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Abu Derby County


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45 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

They also said Derby were set to move fast in the last couple of weeks of the transfer window....

Any minute now.

Who is to say we didnt? Just because we didnt sign some llayers doesnt mean we didnt make plenty of moves for them

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26 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

But there was already lots of stuff going around about Derventio Holdings.

I realise that but there are always rumours around and the club don’t act upon them and issue a statement. Usually statements occur when something is confirmed. 

Just feels like a misstep 

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2 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

Well going off derbys definition of 'very soon', next time missus rings me to ask when I'm coming home from the pub on a Friday night and I say "very soon", I know she cant say nothing when I rock up Tuesday morning.


I'm Sorry... wait... WHAT?

If your wife is ringing you up in the pub, asking what time you'll be home, wouldn't you be better off just asking her if she needs you to pick up another pair of trousers for her, on your way home... as you clearly don't mind her wearing them!  ?

Good God man... have some self respect, and put yer bloody foot down!  




Yeah... OK... My wife never rings me up in the pub, as I've never actually been allowed in one without her... but that's not what this discussion is about!    ?


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36 minutes ago, Asheville Ram said:

Given the statements from the club, I can only surmise the cash has not yet arrived, in which case no blame can be laid at their door.

 Possibly stuck on a container lorry in Calais. I blame the EU and their bloody border policies.

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4 hours ago, Asheville Ram said:

Speaking as someone who has purchased a number of companies, a deal of this size and nature can be completed in a matter of a few days the "mountain of paperwork" will all have been studied by the lawyers on both sides especially as this sale and purchase has been ongoing for many weeks, therefore all that needs doing is the signing and completion AND the transfer of funds.

In my experience deals of this size are done quickly or not done at all, my guess is that the hold up could be the funding of the purchase.




This is a little misleading as deals can also take a long time, many many deals are not done quickly at all and covid is slowing up many transactions also at the moment. 

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17 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

This is a little misleading as deals can also take a long time, many many deals are not done quickly at all and covid is slowing up many transactions also at the moment. 

Especially if they're having to put the forms through the letterbox for Mel to sign off.

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Imagine what happened in 1984 what this forum would be like....

Culture change in wanting something here now and instant. No patience anymore in life.

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I hope this new regime is genuine and wants to do its best for Derby County, run sustainably without any drama or pretences. 

Just would like a unique Derby County again, like the one under that great Yorkshireman Jim Smith. With an array of multi national flags gracing the stadium from Croatia to Costa Rica.... no getting any bother off the field, no egos, fighting for a place in the team.

Decent fans who got on with others around them in the stadium, debated without malice, not telling people to move into another stand just because they don’t sing.

This last 5 years have seen a rollercoaster of emotions in this city, not all football related, cancelling people is the new norm. You’re fascist, racist, leftie scum of right wing Nazi just because you voted one way or the other. You get pigeonholed.

We are not an original club anymore, we are small time, we worry about spying Leeds coaches, making sure we “duck” the EFL, and have everyone else on “strings” for a few likes on Twitter.

Being a fan is horrific at the minute and it needs to change, the whole culture of the club..... I just hope we don’t sink any lower, but I fear we might before we bounce back again. We are more famous for being infamous in our charades off the pitch, I want us to be famous again for the right reasons.

Really is sad times being a Derby fan.

Our stadium is Pride Park, make me proud again please Derby County, because we are Prideless.



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21 hours ago, jimbo jones said:

They’ve basically wheeled in an “expert” who doesn’t really know anything, and has had a bit of a guess.

Equally it would be speculation to claim that the expert 'doesn't really know anything'. I see it that he is giving his considered view on the most likely scenario. Nothing wrong with that imo. Time will tell......

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