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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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18 minutes ago, coneheadjohn said:

I was behind a driver yesterday who was doing her hair whilst a police car tried to come through at red lights.

I needed her to move forward so i could let them through.

When i flashed her she w**ked me off out of the window.Completely oblivious to the police.

Made me smile.

Where can I find this young lady?

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On 16/03/2017 at 20:24, bigbadbob said:

Why don't you see white dog poo anymore?

All to do with dietary changes 

"What used to happen in the old days was that dogs whose diet included calcium-rich bones, would **** in the street and then the forces of nature would age the turds, turning them from their initial form (which requires no further description) to something which might best be described as "the skeleton of a turd". 

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1 hour ago, coneheadjohn said:

I think she only w**ked me off because she couldn't stick the nut on me.

Didn't look pretty.

It was on the manor in Sheffield,not a great spot for attractive ladies.

A woman in a car behind me was doing her hair, make up and checking her phone. Was terrified she'd crumple my car! Must be a thing about that area.

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Sith Happens
1 hour ago, rynny said:

Did you know that if you get caught going through a red light to let emergency services through you still get into trouble?

I would have thought flashing a girl in the car in front for an impromptu handjob is more likely to get you into trouble mind.

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Sith Happens
55 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

The word Soccer. I'm sure it's only in the world of television it's actually used. I mean, the game is not governed by The Soccer Association is it ?  Yet we have Soccer AM, Soccer Saturday and when I was a lad Star Soccer on a Sunday afternoon. I hate it and it's time it effed off.

You know i have never thought of soccer am in that way, maybe as a tittle soccer am sounds better than football am....dont know. But i think soccer as a word was more common in the 80's as the states had its failed attempt at having a decent league.

I dont like it, i mean its football. The americans have american football, and they have footie in austrailia which i dont know much about but seems a derivative of rugby just as americal football seems to be, what do they call proper football in australia? I mean dont both of those mostly involve passing the ball with your hands? Why call it football?


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Far be it for me to say what people should and shouldn't do with their own skin and bodies, but the sheer amount of tattoos just for the sake of having a tattoo is astounding, particularly on footballers.

How stupid are you going to look when you get to a 'mature' age, and you have initials and wings on your neck?

I have 3 tattoos myself, but a lot of thought went into them, and they are not obvious during the working day.

I see some ink on people and just think "what a muppet!".

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17 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:


Far be it for me to say what people should and shouldn't do with their own skin and bodies, but the sheer amount of tattoos just for the sake of having a tattoo is astounding, particularly on footballers.

How stupid are you going to look when you get to a 'mature' age, and you have initials and wings on your neck?

I have 3 tattoos myself, but a lot of thought went into them, and they are not obvious during the working day.

I see some ink on people and just think "what a muppet!".

I'm not a big fan of tattoos in general really. I think if you're a wrestler, biker, heavy metal guitarist, Maori warrior or navy seal then fair enough. But anyone else usually looks daft to me.

I am particularly annoyed by tattoos you have to read though. Make it a picture or GTFO.

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31 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

I'm not a big fan of tattoos in general really. I think if you're a wrestler, biker, heavy metal guitarist, Maori warrior or navy seal then fair enough. But anyone else usually looks daft to me.

I am particularly annoyed by tattoos you have to read though. Make it a picture or GTFO.

Tattoos are at their greatest when they're badly drawn and/or spelled.

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Two things I have thought to add to this thread.

When you brush your teeth and have forgotten to run your toothbrush / toothpaste under the cold tap first.  Yuk.

The second is really getting on my tits.  People who use social media and film themselves talking directly to camera.  I think it really started with the water bucket challenge (great cause but god the videos were annoying) and is worse now with the facebook live thing.  I never listen to the videos because I guess like 99% of everyone my settings are to not play sound on videos but the sight of their self important faces telling me **** I don't want to know really gets on my nerves.

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