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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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6 minutes ago, Archied said:

Because in my experience it’s those people who are constantly banging on about keeping measures in place that are divisive , unworkable and I believe counter productive,

I don't think anyone has mentioned this for weeks now. Fortunately the vaccine is keeping hospitslisations and deaths down, so we've been able to remove the measures that you disagreed with. By using a vaccine you also seem to disagree with ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

9 minutes ago, Archied said:

why are you always banging on about crass , uncaring when anybody ( mainly me?) is honest and open enough to disagree with your view,

Whilst you aren't intending to be insensitive, I often cringe reading your posts and hope know one who has lost loved ones is reading them. They probably are though.

In terms of 2 tiers, I imagine most pro-lockdown people would also want all people supported with furlough, as it's how Covid was suppressed. It's pretty difficult to follow your opinions really as many of then are contradictory. 

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11 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Most self employed people have to choose whether to pay their tax via the business or via self declaration. Mainly a balance of the two. My accountant advised me to have a low salary, but then have a dividend at the end of financial year. This meant furlough wouldn’t cover anything. I still paid plenty of tax and NI. just another way this government tried to squeeze the working man individually instead of big corporations! Then with IR35 on top… anyway, I digress! Furlough for self employed meant unemployment! 

That is pretty rubbish. Actually, I remember a dental hygienist saying something similar now.

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1 minute ago, ariotofmyown said:

That is pretty rubbish. Actually, I remember a dental hygienist saying something similar now.

I also think i didn’t qualify for something cos I’d not filed a tax return, but I wasn’t due to as my financial year end was 31/07, not 31/03! 

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18 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Most self employed people have to choose whether to pay their tax via the business or via self declaration. Mainly a balance of the two. My accountant advised me to have a low salary, but then have a dividend at the end of financial year. This meant furlough wouldn’t cover anything. I still paid plenty of tax and NI. just another way this government tried to squeeze the working man individually instead of big corporations! Then with IR35 on top… anyway, I digress! Furlough for self employed meant unemployment! 

I guess they expected people doing that could live off all the tax they avoided ?

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20 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I guess they expected people doing that could live off all the tax they avoided ?

Ooops ?

But is that the fault of the virus or the Govt.?

I read this thread for medical info on covid, too often it's nothing more than 'hidden' political ranting.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

I may have misunderstood parts of the furlough scheme, but I'm not sure why a window cleaner would not receive furlough, unless he had only being doing his job a short time.

If you were self-employed, you'd get 80% of reported profits for the last 3 years.

If he was an employee of a window cleaning business, hard to understand why he couldn't have been furloughed? 

I’m self employed and I think it was around 3 months before I actually got any money from the government. Luckily I was in a position where I had very little overheads and savings. Not everybody would have been as fortunate.

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58 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I'm pretty sure I don't, but you can probably find a couple of out of context quotes that slightly suggest one of the above.

For a long time, this thread has been the same 2 or 3 Covid sceptics posting all the time, whilst a large number of opposite posters come in and out. All these posters probably blend into one voice for you, which makes it easy to feel victimised.

When you say "you regularly..." I assume you refer to all posters with opposite views to yourself. When "they" do say that, they are usually responding to a fellow sceptic other than yourself!

Again with the labels ?‍♂️,, COVID sceptic ? Are the gov of Sweden COVID sceptics or have they taken a different view to you ?,, Florida’s governs ?

your on here giving your view and pulling others yourself 

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

I don't think anyone has mentioned this for weeks now. Fortunately the vaccine is keeping hospitslisations and deaths down, so we've been able to remove the measures that you disagreed with. By using a vaccine you also seem to disagree with ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

Whilst you aren't intending to be insensitive, I often cringe reading your posts and hope know one who has lost loved ones is reading them. They probably are though.

In terms of 2 tiers, I imagine most pro-lockdown people would also want all people supported with furlough, as it's how Covid was suppressed. It's pretty difficult to follow your opinions really as many of then are contradictory. 

