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Harry and Megan Oprah Interview


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Not watched it, not interested and how is Piers Morgan still on TV?

Anyhow, this video is great if you haven’t seen it.

The tl;dw is some Royal Commentators in the media, agreed to give their thoughts on the interview, 3 days before it was even released. For money of course. 

The lads even chucked in a lie saying Meghan would not be getting the vaccination, one commentator called her selfish for her.

Absolute gold, really is.


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15 minutes ago, David said:

Page 3 on your mind already? Filthy boy.

From the tiny bit I saw, all your interpretations will rest on how you went into it anyway ..

Megan is asked who made what was either a horribly racist statement to Harry.. or asked him a totally innocent question of the type anyone with children will have been asked (do you think he will have your hair, colouring, height, nose). So you will make up your mind depending on where your loyalties lie. 

Her response was along lines of 'I don't think that would reflect well in that person'.... So is she gallantly defending this racist or was it a thinly veiled blackmail that if they come back at her she will disclose it? 

I agree with Piers in that its a bit rich to moan about the intrusion of the media by going on Oprah having been married to a Prince by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

Likewise, I do imagine living in a house with servants, butlers and with the Royal Family as your immediate confidants seems pretty awful to me having come from a relatively normal background. 


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40 minutes ago, David said:

Not watched it, not interested and how is Piers Morgan still on TV?

Anyhow, this video is great if you haven’t seen it.

The tl;dw is some Royal Commentators in the media, agreed to give their thoughts on the interview, 3 days before it was even released. For money of course. 

The lads even chucked in a lie saying Meghan would not be getting the vaccination, one commentator called her selfish for her.

Absolute gold, really is.


Very interesting indeed. Eye opening in fact. Now I have seen this I can imagine this happening a lot in the media. Especially in politics where MPs are asked to give their opinion on a new development without knowing any facts. Isn't it amazing how they are so skilled at talking around a topic, to push their agenda without knowledge of any specifics. 

I will look at 'expert' political and news commentary in a different light from now on.

Thanks for this.

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Very interesting, for what’s is worth my view on it is they following:

Harrys done alright for a Ginger hasn’t he! 

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19 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

I agree with Piers in that its a bit rich to moan about the intrusion of the media by going on Oprah having been married to a Prince by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

On one hand I agree, but then I can understand if they felt the need to put their side out there, change the public perception that the media have created.

It’s not just Harry and Meghan, but they have 2 kids that have been born into this mess that will undoubtedly have this follow them as they get older.

I would have perhaps gone down the book route though, written in my own words, choosing Oprah feels a little bizarre, but then I would imagine it’s paid well and you can’t really fault them.

Meghan’s acting career will be over, not like either will be able to pick up normal jobs and carry on like the rest of us.


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1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I give this three pages.

The only thing that would empress me, is that the 3 pages get filled with royalty related puns.

Perhaps you could help out, and maybe post  something about one king. or something similar?


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8 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

The weird question about what shade of brown the baby will be - surely has to be a Prince Phillip classic gaffe?

50 Shades of Brown. A dramatic film charting a tempestuous relationship between a Royal Family and an errant Prince and his chosen woman.

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21 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

People are shocked that the ancien regime is racist and treats outsiders badly.


Wolfie had the right idea.

"Come the revolution, brothers and sisters, up against the wall, bop bop bop."

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Don't forget she's an actress (and he appears to have turned into a spineless wuss) - the whole interview will have been scripted in advance in order to produce the maximum number of 'wow' moments....watching this sham will be a complete waste of time....

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