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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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3 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

I’m happy where I stand, but i know two people who suffered blood clots, one getting a bit closer to death than he did when he had COVID, within 48 hours of vaccine. So I have a concern about justifying a jab that isnt really needed. 

Total number of people in England and Wales from January 1 to August 31 2021 where primary cause of death was recorded on the death certificate as Covid-19: 59922

Total number of people in England and Wales to January 1 to August 31 2021 where primary cause of death was recorded on the death certificate as a reaction to the vaccine: 9

Blood clots are a fact of life (and all too often, a fact of death). In 2019 (the last year before the pandemic), the total number of deaths in England and Wales where blood clots was the primary cause of death recorded on the death certificate was 4271.

Regarding my personal experience of blood clots, I've had 7 (6 DVT confirmed and 1 pulmonary embolism suspected - it could also have been pleurisy) and am on anticoagulants for life. Vaccines had nothing to do with any of them, but swine flu (another disease that people pooh-poohed as 'mostly harmless') was the trigger for basically screwing my blood and lungs up.

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I'm double jabbed and had the booster. Also had Covid twice.

Does that make me the most vaccinated person on here?

So who are the unvaccinated?  I'd say people who have only had 2 jabs, and people who have not been vaccinated and not recently had Covid. 

Which means the unvaccinated that have had Covid recently - and we are told by people on this thread it is those primarily causing the spreading - are technically more vaccinated than those with 2 jabs. 

If the booster isn't on the supposed vaccine passports, then the passports are worthless. Completely worthless. If the booster is on the passport, it's still ducking worthless as it doesn't stop you getting it or spreading it. 

I'm also a member of MENSA, so that means I'm right..... 

I'm not, because I don't have grandiose narcissistic traits. Which include a lack of empathy, thinking youre on a higher intelligence level to those around you, becoming angry and aggressive towards those who do not agree with you..... 

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

I'm double jabbed and had the booster. Also had Covid twice.

Does that make me the most vaccinated person on here?

So who are the unvaccinated?  I'd say people who have only had 2 jabs, and people who have not been vaccinated and not recently had Covid. 

Which means the unvaccinated that have had Covid recently - and we are told by people on this thread it is those primarily causing the spreading - are technically more vaccinated than those with 2 jabs. 

If the booster isn't on the supposed vaccine passports, then the passports are worthless. Completely worthless. If the booster is on the passport, it's still ducking worthless as it doesn't stop you getting it or spreading it. 

I'm also a member of MENSA, so that means I'm right..... 

I'm not, because I don't have grandiose narcissistic traits. Which include a lack of empathy, thinking youre on a higher intelligence level to those around you, becoming angry and aggressive towards those who do not agree with you..... 

Doesn't always follow

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7 hours ago, Eddie said:

Total number of people in England and Wales from January 1 to August 31 2021 where primary cause of death was recorded on the death certificate as Covid-19: 59922

Total number of people in England and Wales to January 1 to August 31 2021 where primary cause of death was recorded on the death certificate as a reaction to the vaccine: 9

Blood clots are a fact of life (and all too often, a fact of death). In 2019 (the last year before the pandemic), the total number of deaths in England and Wales where blood clots was the primary cause of death recorded on the death certificate was 4271.

Regarding my personal experience of blood clots, I've had 7 (6 DVT confirmed and 1 pulmonary embolism suspected - it could also have been pleurisy) and am on anticoagulants for life. Vaccines had nothing to do with any of them, but swine flu (another disease that people pooh-poohed as 'mostly harmless') was the trigger for basically screwing my blood and lungs up.

You do realise that if someone died of the vaccine but had Covid in the previous 60 or 90 days (depending when, as parameters changed), it was recorded as a Covid related death and NOT a vaccine related death??

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17 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

You do realise that if someone died of the vaccine but had Covid in the previous 60 or 90 days (depending when, as parameters changed), it was recorded as a Covid related death and NOT a vaccine related death??

Not sure this is correct.

How do you die 'of the vaccine'?

If the vaccine caused blood clots and the person also had Covid, then the blood clots would be recorded as the primary cause of death but Covid would also be mentioned on the death certificate.

That is my understanding anyway, happy to be proved wrong if there is evidence to the contrary.

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Interesting article on the BBC this morning, explaining that one of the reasons why the Omicron variant is not leading to a big rise in hospital admissions is the take up of vaccinations.

"This is largely thanks to a huge amount of immunity that has built up across the population either through vaccination or infection."

Full article here: 


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8 hours ago, Norman said:

becoming angry and aggressive towards those who do not agree with you

what about becoming passive-aggressive? You're quite good at that ?

But FWIW I agree with you 100% on the stuff you just put about vaccine passports. A stupid idea that has little medical purpose, and more importantly - doesn't even work anyway

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16 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

this amuses me. The Ickes generally give their messages/opinions/propaganda away for free, but it was clearly exposing so many people that they were silenced by mainstream media. Ironically, they have to now fund their own platforms, so any money they make is cos they were silenced by the social media companies for going against the narrative.

Interestingly, David Icke exposed Jimmy Saville (and other powerful pedofiles) 12 years before he was officially outed and was ridiculed and discredited by the very same establishments that discredit him now.

I consider the Ickes as close friends, and am slightly offended on their behalf by your generalisation. I am willing to guess you've never listened to a thing Gareth or Jaymie have said, or watched any speech they've ever given, in fact I would predict you have no interest in doing so. That is your prerogative. I however, whilst not always agreeing, do listen and watch. It's funny how almost every prediction since the first mentions of Covid in January 2020, have actually come true, from Lockdowns, to Vaccinations, to Vaccine Passports, to creations of division, to silencing of voices... you name it, they were right.

I have heard about Jaymie's film where he accuses NHS staff like my sisters and niece of murdering old people in hospital to boost Covid numbers. Delightful.

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10 minutes ago, sage said:

I have heard about Jaymie's film where he accuses NHS staff like my sisters and niece of murdering old people in hospital to boost Covid numbers. Delightful.

The conspiracy has long arms - and many millions of co-conspirators, apparently.

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47 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

Possibly because the US Army are developing a long-lasting covid vaccine that will be effective against all strains/mutations


That's no good for Pfizers financial forecasts

That said - if the GI Joe's get it right then I'm not sure that the whole world being in hock to the US Army is necessarily a good thing either? ?

Edited by Stive Pesley
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2 hours ago, sage said:

I have heard about Jaymie's film where he accuses NHS staff like my sisters and niece of murdering old people in hospital to boost Covid numbers. Delightful.

You mean you’ve read a report about it? Try watching it just to be sure that report is true, otherwise dismiss the report as anti-Icke. 

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31 minutes ago, sage said:

Have you watched it? 

I’ve seen bits and pieces around this , it’s to do with something called the Liverpool care pathway ( now supposedly abolished)  , end of life care and a certain drug used which is claimed has been used in much larger amounts during pandemic, non resuscitate orders being placed on elderly ( during pandemic) without relatives or patients knowledge , very emotive with a lot of complainants , worth proper balanced ??‍♂️investigation I would think

the drug in question is midazolam 

Edited by Archied
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29 minutes ago, Archied said:

I’ve seen bits and pieces around this , it’s to do with something called the Liverpool care pathway ( now supposedly abolished)  , end of life care and a certain drug used which is claimed has been used in much larger amounts during pandemic, non resuscitate orders being placed on elderly ( during pandemic) without relatives or patients knowledge , very emotive with a lot of complainants , worth proper balanced ??‍♂️investigation I would think

the drug in question is midazolam 

It could, and SHOULD have been a Panorama documentary. 

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