bit racist still. Wow!

Think they chickened out of by not criticising the Queen though. How can you complain so much about the royal family, but leave out the one in charge? One of hers sons was big mates with Jimmy Savile, the other big mates with that Epstein freak. What a great mother to bring up people like that!

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37 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Do you feel so threatened by gingers that you have to try belittling them, by poking fun at them. 

Would you make a similar comment about someone's sexuality, skin colour, phys or ethnicity. Even the dumb blonde jokes are now frowned upon. But you feel it's OK to disparage a minority of our society. Those that laughed along with you are just as bad.

Ginger and Proud.

Apologies for laughing at it.  The humour for me was treating them with the lack of respect they deserve.

I've always thought that ginger jokes are different to the other things you mentioned, as the level of discrimination faced by gingers is surely on a different level to things faced by those other groups.  I'm sure there is still bullying of gingers though, especially at schools, so understand why it could be upsetting.

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1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

Do you feel so threatened by gingers that you have to try belittling them, by poking fun at them. 

Would you make a similar comment about someone's sexuality, skin colour, phys or ethnicity. Even the dumb blonde jokes are now frowned upon. But you feel it's OK to disparage a minority of our society. Those that laughed along with you are just as bad.

Ginger and Proud.

I’d did say he’d done alright 

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In a similar vein, I found Romney’s post match interview after the Barnsley fiasco in two days time quite encouraging. At least he was prepared to admit we were poor and need to improve. The only disappointment was his refusal to be drawn on whether he’d have the vaccination or not.

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Sith Happens

Probably watch it as the wife will want to.

I dont agree with coming out with an accusation of racism but then not being prepared to say who it was.

There will be huge amounts of speculation who it was, i have already seen on reddit which male royal is suspected of it.

In my opinion you either say who it was and allow them to defend themselves or dont say anything at all, bit like the ulrika rape allegation she wouldnt say but there was huge speculation and it was announced it was John Leslie but she still kept quiet, either say who it was or dont say it at all.


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1 hour ago, Anon said:

Harry and Megan vs the Royal Cabal is like asking me whether I prefer hookworm or guinea worm.

Wife been on the phone for over an hour about this and will be on the phone for another hour .  It’s that bad I might have to read to Coronavirus thread to cheer myself up.

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My overall view is this interview doesn't sit right with me. As someone who has had to deal with mental health battles in the past, I can sympathise with the couple in terms of their struggles trying to cope with their mental state. Regardless of class and wealth, anybody can feel like a worthless piece of rubbish. The Royal family haven't exactly got the best track record when it comes to personal care.

What I had to think as someone who's been bullied, what was the purpose of this interview. What are they trying to achieve. And the reasons behind them speaking I feel are motivated by the money being offered, the nice sum of a million dollars, and a sense of revenge because they've got a massive bee in their bonnet that they can't seem to let go. You'd think a private conversation with the Royal family would bring about a form of peace. It seems Meghan Markle wants to turn the delicate and sensitive situation into a big reality TV show, which is great for their Netflix deal. She best not return to these shores for her own sake.

For someone who doesn't want media attention, the pair of them have been on every popular chat show in America and made big deals with entertainment companies to promote their personal lives. The hypocrisy is fairly obvious. Prince Harry has gone from hero to zero. The guy is so under the thumb and Meghan shows traits of manipulation. She seems to alienate a lot of people in her life and she's got this "us against everyone" attitude. Clearly she was too ignorant to realise the Royal family is a completely different lifestyle. Call it old fashioned, this is what sets them apart and makes them unique. Princess Diana was a child who was oblivious and innocent when she first arrived onto the scene. Meghan is nearly 40, divorced. I find it hard to believe how naive she was when agreeing to marry a Prince.

They've sold their story for money. If they wanted to really hit home with more of the audience, they wouldn't take the money. If your personal views were so strong and it was hurting you deeply to the point of suicide thoughts, I wouldn't take the money. No amount of money could replace my mental health.

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I find the whole thing quite nauseating to be fair. Where's the right of reply from the Palace who I admit probably aren't any angels either. Bet it's a case of two 3s and a 6 but those two Muppets have got their preemptive strike in first on national TV. 

As long as the taxpayer isn't having to pay for any of their upkeep then really not bothered to be fair though I did see they didn't give the interview with Oprah for free so it's ok to trade tawdry information for cash I guess then. 

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I don't think it was any of the royal family who said anything racist, as they were all at Wokingham Pizza Express when the comment was made. Uncle Andy had a hot and spicy pizza, then covered it in chilli oil to impress the young waitress. His mouth was burning up, but as he doesn't sweat, you'd have never known he was suffering. His superior breeding allows him to always maintain that stiff upper lip.

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2 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

I find the whole thing quite nauseating to be fair. Where's the right of reply from the Palace who I admit probably aren't any angels either. Bet it's a case of two 3s and a 6 but those two Muppets have got their preemptive strike in first on national TV. 

As long as the taxpayer isn't having to pay for any of their upkeep then really not bothered to be fair though I did see they didn't give the interview with Oprah for free so it's ok to trade tawdry information for cash I guess then. 

Surely this is their 'right of reply'. Buckingham Palace have issued statements and made decisions. The media/press have jumped onboard.

It works both ways. 

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