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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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1 minute ago, Miggins said:

I think masks probably help to cut the chances of becoming infected based on the fact that since I've worn a mask whilst shopping for  last  (almost)  two years, I've not had a single, rotten cold, and boy, are my colds rotten! I reckon I've been spared at least 5! ?

I think masks probably help to cut the chances of becoming infected based on the fact that multiple studies have shown it to be true and any suggestion otherwise is simply a refusal to believe the evidence. 

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

ive said masks do bugger all , bottom line is that’s a response to outlandish claims they cut infection by 53 % and on such figures they should be mandated, truth is I feel they possibly have some very small effect in certain situations for certain people ,

Hm, who do I trust?

The man who is not a virologist and has no formal medical training and who believes people should not be told to wear masks on moral grounds. 

Or all the scientists in every country on the planet who are formally trained, study this stuff and who say mask wearing is an important element in fighting covid.

Tough call.

Edited by angieram
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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

I think masks probably help to cut the chances of becoming infected based on the fact that multiple studies have shown it to be true and any suggestion otherwise is simply a refusal to believe the evidence. 

Do you think countries like Germany would be having 300 or 400,000 cases a day without masks then?

Why did we never get significantly worse when masks were not used by the majority?

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The World Health Organisation has stated there have been ZERO reported deaths from Omicron. The scientists who found the variant claim it’s only shows mild symptoms. Why all mass hysteria and scaremongering? I can only think it’s because Covid is now a national obsession mainly driven by the MSM and those who believe them. 

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3 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Ok, so I confess to be going on memory and it's not something that is easy to check without spending a lot of time trawling back through interviews, which I'm not going to do.

I'm pretty sure at the time of the vaccines starting to be rolled out they (the pharma companies) announced they were 90%+ effective. I don't think anybody then was saying that they were 90% effective in reducing hospital admissions or death.

I think most people just presumed they meant 90% effective in not catching covid.

But of course, in the last few months they have been saying that, and I'm not even saying they were lying (other than through omission).

It could just be that I was stupid and/or naive in thinking that and most other people realised it wasn't what they meant.

My memory is fairly sucky, so I could be wrong and they explicitly said what you understood to be true, but there were certainly instances when that wasn't the case - hence the confusion.

@Eddie and @Tamworthram liked what you had to say so I'm curious to know that if they realised at the actual time of roll out that the vaccine companies weren't suggesting you're chances of catching Covid were reduced so drastically.

I'm just trying to be honest with the debate here. It would be, as somebody who is strongly pro-vax, pro-mask and anti-Tory, to not even mention this.

In fact, a friend on Facebook said this to me after I posted something similar 'Only problem is an anti vaxxer will read your post and then interpret it as "See, even the vaccinated are saying it's useless"

And he's right, but the alternative is to be intellectually dishonest and that's how I view many on the right. I don't want to be like that.

Pompous enough for you @TexasRam? I think I'm upping my game nicely.

Very humble actually, well played Bob

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2 hours ago, GboroRam said:

It's also an anagram of EROTIC ALMOND. Makes you think. 

  • Moonlit cedar (an optimistic picture)
  • Moron dialect (the language of covidiots)
  • Locate nimrod (one of our aeroplanes is missing)
  • Doom clarinet (jazz musician playing the funeral march)
  • Rectal domino (too many chilis in the curry?)
  • Romantic dole (love in the job centre)
  • Denim locator (must be a sale on)
  • Condom retail (buy me and stop one)
  • Coiled matron (careful - she bites)
  • Loam doctrine (gardening by order)

The scope is endless

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

Hm, who do I trust?

The man who is not a virologist and has no formal medical training and who believes people should not be told to wear masks on moral grounds. 

Or all the scientists in every country on the planet who are formally trained, study this stuff and who say mask wearing is an important element in fighting covid.

Tough call.

I wish I had your patience.

Speaking of patience (or near-homonyms), I see that the Sunday Times are running an article today suggesting that 90% of Covid patients in intensive care currently are unvaccinated.

No further comment necessary.

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I wish I had your patience.

Speaking of patience (or near-homonyms), I see that the Sunday Times are running an article today suggesting that 90% of Covid patients in intensive care currently are unvaccinated.

No further comment necessary.

Excellent, the vaccine is working then, no need for any more pointless messures.

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

Do you think countries like Germany would be having 300 or 400,000 cases a day without masks then?

Why did we never get significantly worse when masks were not used by the majority?

They have to be careful when discussing Germany because they know some of us will remember them holding Germany up as the shining example of how a pandemic should be handled and as a reason why we should not have left the EU...

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45 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Excellent, the vaccine is working then, no need for any more pointless messures.

Indeed - although masks in crowded venues are no hardship and are proved to help, so they are not pointless. That's the ONLY thing I have argued for in the last 12 months (although people with selective memories will tell you otherwise).


