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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

I never said they were, and I wouldn't ever try to make a case for marches or any public gatherings at all under the current circumstances. 


Well I think good on them at letting feelings being known. That people fed up of it now and want it gone????

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6 hours ago, Albert said:

Honestly, I'd be surprised that anyone supports lockdowns as a primary strategy. They are a backstop, an option when its already hitting the fan and you just need to put a stop to the chaos to regain control of the situation. When they become a rolling, long-term option, mistakes have definitely been made. 

Agree with this 200%. Situation has been poorly managed and the continual reliance on lockdowns due to this is adding further to the anger and anxiety of the populous. 

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Shows how easy it can be.  A close friend of ours who lives alone has been really diligent about social distancing let her sister into her house recently,  she felt as her sister gets tested regularly because of her job caring she would be safe,  sister then got a positive test and now our friend is very poorly with coronavirus. 


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My sister caught the coronavirus not long ago. She didnt feel any worse than catching the normal flu. As do the vast majority of people. 

This new tier system has really wound me up unfortunately. When you've got Gordon Ramsay gloating about his new restaurant in London next week, I think that said it all to me. The government couldn't care less about the North or anybody living outside the M25. London cases are rising yet funnily enough they've got away with only being in tier 2. The usual bias strikes again. This agenda of shoving graphs in everyones face is pointless when places with higher COVID infection are getting more access than areas with lower infection rates.

Think Richard Madeley (cant believe I'm saying it) got it spot on when he said, it's like being told I'll stop punching you in face, but then getting kicked in the face instead. 



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This is now becoming an absolute joke

“Pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes across Wales will not be able to serve alcohol and must close by 18:00 from Friday”

Didn’t they have a fire break or whatever they called it, that’s obviously worked well. 
Also a ban on alcohol? So you can have a coffee but not a pint? Now the virus knows the difference between what you drink? 


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17 minutes ago, SouthStandDan said:

My sister caught the coronavirus not long ago. She didnt feel any worse than catching the normal flu. As do the vast majority of people. 

This new tier system has really wound me up unfortunately. When you've got Gordon Ramsay gloating about his new restaurant in London next week, I think that said it all to me. The government couldn't care less about the North or anybody living outside the M25. London cases are rising yet funnily enough they've got away with only being in tier 2. The usual bias strikes again. This agenda of shoving graphs in everyones face is pointless when places with higher COVID infection are getting more access than areas with lower infection rates.

Think Richard Madeley (cant believe I'm saying it) got it spot on when he said, it's like being told I'll stop punching you in face, but then getting kicked in the face instead. 



The worst area of London is still below 300 cases per 100,000 per week, with the average at about 150. Several cities in the North are still above the worst area in London, with a lot more showing similar numbers.

Hull: 528
Stoke: 440
Birmingham: 369
Middlesbrough: 358
Newcastle: 325
Bristol: 314
Leeds: 298
Sunderland: 297
Derby: 293
Manchester: 291

Unsurprisingly, areas below 200 are in tier 2.
Liverpool: 174
York: 132

I'm guessing London is all grouped together (the same as regions in other parts of the country). As cases seem to be increasing in London, I'll be surprised if they don't move to tier 3 next time round.

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21 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

The worst area of London is still below 300 cases per 100,000 per week, with the average at about 150. Several cities in the North are still above the worst area in London, with a lot more showing similar numbers.

Hull: 528
Stoke: 440
Birmingham: 369
Middlesbrough: 358
Newcastle: 325
Bristol: 314
Leeds: 298
Sunderland: 297
Derby: 293
Manchester: 291

Unsurprisingly, areas below 200 are in tier 2.
Liverpool: 174
York: 132

I'm guessing London is all grouped together (the same as regions in other parts of the country). As cases seem to be increasing in London, I'll be surprised if they don't move to tier 3 next time round.

London is funny because although the official R value is higher than other regions, when I looked at the raw data yesterday the overall identified cases were falling, and the ONS infection survey showed this too. Hospital admissions were falling as well. The latest study released this morning estimates the R value at 0.95 which marries up.. 

Londons population is 8.7M which is larger than every other region apart from the South East.

But due to the build up of the city its impossible not to shut down all of it or some of it.. Unlike other regions (like the east Midlands which is about half the population) where even there you can localise restrictions to a much smaller degree.

Anyway enough shilling for the city...

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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

This is now becoming an absolute joke

“Pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes across Wales will not be able to serve alcohol and must close by 18:00 from Friday”

Didn’t they have a fire break or whatever they called it, that’s obviously worked well. 
Also a ban on alcohol? So you can have a coffee but not a pint? Now the virus knows the difference between what you drink? 


Yep and no way is this going to stop until people actually say enough is enough ,refuse to comply with the stupidity and take sensible precautions ( which there are lots that make sense ) ,make sensible decisions for themselves and those around them,

numbers , stats ,charts ,graphs , coloured in maps , models , predictions , worse case scenario s presented to a shell shocked public to scare the bejeezes out of them ,

we have mass moonshot testing , how many people go on to survive within 28 days of a positive test ? How many of them need to be hospitalised to survive? 
we are being fed numbers based on people who die within 28 days of testing positive , no matter what they are actually in hospital for or dying from , totally flawed 

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43 minutes ago, Archied said:

Yep and no way is this going to stop until people actually say enough is enough ,refuse to comply with the stupidity and take sensible precautions ( which there are lots that make sense ) ,make sensible decisions for themselves and those around them

