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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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7 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Started feeling a bit under the weather Thursday night and sensed it was Covid. Both got tests yesterday, hers came back clear, mine not. She had a nasty variant back in the early days of the pandemic and despite being mid-thirties and very fit and healthy, it was touch and go for a while, so she'll be away while I self-isolate. Better safe then sorry and all that. 

Word of warning; I don't have the Omicron symptoms, rather the temperature, coughing, sore eyes and tight chest associated with earlier variants, so be aware that the potentially nasty ones are still out there. No sermons, just be mindful peeps! 

Hope you get well soon! What a start to the New Year. Hope the family stays well.

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12 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

Leading figures are asked to air their views for a reason. In this case I listen to leading figures issuing their views on behalf of science and the WHO.

I take podcasts with a big pinch of salt. Most are run by the hosts whose main objective is to get highly controversial views out there to attract a higher number of listeners, and thus with the objective of generating more income for themselves.

So really you've just proven my point, you believe the leading figures are what the Government and MSM serve up to you on a plate.

As I said, no problems with that but I think alot of people have become very wary of what is fed to them, especially when some of it is so easily proven to be lies.

We both know that there is a long list of people with alternative views that I could give to you and, other than what the MSM have fed you, there would be no way that you could argue that they were not leading figures on the subject that they are discussing.

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I haven't watched the video. I prefer to read than watch. I've got better things to do than watch a nut job spout anti vax nonsense. So I looked around for a professional medical person's response and it does make interesting reading. 




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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I haven't watched the video. I prefer to read than watch. I've got better things to do than watch a nut job spout anti vax nonsense. So I looked around for a professional medical person's response and it does make interesting reading. 


Troubling thing is the world seems packed with nut jobs and lots of them are in Govt! ?

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

So really you've just proven my point, you believe the leading figures are what the Government and MSM serve up to you on a plate.

As I said, no problems with that but I think alot of people have become very wary of what is fed to them, especially when some of it is so easily proven to be lies.

We both know that there is a long list of people with alternative views that I could give to you and, other than what the MSM have fed you, there would be no way that you could argue that they were not leading figures on the subject that they are discussing.

I don’t understand your thinking. I listen to the WHO and leading figures whose work is peer-reviewed.

The government’s job is to seek the best medical advice and issue that advice to the public. You can pick faults with their handling of the situation, and the statistics they interpret. Some make no sense. But I don’t take much notice of that, as I’m content following WHO advice.

What I don’t pay much attention to is ‘leading figures’ sharing their views on podcasts.

Ask yourself what is the motive?

Podcasts are just a platform to make money. Nobody does them for free. They are there to attract viewers.

And basic human psychology tells us that more viewers are drawn to controversial views rather than a majority opinion.

We’ve seen it countless times on this forum. A thread praising Wayne Rooney wouldn’t attract half the attention compared to a thread criticizing him.

Do you think Joe Rogan would get on a ‘leading figure’ to basically repeat what the WHO have already said? No, as that doesn’t attract viewers.

However, getting somebody on with views contrary to popular belief and you have a platform which attracts the minority to use it as further fuel to their own opinions, while also drawing in the majority to disagree with their assessment.

Joe Rogan isn’t stupid. Just like TalkSport aren’t stupid with Simon Jordan, Robbie Savage and Chris Sutton given a platform to spout their views.



Edited by Bris Vegas
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6 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

I don’t understand your thinking. I listen to the WHO and leading figures whose work is peer-reviewed.

The government’s job is to seek the best medical advice and issue that advice to the public. You can pick faults with their handling of the situation, and the statistics they interpret. Some make no sense. But I don’t take much notice of that, as I’m content following WHO advice.

I have as much trust in the WHO as I do our Government.

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11 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yet you Google him and the first thing that comes up is his Wikipedia where is states about him spreading misinformation about Covid vaccines.

Its no wonder that people are not prepared to listen to a range of views. 

Its amazing that it often tends to be the people that also say follow the science and trust the experts that are the first to dismiss the very people they claim to promote.

I've listened to various interviews with Dr Malone in the past. His agenda is pretty transparent. Try googling Dr Malone fact check and there are dozens of hits from impartial fact checking websites debunking his nonsense

Let's be honest , the only people who believe him are the people who desperately want to believe him,and he's playing to that audience





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8 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I've listened to various interviews with Dr Malone in the past. His agenda is pretty transparent. Try googling Dr Malone fact check and there are dozens of hits from impartial fact checking websites debunking his nonsense

Let's be honest , the only people who believe him are the people who desperately want to believe him,and he's playing to that audience

Is he that bloke who sells those bloody overpriced candles too? Absolute fraud.

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15 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I've listened to various interviews with Dr Malone in the past. His agenda is pretty transparent. Try googling Dr Malone fact check and there are dozens of hits from impartial fact checking websites debunking his nonsense

Let's be honest , the only people who believe him are the people who desperately want to believe him,and he's playing to that audience

Dont know anything about him.

Not listened to the piece and have made no comment about how reliable he is because I have never heard of him.

Just when you go on Wikipedia and the first thing you read is that he has been criticised for spreading misinformation, that would seem like some sort of agenda.