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5 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Ok, so I confess to be going on memory and it's not something that is easy to check without spending a lot of time trawling back through interviews, which I'm not going to do.

I'm pretty sure at the time of the vaccines starting to be rolled out they (the pharma companies) announced they were 90%+ effective. I don't think anybody then was saying that they were 90% effective in reducing hospital admissions or death.

I think most people just presumed they meant 90% effective in not catching covid.

But of course, in the last few months they have been saying that, and I'm not even saying they were lying (other than through omission).

It could just be that I was stupid and/or naive in thinking that and most other people realised it wasn't what they meant.

My memory is fairly sucky, so I could be wrong and they explicitly said what you understood to be true, but there were certainly instances when that wasn't the case - hence the confusion.

@Eddie and @Tamworthram liked what you had to say so I'm curious to know that if they realised at the actual time of roll out that the vaccine companies weren't suggesting you're chances of catching Covid were reduced so drastically.

I'm just trying to be honest with the debate here. It would be, as somebody who is strongly pro-vax, pro-mask and anti-Tory, to not even mention this.

In fact, a friend on Facebook said this to me after I posted something similar 'Only problem is an anti vaxxer will read your post and then interpret it as "See, even the vaccinated are saying it's useless"

And he's right, but the alternative is to be intellectually dishonest and that's how I view many on the right. I don't want to be like that.

Pompous enough for you @TexasRam? I think I'm upping my game nicely.

My memory isn’t that great either. I listened to Whitty rather than the pharma companies. And I think he was saying something like 50% reduction in infection rates and 90% reduction in deaths and serious illnesses. 

but really for me whatever the percentages any evidence like that of significant reductions in infections or deaths or both is enough for me. Depends on what you perceive your own risk is of course.

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20 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Indeed - although masks in crowded venues are no hardship and are proved to help, so they are not pointless. That's the ONLY thing I have argued for in the last 12 months (although people with selective memories will tell you otherwise).


Why though?

3 or 4 posts ago you've told us that its mainly unvaccinated people in hospital. 

If they've made their choice not to have the vaccine they why should I have to wear a mask to protect them?

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

I wish I had your patience.

Speaking of patience (or near-homonyms), I see that the Sunday Times are running an article today suggesting that 90% of Covid patients in intensive care currently are unvaccinated.

No further comment necessary.

But there is.

I can't read the article as its behind a paywall, but it does start with 'Doctors and nurses have told...'  so perhaps it is similar to the anonymous and anecdotal article from The Guardian a couple of weeks ago?

Furthermore, from the couple of paragraphs that are free to read it states that it is data from up to July of this year.  Less than 50% of the population had been vaccinated by then - even less if you include the 2 weeks following your jab to be counted as fully vaccinated.

Whilst it remains true that the vaccines help prevent hospitalization and death, due to the fact that 80%+ of the population is vaccinated now there are actually more people in hospital with and dying from covid that are vaccinated than unvaccinated.


The latest official stats re. covid deaths and hospitalizations can be seen below and whilst it doesn't say anything about ICU bed occupancy we can see that far more people vaccinated people are being hospitalized and dying - it would be strange to think they skipped the ICU phase. 

Again, I am not saying the vaccines are useless - as a percentage the unvaccinated are far more likely to need hospital care or die from covid.  But the articles are using out of date data to promote a narrative of fear.



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5 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Hm, who do I trust?

The man who is not a virologist and has no formal medical training and who believes people should not be told to wear masks on moral grounds. 

Or all the scientists in every country on the planet who are formally trained, study this stuff and who say mask wearing is an important element in fighting covid.

Tough call.

That only works if there are not other opposing views from qualified people too and real world evidence that mandatory masks hand in hand with other restrictions are not working in comparison to countries and us states that have discarded them but each to their own??‍♂️

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Why though?

3 or 4 posts ago you've told us that its mainly unvaccinated people in hospital. 

If they've made their choice not to have the vaccine they why should I have to wear a mask to protect them?

It's important that you protect yourself as well, @G STAR RAM.

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Maths and Science - never my strongest subjects, but wonder if anyone can answer the following as it's been bugging me all morning.

I've read that there are more unvaccinated  poorly people in hospital than vaccinated, the unvaccinated making up about 20% (?) of the population.

However,  I've also read that the vaccinated who make up (around 80% of the population ?) are also occupying most hospital beds, being the unfortunate  people who have had their vaccines but still admitted to hospital possibly due their vulnerabilities.

I'm in awe of those scientists who can work this out.

Are there more unvaccinated people in hospital because they haven't been vaccinated or are there more vaccinated people in hospital simply because they greatly outnumber the people who haven't been vaccinated

Sorry if this makes little sense, tying myself in knots here!


Edited by Miggins
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