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Harry and Megan Oprah Interview


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14 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Harry keeps going on about security. Is he expecting me to pay towards it? He can jog on I wish I was a few million behind him.

Can't help feeling cynically it is his trump card...ie clearly his Mum wasn't safe, so no one can argue with that point. 

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2 hours ago, sage said:

Surely this is their 'right of reply'. Buckingham Palace have issued statements and made decisions. The media/press have jumped onboard.

It works both ways. 

They've issued statements which should be treated with equal disinterest to me emailing East Midlands Today telling them that I once swallowed a marble, going on to supply them with a record of my bowel movements in the 25 years since then in order to prove that it was still stuck somewhere in my lower intestine. 

Actually come to think of it that would be more newsworthy...

The royal family and everyone associated with it has turned into the equivalent of an  episode of Love Island,only absolute ducking idiots with no self worth or any sense of perspective are remotely interested in it, and those who are aren't worth knowing.

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I think the Royal family do a marvellous job for the country and we should all be very proud of them, both individually and collectively. They make so many sacrifices on our behalf. They have a marvellous sense of duty and devotion to our Queen which is absolutely terrific.

Prince Charles should be very proud of both of his sons. William is marvellous and Harry has done lots in Africa for people without toilets. He has chosen a different path but the monarchy remains strong and remains an institution which is the envy of the world. Hip hip hurray. Three cheers I say. 

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12 minutes ago, RamNut said:

I think the Royal family do a marvellous job for the country and we should all be very proud of them, both individually and collectively. They make so many sacrifices on our behalf. They have a marvellous sense of duty and devotion to our Queen which is absolutely terrific.

Prince Charles should be very proud of both of his sons. William is marvellous and Harry has done lots in Africa for people without toilets. He has chosen a different path but the monarchy remains strong and remains an institution which is the envy of the world. Hip hip hurray. Three cheers I say. 

I think my irony radar is on the blink...without it I'm really confused what to make of this!!! 

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9 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Do you feel so threatened by gingers that you have to try belittling them, by poking fun at them. 

Would you make a similar comment about someone's sexuality, skin colour, phys or ethnicity. Even the dumb blonde jokes are now frowned upon. But you feel it's OK to disparage a minority of our society. Those that laughed along with you are just as bad.

Ginger and Proud.

I was going to respond to the original post but didn't. My wife is what is called strawberry blonde and so are my twin daughters. Even Before I  met my wife I used to cringe at people saying foxes p!ss - just seemed so infantile!

Many years ago while at the start of my military career I was on my trade course and my wife took a job as a cleaner in the Royal Signals School, a group on an upgrader course had this corporal - a black guy who was special forces and who made her life hell! She used to be in tears at night. she once asked him why he hated her and if he carried on she have to would report it - he went right into her face and said "what can you do to me?". He put signs up on all the doors saying "no gingers!"... It was reported but nothing was done (go figure).

Anyone who knows my wife knows that she is the sweetest person on god's green earth (ok, i'm not) - why is this abuse acceptable and just laughed off?

Sorry for the rant - I guess I'm angry at myself all these years later for not throwing him out of the window.


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Confession, is this just me?..

I really don't pay any attention to Royal Family stuff. I knew Harry was dating someone who had some minor part on Suits (which I had watched about 2 mins of and turned off) and had then seen an article about her Dad being ostracised by her. That was it. 

It was ages after the wedding when I first saw a news item where she talked about her heritage. I genuinely until that moment didn't know she was anything other than 'white'. Finding all the racist press stuff hard to fathom because it obviously totally passed me by! 

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1 hour ago, maxjam said:

Not seen the interview and don't really care for the 'dirty linen to be aired in public' approach, I did find this funny;

(at approx 1m 35s)




The sun is shining and c0ckwomble walked off set.

It is going to be a good day.

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37 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I thought the trained Actress came across really well in the staged interview last night. 

Yep, how many interviews do you think are not "staged" surely that is the whole point of them they are all staged..

I thought both her and Harry came across really well actually, both seem solid people who have definitely been let down by people they obviously thought they could rely on.

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1 minute ago, MuespachRam said:

Yep, how many interviews do you think are not "staged" surely that is the whole point of them they are all staged..

I thought both her and Harry came across really well actually, both seem solid people who have definitely been let down by people they obviously thought they could rely on.

I said she came across well.

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