There are very few issues that can be talked about in general terms as they need to be that won’t cross over personal experience ?‍♂️
you are not the guardian of sensitively or the one to define it for everyone but feel free to cringe away,

you probably find it hard to follow my posts and find them contradictory because I actually don’t fit in the box you want to put me in nice and tidy,

I am neither conspiracy theorist , COVID sceptic , uncaring oaf or full on follow government and their chosen scientists follower  I’m somewhere in between watching listening and living 

nothing and no one is black and white and perhaps if you backed off from putting a label on me and dealt with any opinions on a singular basis it may be easier 

Edited by Archied
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5 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

Most self employed people have to choose whether to pay their tax via the business or via self declaration. Mainly a balance of the two. My accountant advised me to have a low salary, but then have a dividend at the end of financial year. This meant furlough wouldn’t cover anything. I still paid plenty of tax and NI. just another way this government tried to squeeze the working man individually instead of big corporations! Then with IR35 on top… anyway, I digress! Furlough for self employed meant unemployment! 

The guys that were self employed in my business used furlough to cover the lack of work in their 'profession' and supplemented it by doing other jobs, warehouse work for instance, now things starting to get back up and running they are full time in their profession again. Typically they paid themselves a nominal wage, so furlough only meant £8/900 per month but with the other job they were able to get by without pulling money out of their Ltd company, others carried on paying themselves from their company.

They may have been the lucky ones, or had planned for periods without work, as all self employed should do, or they are just focused on making sure they earned a living and happily adapted to other jobs, not saying 10 hr shifts doing manual work wasn't hard for them after a normal 7.5 hr day in an office, but they did it.

Edited by Rich84
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7 hours ago, Archied said:

Yep , same for all my household members , pointing out that truth to those who cocooned on good money whilst the rest tended to the needs of them and the country does not mean your crass and uncaring to those who have lost their lives or loved ones  as some on here would have you believe,, far from it 

Sorry to hear that the pandemic has caused extra financial difficulties for your household and for @G-Ram as well and any other fellow posters out there. The country was very much split, wasn't it, by those who had to go to work in essential services, those who couldn't work but were helped out somewhat by furlough money and finally those who were left up poo creek. I really hope that things are improving for all of us.

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15 minutes ago, Miggins said:

Sorry to hear that the pandemic has caused extra financial difficulties for your household and for @G-Ram as well and any other fellow posters out there. The country was very much split, wasn't it, by those who had to go to work in essential services, those who couldn't work but were helped out somewhat by furlough money and finally those who were left up poo creek. I really hope that things are improving for all of us.

?‍♂️ think ive been the victim of mistaken identity ??

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19 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

“Alarmist and sensationalist rubbish” from a registered NHS doctor? She will be struck off immediately then no doubt.

Just because it’s from a doctor doesn’t mean it’s true  - plenty of doctors willing to spout complete ballcocks if it suits their personal agenda…..

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Alarmist & sensationalist clickbait rubbish. 

Is that just because its on Talk Radio?  Maybe a Guardian link will be more to peoples linking.

According to reports 'NHS England has been told to prepare to administer Covid vaccinations to all children aged 12 and above, as vaccine advisers continue to consider whether to extend the programme.'

That doesn't sound like its an alarmist story thats been plucked out of thin air to me.


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9 hours ago, maxjam said:

The delta variant is just as transmissible by vaccinated people as it is unvaccinated - which makes the whole vaccine passport thing null and void imo.  The vaccines do a good job of keeping you out of hospital or getting a visit from the Grim Reaper, but if you catch covid after being jabbed you're just as infectious as an unvaccinated person.


I thought that if I was double jabbed then I would be much less of a risk to vulnerable and other people. The delta variant seems to have turned that on its head. We love getting out and about. Chatsworth gardens the other day with a picnic, but we are still being sensible and maintaining social distancing until we see what the next couple of months bring.

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27 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Is that just because its on Talk Radio?  Maybe a Guardian link will be more to peoples linking.

According to reports 'NHS England has been told to prepare to administer Covid vaccinations to all children aged 12 and above, as vaccine advisers continue to consider whether to extend the programme.'

That doesn't sound like its an alarmist story thats been plucked out of thin air to me.


That doesn’t say anything about not needing consent.

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