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38 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Sounds like conjecture to me, to support your view. I'm going to stop responding to you now, as all I'm doing is encouraging you to go further down the rabbit-hole. Responding may just encourage someone to follow you, which would be irresponsible of me.

Thanks for nothing. I just realised I believe @smiths_tavrn before reading this post. You were too late. I have seen the light.

Open you eyes people. It's staring you in the face. I just haven't worked out what it is yet.

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17 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Thanks for nothing. I just realised I believe @smiths_tavrn before reading this post. You were too late. I have seen the light.

Open you eyes people. It's staring you in the face. I just haven't worked out what it is yet.

I don't think he knows.  His tinfoil hat is slipping...

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Interesting opposite extreme argument comming from smith’s tavrn that’s getting some backs up, is it just a different natural response to a situation that in fairness next to non of us has ever seen the like of ? Most probably,

one thing is for sure and that is that the government s of the WORLD are so concerned and spooked by this virus that they are prepared to decimate economies and lifestyles to ANY extent to battle it and that’s in a world where the £/ dollar sign is and has been god for a very long time , now that tells me there is something very wrong and if I’m looking for a conspiracy theory it’s very much more along the lines of do they know more about the virus or what it can mutate into than they are saying ,

on a level headed note to smiths t , what is the percentage of people worldwide who suffer from conditions or age range that Coronavirus kills or accelerate s death from their condition in ? and what death toll is that liable to produce worldwide ? Are we on for a large loss of brains and experience in our political ,medical, scientific and business classes ?

just some thoughts / gut reaction to all this ,,,,, who knows ? Certainly not the majority of us ,we are all grasping around for answers trying to make sense of it

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79 new cases have been confirmed here, making a total of 409, with 7 hospitalized.  Iceland has been short of respirators, with only 28 machines in the country, possibly not nearly enough in the worst case scenario.  Some anonymous Icelanders living in the USA have donated 15 new machines to our national hospital and they arrived today.  What a wonderful gift that is.

i got my results today, it came out negative for the virus.

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41 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

"on a level headed note to smiths t , what is the percentage of people worldwide who suffer from conditions or age range that Coronavirus kills or accelerate s death from their condition in ?"


No Archie I've not said that coronavirus accelerates death. What I've said is maybe it's the antiviral drugs that's accelerating the deaths. To put it succinctly maybe the medicine is killing people not curing them.  More than 99% of Italy's cases are people with previous conditions and their bodies would have taken some hammer.  Once they were diagnosed with coronavirus, it might be the highly toxic antiviral drugs which are delivering the final blow not the coronavirus which may have been in their system for days, maybe longer. 

Whatever it maybe it’s not been an issue before corona and trying to combat the virus in them is causing it , are you saying that if they don’t try to treat it they will survive ? 

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My mums been in Derby Royal since the End of January. They’ve been stopping visiting hours since last week there - rang her today and the docs think she’s got the virus (she’s coughing, being sick, struggling to breath..), results back tomorrow. 




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39 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

The vast majority will still be attending their places of work. What's the difference between your place of work and restaurants, pubs, clubs, cafes & entertainment venues?

Let's use a very simplistic scenario to try and explain.

If you spend 50% of your time awake at work and 50% of your time down the pub then, by no longer going to the pub you are quite clearly at less risk of catching/spreading the virus even if you continue going to work. Yes, you might still catch/spread it at work but at least you won't at the pub. 

In other words, yes going to work may represent a risks, but that is no justification to avoid removing another risk. 

It's about risk reduction. Would you agree?

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3 minutes ago, Papahet said:

My mums been in Derby Royal since the End of January. They’ve been stopping visiting hours since last week there - rang her today and the docs think she’s got the virus (she’s coughing, being sick, struggling to breath..), results back tomorrow. 


Very sorry to read this Buddy. Wishing the best to you all in particular your Mum

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Work at a small firm, MD rushed off yesterday, a colleague overheard him telling his co owner his missus couldn't breathe and had a raging sore throat.

After seeking medical advice, he rang the works director, the other co owner, to say he'd been advised to self isolate for 14 days, so would be back on Monday if he felt ok!

He was told in no circumstances to come in for the next fortnight, and we were given the option of going straight home before the day started. 

With the caveat the company would and could cover our wages in full for a couple of weeks, beyond that would be dodgy.

No one went home, but.

We need to take this seriously, follow every bit of advice and not be so blase about our health and those around us.

Stay safe, stay healthy but most of all stay home.


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5 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

It would be about risk reduction if coronavirus was the root cause. There's no proof that it is the root cause, only conjecture. As I'll say again what if it's the medicine? 

Id go down your local hospital and tell them if I was you.

You might need to take your qualifications with you that show that you know more than every other doctor and expert in the world though.

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