I get the impression that the majority freedom warriors out there don't want to take "sensible precautions", they just want to carry on doing what they like and don't want to be stopped from doing that by government-enforced rules

Maybe you are different - in which case I'm interested to know what sensible precautions you would take that aren't already part of the tier rules, and likewise which bits of the tier rules you would wilfully ignore whilst taking sensible precautions





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4 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I get the impression that the majority freedom warriors out there don't want to take "sensible precautions", they just want to carry on doing what they like and don't want to be stopped from doing that by government-enforced rules

Maybe you are different - in which case I'm interested to know what sensible precautions you would take that aren't already part of the tier rules, and likewise which bits of the tier rules you would wilfully ignore whilst taking sensible precautions





Freedom warriors ????? , yet more snidey labels ??‍♂️, well , masks, social distancing , if I had symptoms get tested and isolate if positive ( though probably tough to get test if needed ,they are far better moonshoted to those not needing them?)

surprised your not up in arms fighting the corner of these minority group freedom fighters ,, maybe if I were a Chinese student ?

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On 27/11/2020 at 15:34, Andicis said:

Would you say Sweden or the USA have been heavy on controlling the virus? In the Western world, there is a clear link with countries that locked down heavily, and countries that now suffered the worst GDP retractions. I think the economy being open would cause it to tank a lot less than shutting everything down and putting people on furlough. 

Not sure quite what your point is ? 

1) Sweden started well but it’s gone tits up, and that in a country with folk who respect their govt and has a population density that is delightful in terms of space per person.

2) I hardly think the US is in any condition to lecture anyone on managing the virus. 

3) European countries, the UK included have all had govts and situations that have made similar and responses to the virus. Those govts have faced the same dilemmas and bar the shouting have all done the same thing and had the same results. .... Balancing personal freedom, the need for a functioning economy and trying to control a dangerous virus. Each ones has tweaked time tables and seen marginal differences in the ebb and flow.

All European govts will have learned from this but I simply refuse to get in to this blame game. We haven’t done well, no one has, but we have done ok considering the influences that have to be accounted for. The ideas have been right and well intentioned in the most part. Most people have also tried. But the bottom line is that it would have been immeasurably better if we didn’t have to deal with nobs with their demos, the tawts with their inappropriate celebrations, the deniers with their memes and pseudoscience, the awkward squad with their egos. .... But .. they are there .. this isn’t an authoritarian state like China .. so we have to put up with them. We have to do our level best until the vaccines come on line. If you are anti Vax then you have zero right to moan about govt actions and zero right to demand assistance. You are anti society so society owes you nothing. 

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

Yep and no way is this going to stop until people actually say enough is enough ,refuse to comply with the stupidity and take sensible precautions ( which there are lots that make sense ) ,make sensible decisions for themselves and those around them,

numbers , stats ,charts ,graphs , coloured in maps , models , predictions , worse case scenario s presented to a shell shocked public to scare the bejeezes out of them ,

we have mass moonshot testing , how many people go on to survive within 28 days of a positive test ? How many of them need to be hospitalised to survive? 
we are being fed numbers based on people who die within 28 days of testing positive , no matter what they are actually in hospital for or dying from , totally flawed 

...so wait, now you're criticising the use of the 28 days figure, which specifically downplays the number of people actually dying? The figure including all people whose deaths are attributed to the disease is much higher. 

As noted, the expected number of deaths from other causes within 28 days of those positive deaths is about a 50th or less of the number of people who are actually dying.

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

Yep and no way is this going to stop until people actually say enough is enough ,refuse to comply with the stupidity and take sensible precautions ( which there are lots that make sense ) ,make sensible decisions for themselves and those around them,

I really agree with much of the sentiment.

I wonder why some people haven't been taking sensible precautions and making sensible decisions so far.

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20 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I really agree with much of the sentiment.

I wonder why some people haven't been taking sensible precautions and making sensible decisions so far.

But in my experience the vast majority have , there’s always a minority even with these draconian arbitrary unfocused and nonsensical restrictions based on contradictory numbers and readings of them ,so much so that people are really losing any iota of trust in the government and the voices supposedly advising them , this virus is here and the best chance of limiting the damage is policies and messages that people can get behind , not some pie in the sky zero worldwide infections idea that we’ve now somehow moved on to ,

even if we had locked down from the start , closed all borders it only stays that way if we stay locked down till it’s gone , listen to the noises starting to come out now about how long it will take to even be vaccinated enough to be rid of all this ,let alone health passports and the like ,, let’s get ready for the battle of the vaccines next ,which countries won’t pass one but will accept another ,money money money 

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4 minutes ago, Archied said:

But in my experience the vast majority have , there’s always a minority even with these draconian arbitrary unfocused and nonsensical restrictions based on contradictory numbers and readings of them ,so much so that people are really losing any iota of trust in the government and the voices supposedly advising them , this virus is here and the best chance of limiting the damage is policies and messages that people can get behind , not some pie in the sky zero worldwide infections idea that we’ve now somehow moved on to ,

even if we had locked down from the start , closed all borders it only stays that way if we stay locked down till it’s gone , listen to the noises starting to come out now about how long it will take to even be vaccinated enough to be rid of all this ,let alone health passports and the like ,, let’s get ready for the battle of the vaccines next ,which countries won’t pass one but will accept another ,money money money 

Yep I've seen that noises or of back to normal by spring are now changing to the summer.

Ministers already talking about a 3rd lockdown early in the new year.

Remember when we were going to the send disease packing in 13 weeks?

No longer trust a word that comes from them.

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