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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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On 23/03/2022 at 14:36, i-Ram said:

Come on @Unlucky Alfand @Kathcairns  What was going on in the 50s by way of medicare. Feel free to share what your friends and acquaintances used too. This thread is dying on its arse now that Boris has cured Covid

Polio was the bad one.

Vaccine on a sugar lump for the little ones, a needle for the big boys (aged about 8, like I was at the time).

I had more injections than the average pin-cushion, because at the end of 1961 we were bound for Malaya and Singapore.

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Our company has announced that from April 1st Covid absence will be treated the same as any other absence. Up till now they've paid SSP from day one, now it will revert back to normal sick pay where you don't get paid for the first 3 days of sickness.

So anyone with symptoms will now come to work and share the joy.

I assume this is the same everywhere and Covid is no longer an issue?


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10 hours ago, Eddie said:

We were obviously posher than you. Olive oil soaked into a cotton wool ball was our standard treatment. The cod liver oil was served up on a spoon every morning before school, otherwise I would be certain to get rickets, scurvy, a squint or fallen arches (or whatever Mum decided was de rigueur as far as childhood illnesses were concerned that day). On good days, it was followed by a swig of orange juice from the army clinic if I was lucky.

Ahh , it might have been olive oil ,I know it was ducking hot

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6 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Our company has announced that from April 1st Covid absence will be treated the same as any other absence. Up till now they've paid SSP from day one, now it will revert back to normal sick pay where you don't get paid for the first 3 days of sickness.

So anyone with symptoms will now come to work and share the joy.

I assume this is the same everywhere and Covid is no longer an issue?


I've not heard that in our place. All the perspex dividers, one way Systems and social distancing / room max capacities will be removed, so I guess they'll do the same thing with sick leave. 

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11 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Our company has announced that from April 1st Covid absence will be treated the same as any other absence. Up till now they've paid SSP from day one, now it will revert back to normal sick pay where you don't get paid for the first 3 days of sickness.

So anyone with symptoms will now come to work and share the joy.

I assume this is the same everywhere and Covid is no longer an issue?


Ours has been back to normal for a couple of months but you can use your holiday ?.

No one has been interested in COVID for months really,it’s over.


Edited by Coneheadjohn
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7 hours ago, Coneheadjohn said:

Ours has been back to normal for a couple of months but you can use your holiday ?.

No one has been interested in COVID for months really,it’s over.


We cannot get any sort of doctor's appointment (for the Memsahib) at the moment. A number of doctors are off sick at our local surgery with "It's over", and they cannot get any locums in.

At 7:30 yesterday morning, the telephone appointment booking system was just advising people to ring 111, and the online booking system had been suspended. Those are the only two methods we can start to book an appointment now (No in-person booking any more. You tell the receptionist details of your problem, a GP will then ring back and you go through a triage process to determine the urgency). Both remained that way all day. The surgery isn't open at the weekend so it's either 111, a trip to A&E or wait until Monday to go through the entire process of not being able to book again.

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10 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I’ve been to a nightclub pretty much every week since they’ve reopened, plus a music festival and 40+ Derby games and still haven’t caught it!

Same here, but I’m off on holiday abroad for the first time post COVID two weeks today. Can absolutely guarantee some bamford will give it me at the Preston game. Might go sit in the North Stand so there’s no one within a mile of me.

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38 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I’ve been to a nightclub pretty much every week since they’ve reopened, plus a music festival and 40+ Derby games and still haven’t caught it!

At a a current infection rate that should cover everyone in the UK within about 13 weeks this is probably 'imminent'. You may possibly get the preferred variant within 48 hrs .

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18 hours ago, Rev said:

Every single person on our shop floor has it, except my lad and I.  

I don't want to think about what the morning shift get up to, to be so infectious. 

They're all Forest fans too, if you lie down with dogs you'll get fleas!

Certainly appears to be the case with red dogs, it seems.

Memsahib's been ill for weeks. Not Covid - tested negative again yesterday. Finally got through to the GP at 6:00 am this morning when the online request system opened up again for the first time in 10 days. The trouble with t'internets is that she's now conscious of the million things it could be.

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My 2 work colleagues got it yesterday. It's rife, everyone dropping like flies. 

Last week I had a delivery of new printers, and the delivery crewman who came with them was quite obnoxious in general (was very rude to the testing team and unpleasant to the foreign nationals who struggled to spenn his name and understand his accent). Refused a home test and instead drove 2 hours, sat in a waiting room for an hour, and was ordered off site for his 2 hour journey home. He proudly told us that he'd never done a covid test before. How anyone has managed to get 2 years in and never have done one I don't understand. 

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