But Im with you though, we should now disregard everything this Government tells us based on the fact that we know they have spread misinformation during this pandemic.


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34 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

But Im with you though, we should now disregard everything this Government tells us based on the fact that we know they have spread misinformation during this pandemic

By all means question everything this shower in charge say - but it's always wise to get your actual info from people MORE reliable than them - not less


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2 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

Why do you say that?

The World Health Organisation should be completely free of any outside interference, corporate or governmental, but unfortunately their funding is heavily dependent on pharmaceutical corporations, either directly or through individuals and politicians with vested interests.

The only way to stop conspiracy theories and genuine scepticism of the whole narrative would be complete transparency of funding from every organisation that advises governments, from politicians to fact checking companies, and yes, from antivaxxers themselves.

Loads of people scoff when people say "follow the money",  but hedge funds, very wealthy individuals and corporations, do not fund research that may hurt their profits. 

Full financial transparency is the only way we will ever get honest debate nowadays. 

Years ago, a group calling themselves The Taxpayers Alliance were on TV and in all the papers talking about governments wasting tax money on all sorts of stuff. It turned out they were funded by tax dodging corporations to influence less spending on public services while  making tax evasion easier for themselves.

Whatever your views on Covid, vaccines or anything else for that matter, just take a moment to ask yourself "who is funding the information I'm reading or listening to?".

If that info is not easily available, then maybe you should be a tad sceptical until you know a bit more.


Its horrible being old and cynical but unfortunately, thats how our world is. When you think about it, its a very small and powerful group who truly influence the big decisions.




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2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

I've listened to various interviews with Dr Malone in the past. His agenda is pretty transparent. Try googling Dr Malone fact check and there are dozens of hits from impartial fact checking websites debunking his nonsense

Let's be honest , the only people who believe him are the people who desperately want to believe him,and he's playing to that audience





It is utterly laughable that you believe "fact checking" sites on a page 1 google hit are impartial.

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

By all means question everything this shower in charge say - but it's always wise to get your actual info from people MORE reliable than them - not less

And equally wise to get info from a wide range of sources rather than all the ones that you know will give you the answer you want.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

And equally wise to get info from a wide range of sources rather than all the ones that you know will give you the answer you want.

If some of your sources are nutjob conspiracy theorists, which half a dozen contributors to this thread appear to subscribe to or at least gleefully espouse the messages contained therein, then enlightenment and the truth is shrouded in clouds of obfuscation. 

Occam's Razor states that the explanation containing the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct.

I really am sorry that I come across as particularly harsh to some on here in this thread, but like I have said many times before, ignorance is acceptable and understandable - wilful ignorance is not. Of the people I know (which is, admittedly, a very small pool and because of my age, getting smaller by the year), the people espousing the nutjob theories are often those of (relatively) lower intelligence. I don't know anyone who is either the holder of a science degree or a member of Mensa who thinks that being vaccinated is a bad thing, either long or short-term.

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10 hours ago, Miggins said:

Hope you get well soon! What a start to the New Year. Hope the family stays well.

Thank you and others too for the kind messages. Another sweaty night but feeling a deal better this morning. Temperature back close to normal range already, so I think I've been quite fortunate really as I already appear to be over the worst of it and even that was just uncomfortable rather than anything more serious. 

And while the sympathy is genuinely appreciated, the point of my post was really to remind folk that while Omicron seems likely to become the dominant strain, for now at least, and is by all accounts akin to nothing more than a common cold, for most at least, there still remains some risk to older folk and those with underlying health issues posed by other lingering and more virulent strains. To be honest, that fact had rather passed yours truly by as I've been blithely cracking on with life as normal since the relaxation of restrictions and most recently especially (save for popping on masks where required) as I'd mistakenly assumed all other strains were to all intents and purposes, done with. I've no idea why other than self-kiddology as much like everyone else, I'm sure, I'm somewhat Covid-weary. I also wrongly assumed that PCR tests differentiate between strains. They don't, so please don't assume that even if you do catch the virus, it will be plain-sailing, as it may not be. 

Edited by 86 Hair Islands
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4 hours ago, Eddie said:

If some of your sources are nutjob conspiracy theorists, which half a dozen contributors to this thread appear to subscribe to or at least gleefully espouse the messages contained therein, then enlightenment and the truth is shrouded in clouds of obfuscation. 

Occam's Razor states that the explanation containing the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct.

I really am sorry that I come across as particularly harsh to some on here in this thread, but like I have said many times before, ignorance is acceptable and understandable - wilful ignorance is not. Of the people I know (which is, admittedly, a very small pool and because of my age, getting smaller by the year), the people espousing the nutjob theories are often those of (relatively) lower intelligence. I don't know anyone who is either the holder of a science degree or a member of Mensa who thinks that being vaccinated is a bad thing, either long or short-term.

So wishing serious illness or death on those who don’t agree with you just comes under the category of harsh ?????,

this total agreement amongst the so called intelligent/ qualified , does that run through mass vaccination of ALL categories from children up ? Running mass numerous booster programmes in rich countries whilst poor countries stay in the main unvaccinated?

I don’t need a science degree to tell me that me wishing deaths and or serious illness amongst the vaccinated to prove a point makes me the kind of human being I most certainly don’t ever want to become 

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