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You’re stranded on a desert island...


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By yourself for 5 years. The island is full of wildlife, edible fruits and materials to build a shelter/shack. 

On arrival you are handed a shopping list which you can purchase items for the duration of your stay, now clearly this is a fantasy situation so if you choose a TV electricity would be provided, a fridge for your alcohol etc.

You have a maximum of 10d to spend:

8d - Mac with full internet access

6d - Unlimited supply of alcohol

5d - TV with access to BBC 1 & 2, ITV, C4 C5 only

5d - Unlimited music

5d - One take away delivery per month (Pizza, Indian, Chinese)

5d - Unlimited supply of chocolate

4d - A dog or cat with unlimited non human consumption food 

4d - Full library of books

4d - King size bed & bedding

3d - 1 Hour weekly call to a friend/family

2d - Netflix subscription, don’t forget you need a TV or Mac with Internet access

2d - Alcohol free lager/cider

2d - Daily newspaper

2d - Access to dcfcfans.uk

1d - Rifle and unlimited ammo

1d - Fishing rod, tackle and bait

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29 minutes ago, David said:

By yourself for 5 years. The island is full of wildlife, edible fruits and materials to build a shelter/shack. 

On arrival you are handed a shopping list which you can purchase items for the duration of your stay, now clearly this is a fantasy situation so if you choose a TV electricity would be provided, a fridge for your alcohol etc.


4d - Full library of books

3d - 1 Hour weekly call to a friend/family

2d - Daily newspaper


1d - Rifle and unlimited ammo



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2 hours ago, David said:

By yourself for 5 years. The island is full of wildlife, edible fruits and materials to build a shelter/shack. 

On arrival you are handed a shopping list which you can purchase items for the duration of your stay, now clearly this is a fantasy situation so if you choose a TV electricity would be provided, a fridge for your alcohol etc.

You have a maximum of 10d to spend:

8d - Mac with full internet access

6d - Unlimited supply of alcohol - Use an internet guide to brew my own alcohol from fruit

5d - TV with access to BBC 1 & 2, ITV, C4 C5 only - I'm not a pensioner so I don't watch terrestrial tv

5d - Unlimited music - Internet

5d - One take away delivery per month (Pizza, Indian, Chinese)

5d - Unlimited supply of chocolate

4d - A dog or cat with unlimited non human consumption food - Use internet guide to help tame most useful wildlife available

4d - Full library of books - Internet

4d - King size bed & bedding

3d - 1 Hour weekly call to a friend/family - Internet

2d - Netflix subscription, don’t forget you need a TV or Mac with Internet access - Use an internet guide to manufacture paint from plant matter and then watch it dry

2d - Alcohol free lager/cider - No one drinks this in the civilised world, so I don't see why anyone would take it to a desert island.

2d - Daily newspaper - Internet

2d - Access to dcfcfans.uk - Internet

1d - Rifle and unlimited ammo

1d - Fishing rod, tackle and bait

Internet, Rifle, Rod.

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4 hours ago, David said:

By yourself for 5 years. The island is full of wildlife, edible fruits and materials to build a shelter/shack. 

On arrival you are handed a shopping list which you can purchase items for the duration of your stay, now clearly this is a fantasy situation so if you choose a TV electricity would be provided, a fridge for your alcohol etc.

You have a maximum of 10d to spend:

8d - Mac with full internet access

Hang on - checking for a friend.

Choose a TV and you get the electricity, choose the alcohol and you get the fridge

If I...I mean my friend...chooses the full internet access do he get unlimited boxes of kleenex?



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Books, Music and Fishing Rod.  Assuming none of the wildlife think I'm edible, if they do better give me the rifle and ammo instead of the fishing rod. 

Any potatoes on this island? Can't see myself living without chips or roast potatoes for any significant period of time. 

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12 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Does the island have potable water?

Fresh water streams run through the island, can't tell you where though you will need to find them yourself.

12 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Is it hot or cold there?

Hot during the day, chilly at night. 

12 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Can't answer without knowing the basics.

Hope that helps

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Alcohol, forum access, rifle and fishing gear.

I'd make the alcohol Strongbow Dark Fruits, and would spend my days exhausting the worldwide supplies pouring it into the sea, while posting videos on the forum in a bid to force @BurtonRam7 into drinking a more manly drink.

I'd use the empty cans to build a luxury villa, and make cutlery, and a boat for fishing trips, but mostly to create a fortification where I'd keep an eye out for a certain invader on a pedelo, trusty rifle at the ready.



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36 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

I'd make the alcohol Strongbow Dark Fruits, and would spend my days exhausting the worldwide supplies pouring it into the sea, while posting videos on the forum in a bid to force @BurtonRam7 into drinking a more manly drink.

I am considering trying to get into whisky, if that makes any difference. The only issue is everything that I’ve tried so far is absolutely ducking horrible.

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4 minutes ago, BurtonRam7 said:

I am considering trying to get into whisky, if that makes any difference. The only issue is, everything that I’ve tried so far is absolutely ducking horrible.

That's like going from tippex thinners to crack.

Try Glayva or Drambuie (sic), bit more mellow as a gateway. 

Although I love both them, but still can't get into whisky really.

Especially not Jack Daniels.

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