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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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13 hours ago, Archied said:

They say one of the reason for rising case numbers is people mistaking it for hay fever ,,,,,,


On 01/07/2022 at 22:15, uttoxram75 said:

I'm not sure why people are still testing? Are the symptoms worse than a cold?

Maybe people still need to test, to show them if they've got covid or they just need a couple of Piriton tablets.

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14 hours ago, Archied said:

They say one of the reason for rising case numbers is people mistaking it for hay fever ,,,,,,

That's what my mum thought last week.  Turns out it was covid .  Hence me feeling like s*** since Tuesday.  It's mile worse than a cold and since Thursday I've been able to taste and smell nothing.   

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On 01/07/2022 at 22:15, uttoxram75 said:

I'm not sure why people are still testing? Are the symptoms worse than a cold?

Mrs Wolfie tested positive on Saturday & we're sure she picked it up at a school variety show thing last Tuesday night. She's been properly knocked back energy-wise and has a bad chest and horrible cough, so certainly worse than a cold for her at least.

Anyway I've been testing (negative so far) because we've got a couple of vulnerable people at work, plus I was supposed to be seeing my folks yesterday (obviously more at risk than us due to their age etc).

If I catch it (we both managed to avoid it when my daughter got it in March), I won't be isolating but just be a bit more careful who I mix with - and will work from home.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Mrs Wolfie tested positive on Saturday & we're sure she picked it up at a school variety show thing last Tuesday night. She's been properly knocked back energy-wise and has a bad chest and horrible cough, so certainly worse than a cold for her at least.

Anyway I've been testing (negative so far) because we've got a couple of vulnerable people at work, plus I was supposed to be seeing my folks yesterday (obviously more at risk than us due to their age etc).

If I catch it (we both managed to avoid it when my daughter got it in March), I won't be isolating but just be a bit more careful who I mix with - and will work from home.

Fair enough Wolfie.

I don't know anyone with bad symptoms but obviously its around.

Hope the missus feels better soon, and @Gee SCREAMER !! as well.

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Missus has been terrible with it, while I've felt better than usual. 

She had no response to the booster, while I was in bed for two days after.

Exactly the opposite to the original jabs.

Edited by Rev
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  • 2 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Sister's currently in hospital with Covid-19. I'm sure she'd have rather been at the match yesterday.

Hope she gets well soon Eddie!

I had my 5th cycle of chemo on Tuesday and tested positive on Thursday.

NHS contacted me Friday to prescribe me some antivirals.

I count myself lucky that I just feel a bit poo at the moment and hope the antivirals prevent it doing too much damage in my weakened state.

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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Archied said:

Denmark stops covid jabs for under 18 s 

Good, but lets up that to anyone under 50/60 without underlying health concerns - offer boosters yearly with the flu jab.

Interesting to see now that the US have just relaxed their covid guidance - we've been doing similar for a while now.  I wonder if Djokovic will be allowed in for the tennis now.


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1 hour ago, maxjam said:

Good, but lets up that to anyone under 50/60 without underlying health concerns - offer boosters yearly with the flu jab

Nah - how about just letting adults make their own decisions? Not like it's mandatory, and adults who don't want it have simply refused to have it. Where is the problem with that?

Otherwise it all starts to sound like the kind of authoritarian stuff that the anti-vaxxers supposedly hate so much

I've maintained all along that "my body, my choice" should apply here

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Nah - how about just letting adults make their own decisions? Not like it's mandatory, and adults who don't want it have simply refused to have it. Where is the problem with that?

Otherwise it all starts to sound like the kind of authoritarian stuff that the anti-vaxxers supposedly hate so much

I've maintained all along that "my body, my choice" should apply here

The UK Govt isn't dishing them out willy-nilly any more.  Basically, only the over 50s and vulnerable (or those in close contact) will be offered them.  Fairly sensible imo, although given the now accepted fact that vaccines don't stop you from catching/transmitting covid, lets hope that those providing care aren't discriminated against, especially at a time when the NHS is on its knees.


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1 hour ago, Crewton said:

Do you have a reputable source for this claim? 

This has been an accepted fact for a long time now.  You only have to look at the sheer numbers of people that have been vaccinated yet still caught covid (often more than once) this year - including people such as Dr. Fauci and Joe Biden (plenty of memes around on youtube etc showing them telling you you're not gonna catch covid if you get the jabs ?

Throughout this thread I have often posted the official UK Govt Surveillance Data that shows the numbers of vaccinated people infected/dying from covid is actually higher than the percentage of the population they make up - although thats not surprising tbh as the average age of death from covid is still over 80 and they are far more likely to be vaccinated than say the under 40s.

The latest data is here, I cba to look through it again;


As for reputable sources, in the US both the Dr. Fauci and CDC Director Dr. Walensky have now stated that vaccines don't prevent transmission.  I also posted a clip from Boris Johnson around Christmas in this thread stating that the vaccines don't prevent transmission.  Here is an old clip re. the Delta variant.  The vaccines are even less effective re. Omicron.

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