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EFL charge Derby over ffp


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It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things but it upset me looking at the sky sports comments how non Derby fans are glad this has happened to us, I’m not just talking about Leeds or forest fans either, even those who have completely no affiliation or rivalry with us are celebrating this and glad it’s happened to us.

I know a lot of you probably don’t care about this but it’s a bit upsetting to see the reaction to our club the last few years and how people are starting to really dislike us.
In 2014 after the play off final, many non Derby fans said to me they were gutted for Derby because they wanted us to win as we played football in the right way without spending much money. I gathered it was a similar reaction on the internet back then. We were like everyone’s second favourite team like Sheffield United now are because they’ve been a breath of fresh air in the premier league without spending much.

It doesn’t really matter but it’s a much better feeling when we are respected and liked by everyone else , makes me proud to say I’m a Derby fan. All the events over the last few years has made me feel a bit ashamed.

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16 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

MM and Pearce said at a forum nearly a year ago that we were right on the limits of FFP and that was repeated on this forum. 

Are you suggesting you had no idea that we may be close to FFP limits?

If you are I'd suggest it's not MM and Pearce that are the liars.

I've written numerous posts expressing worries about ffp for last few years.  Quite a few fans told me I was dull and it was all irrelevant and fans didn't care about balance sheets. This is why fans should care.

Blind faith in MM has led us here. He means well and he's put huge sums into the club.  But he's pushed the rules to the limit and it seems this time he may have got it badly wrong. 

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2 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Just nailed it there and time will tell whether said distraction carries any weight or legal substance at all. I'm trying not to join in with all the self-appointed legal beagles on here who have already judged Mel guilty but if there bare facts are all there is to the case, why did the EFL sign off on our accounts in the first place? Seems to me this unwelcome distraction is as a result of the EFL not Mel or the board of directors and it may well be proven to be unnecessary as you say. We've not conducted ourselves like LEicester, Bournemouth, Villa or QPR IMO, so all the finger-pointing seems hopelessly premature to me.


Well it is some of our jobs lol.

I am not critical of Mel at all. It was a good gamble that still may pay off. Just hope his Mrs is not on the forum... she would give him a right roasting for paying 80mil for something worth 40ish!

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6 minutes ago, Derbados said:

If you don’t think that players being involved in a drink drive incident, posting themselves on social media being sick in the toilets and the club captain crippling himself after his team mate wrapped his car round a lampost on a weeknight before an important game following a poor run of form is indicative of a poor club culture and poor set up you’re in complete denial. 

Go and look back in the news articles relating to Derby county over the last 18 months and tell me how many of those are positive stories. . . our name is mud and nationally we are a laughing stock, we are one of the most hated teams in the league. 

if you think this is well run I’d hate to think what you feel is the opposite! 




“Your go to cry in a minute,cry in a minute”

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4 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

I knew we’d be close, but if we’re talking about making signings then why would I assume we don’t have the finances to do so?  We’ve said we wanted to make signings this window. I took that as meaning we’ve got enough wiggle room to make a couple of signings. I’ve never once asked for tens of millions to be spent this window, because you should be able to get decent players without doing so. Brentford do, so why can’t we? I’ve never once been in the knowledge that we were over the limit according to the EFL so we can’t actually afford to spend anything. Not until today. No one has, other than those in the club potentially.

Fair enough.

Out of interest who are your recommendations for cheap signings?

Will be interesting to see how much they go for and how good they turn out to be!

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14 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yep. From memory it was valued at £60m 13 years ago!

I’ve just checked back over the old accounts. It was revalued to £55m in December 2007, up from £20.8m.  Only thing I’m not sure on is how it ended up only being worth £43m when it was sold. That seems like a lot for just depreciation?

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Just now, G STAR RAM said:

Fair enough.

Out of interest who are your recommendations for cheap signings?

Will be interesting to see how much they go for and how good they turn out to be!

Well cheap enough for us at the moment would have to be someone paying us to take them so.... some of Stokes players?

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1 minute ago, Ramleicester said:

This is not being heard in a court but by a disciplinary panel. Contract law would apply if either party broke a contract between the two parties. Eg.if they were fined but DCFC told the EFL to do one. Thats why they use points deductions.

If you read the DCFC statements at the time the approval seems to relate to the valuation. Still think the issue could be the common ownership of the parties involved. It states that in the accounts and kind of looks like an internal dodge as a result.

I know, and agree with everything you say, but you are missing one very important point....everything they do within whatever hearing played out, will be as per interpretations of the ‘contract’. If either side is unhappy with the outcome and perceives the other sides actions and interpretation of the contract as incorrect, they then have grounds to take civil action. That is why lawyers will be heavily involved. 

Also, as already stated, almost all football clubs have separate holding companies for the stadiums under ‘interested party’ ownership. 

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26 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Improving the facilities doesn’t count towards FFP I don’t believe, certainly not the youth expenditure if I remember correctly. Sure the fans want players bringing in, but I’m sure they don’t want them bringing in if they knew it was gonna push us over FFP. We don’t have access to that information, so of course we’re gonna want signings without that knowledge. But if the club is run correctly, they should know exactly where we stand with respect to FFP, and whether making a signing is a good idea or not. They’ve clearly got our FFP forecast incorrect if they believed we could afford all the wages etc that we’ve paid out, given we’re now so far over the limit without the stadium sale. 

If you told me that a signing was gonna push us over FFP, then I’d be on the transfer thread saying no transfers this window. That’s correct. But without that knowledge prior to today, of course I’m not going to be saying that!

So you wouldn’t just accept that the club and mel were spending as much as they possibly could without going on and on about how we have just not done enough in the transfer market to compete in the season ahead or replace the talented loans we have lost??

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2 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

I’ve just checked back over the old accounts. It was revalued to £55m in December 2007, up from £20.8m.  Only thing I’m not sure on is how it ended up only being worth £43m when it was sold. That seems like a lot for just depreciation?

Thanks for checking that. My eyes cant take anymore of reading accounts on my phone!

Usual depreciation policy would be 2% per annum on cost/valuation. So 2% of £55m would be £1.1m per annum since 2007 so £12.2m which is where the £43m would come from.

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1 minute ago, Archied said:

So you wouldn’t just accept that the club and mel were spending as much as they possibly could without going on and on about how we have just not done enough in the transfer market to compete in the season ahead or replace the talented loans we have lost??

I feel as though a trap is being set here...

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3 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

I couldn't give a toss what fans of other clubs think and I genuinely think we'll get away with it. Duck the EFL.

What are we getting away with though? We played by the rules as they were set out before us. The f@+ktards at the EFL have capitulated to Bamford United's Steve Gibson because someone stole his dummy.

Whilst I agree with you about not caring what other fans have to say about us, I wouldn't want Derby County to have the ignominious reputation of Leeds.

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