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Hendrick - Aston Villa


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Good contribution... :huh:

On the basis that we've pretty much always had 4 wingers (and have almost always subbed our wingers during games) I would imagine we'll have 4 next season too

With Ince and Lingard going back, and Ward leaving we'll be down to 2 wingers (not including youth team)

You really think it's likely that we'll get rid of Dawkins and then go out and get 3 more wingers?!?!?

Where did i say we were letting Dawkins go?

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As I'm London based I don't see as much of Derby as the others on here. But I still remember Dawkins scoring a wonderful goal against Fulham in the Cup last season. That was a joy to watch

​Not as good as Hendrick's goal (of the season) against Millwall though right? ;)

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Where did i say we were letting Dawkins go?

​Are you involved in a different thread?

You responded to my reply to ronnieronalde... He was saying he thought we'd let Dawkins go... I said that seems unlikely having let Ward go... then you made your comment...

What was the point in your comment then?!?!?

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​I think Calero will be around the first team a lot more this season. And I think even if Dawkins stays we'll try and sign another 2 wingers as his future lies as a central midfielder

​Dunno though... Calero seem more like a central AM to me...

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This is an academy product with 9 goals and 9 assists this season, including our goal of the season, he's not as average as some might think. While I really like Jeff, he's excellent on his day, I'd be tempted to sell him to Villa for a decent fee and a player in return.

But, bare in mind, 5 million aint what it used to be. You could technically couldn't even buy half a Ross McCormack with that dosh.

​Also Ireland young player of the year. I say £8 million is a good fee, the do play Cleverly remember

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How can Hendrick in all right "lose patience" with Derby? He's been one of the biggest underperformers in my opinion (purely based on potential ability). I don't think he's deluded enough to be in that frame of mind. He's quite level headed when it comes to football, so I think that quote is trouble making lol

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​I'll have a tiny little flutter with you @Bris Vegas if you're up for it. A bottle of Mexico's finest Tequilla if I'm right vs a bottle of Polands finest vodka (or sliwowka if you prefer)

One I wouldn't be surprised to see Dawks told he can leave in the summer

Two, if he does go, I'll bet its not to a team above Derby. I think he'll be very lucky to get another championship move.

Hendrick is a much better talent with much more potential.

Dawkins is massively over rated by a few on here, he's neat and tidy but offers bugger all. (that't not to say i don't wish the lad all the very best with whatever personal issues he's having cos he seems to be a really genuinely positive lad,

​What are we having a flutter on buddy?

That Dawkins can pass the ball more accurately than Hendrick? Or that Hendrick will go further in his career? Or something else?

Dawks is a fantastic CM in a midfield three. Far better than Hendrick IMO

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How can Hendrick in all right "lose patience" with Derby? He's been one of the biggest underperformers in my opinion (purely based on potential ability). I don't think he's deluded enough to be in that frame of mind. He's quite level headed when it comes to football, so I think that quote is trouble making lol

He's decent and very patience at DCFC, so I want him here with Hughes and Villa/WBA can have donkey Bryson. 

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​What are we having a flutter on buddy?

That Dawkins can pass the ball more accurately than Hendrick? Or that Hendrick will go further in his career? Or something else?

Dawks is a fantastic CM in a midfield three. Far better than Hendrick IMO


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donkey bryson? one bad season and hes a donkey... i'ld be quite happy to have bryson a regular starter.


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​What are we having a flutter on buddy?

That Dawkins can pass the ball more accurately than Hendrick? Or that Hendrick will go further in his career? Or something else?

Dawks is a fantastic CM in a midfield three. Far better than Hendrick IMO

He's a better passer of the ball over 6 yards, I'll give you that.

​We can have a flutter that Jeff will go on to have a much better career than Dawkins as a central midfielder, we can have a flutter that Jeff will play a higher level than Dawks, hell I'd even be tempted to have a flutter that Jeff would make a better winger (exaggeration). We can have a flutter that Jeff will move for more in one transfer that Dawks will in his entire career.

If you think Dawkins is better or even on a par with Jeff centrally then I'm not convinced by your eye for a player. I guess that won't surprise you though ;-) 

Hell let's just have a flutter on anything, I know you like a gamble and I'm well up for a bottle of tequila.


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​So the Express and Star openly say they are merely repeating internet rumours which may not be true and all of a sudden we have a bidding frenzy for Hendo's signature because he's apparently fed up with life at Derby

There are times when I hate the t'internet and social media, especially when the season doesn't start until August 

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He's a better passer of the ball over 6 yards, I'll give you that.

​We can have a flutter that Jeff will go on to have a much better career than Dawkins as a central midfielder, we can have a flutter that Jeff will play a higher level than Dawks, hell I'd even be tempted to have a flutter that Jeff would make a better winger (exaggeration). We can have a flutter that Jeff will move for more in one transfer that Dawks will in his entire career.

If you think Dawkins is better or even on a par with Jeff centrally then I'm not convinced by your eye for a player. I guess that won't surprise you though ;-) 

Hell let's just have a flutter on anything, I know you like a gamble and I'm well up for a bottle of tequila.


​Dawkins and Hendrick both have their pitfalls, no doubt about it.

Without question, Dawkins is a more talented footballer. He has a better touch, his awareness is a lot better and he doesn't lose the ball anywhere near the amount that Hendrick does.

I think Dawkins is a player that needs a little bit of coaching to become a very, very good player. I think he could do what Bryson did for us last season as he is a better player than him, also.

Hendrick's problems are more deep rooted. He's a good Championship footballer - an extremely good Championship footballer - but he lacks the intelligence. He's better than Dawkins at the 'long game' but his concentration for a centre mid is very poor. 

I'd give Dawkins the nod over Hendrick ahead of next season as I think he's got more potential. Hendrick is a player that if a bid, like the numbers talked about, came in that I would actively seek to move on. 

I don't think Dawkins would ever be able to play in a two man midfield, which is his downfall, but Hendrick can't at the moment either.

If Hendrick's going to make it at the top level then he needs to improve his concentration, fitness and learn to play in a two man midfield. I said in another thread, Arter and Surman are similar players to him but have looked like athletes in comparison. On ability alone, I would still pick Hendrick but he needs to look at what them two have done and follow their example. 

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