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Best advice is don't take advice. 

You kind of make it up as you go along and that's fine because babies are different. You follow the script and your baby won't. 

The only consistent thing that worked for me on both was after a week or so we started doing a feed as late as poss (like 2am) and then tried to make the baby go as long as possible without food. So at first it was like 2am - 5am. Then 5.30 and 5.45 and 6.00 etc until you could get like 6 hours sleep through the night quite early

They say don't do this. It's easy to say when you're wide awake. It's even easy to say when you've had 6 hours sleep in 2 days. Try 15 hours sleep in a week. All broken sleep with an hour here and two there. You can't function well on so little sleep so as soon as you can get settled then do it. 

But all techniques and stuff... figure it out yourself. 

Congratulations and all the best!!

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Congratulations to all new and expectant parents on here.

As others have said, there is no advice that really is set in stone in my opinion since every child is different and what works for one will have no effect on another. Bear that in mind when your own parents inevitably say "Well I always used to do...[insert action here] with you when you were a baby..."

I have son number two on the way in Feb/March and it's the best thing ever.

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1 hour ago, rynny said:

super troopers yes GIF by Fox Searchlight

Maybe advice is a bad word..: more hints and tips? I will thoroughly admit I’ve ‘half arsed’ a lot in life, I half arsed school, I’ve hard arsed previous relationships, heck I’ve even been guilty of half arsing it with Derby at times! but one thing I completely refuse to half arse is being a parent! Everything you guys can recommend is greatly appreciated because whilst very baby is different something might be suggested in here that I’d never think of. Many thanks to everyone again for their hints and tips ?.

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On 02/11/2019 at 21:36, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


Treated the niece

Some may say punished!

Often wonder how many more Saturday afternoons I could have enjoyed if my dad hadnt dragged me down to The BBG at the age of 5!

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8 hours ago, Ramslad1992 said:

Maybe advice is a bad word..: more hints and tips? I will thoroughly admit I’ve ‘half arsed’ a lot in life, I half arsed school, I’ve hard arsed previous relationships, heck I’ve even been guilty of half arsing it with Derby at times! but one thing I completely refuse to half arse is being a parent! Everything you guys can recommend is greatly appreciated because whilst very baby is different something might be suggested in here that I’d never think of. Many thanks to everyone again for their hints and tips ?.

The best tips I can offer are bedtime is bedtime, this is the first battle. Keep it the same time as much as possible.

Don't be afraid to tell them no and that they can't have stuff. Some parents think they have to give their child everything they want, whilst it is easier in the short term to say yes, long term it makes everything harder.

Persist with things and don't back down or give up.

Dont worry if other babies/children seem to be developing quicker, they will do everything in their own time, my youngest didn't learn to crawl and went straight into walking, my eldest didn't say his first word until later than most (now you can't shut him up) 

Last thing I will say is don't panic. You will pick everything up as you go. And enjoy it. 

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2 hours ago, Smyth_18 said:

Never heard of this procedure before, to quote another thread......

Go on...

Haha me neither! Luckily Ill never find out lol . Being a parent is the most important responsibility you will have in your life . So embrace it. 

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8 hours ago, Pastinaak said:

I remember the midwife making me watch some stupid video to drill this rhyme into me like I was some kind of idiot...

"No matter how tired you feel... shaking the baby is a last resort"

So patronising.

last resort  -  noun  -  a final course of action, used only when all else has failed.


Hmmm... Me thinks she should be sacked!

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