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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 2 hours ago, ram59 said:

       I remember Robbie the Robot saying "on our way home" each episode, they don't make kids programs like that anymore.

    I never missed an episode ?

    As an aside, A few years back I bought a Ford Focus, It's number plates had 3 digits along with others and were XL5, I bought it for £900 in the hope of selling the number plate, Got the V5 back and on it it said "number plate can not be sold seperately", Also it had a lowered suspension, My drive was on a slope so when driving on and off i'd scrape the sills, A couple of moths later sold for £350...ouch lesson learned.

  2. 3 minutes ago, SamUltraRam said:

    Just seen this on Twitter - but don't get excited, that's not the real John Percy, just a parody account !!


    She tried twice with Newcastle...now us?, If Newcastle fails...try Derby County?

  3. 4 minutes ago, DCFC27 said:

    My point is that he was pretty good at it until play off final. The error seems to have scarred him 

    There's an old adage "you have to be crazy to be a goalkeeper", It was said that Peter Shilton would save a team 20 points a season, Well that was his job, If a striker misses an opportunity nothing is recorded, If a keeper makes a ricket then a goal is very likely.

    The pairing of Davis and Jagielka will I hope give him more confidence, Talking to him and coaching him will make him better, There's a decent keeper in there somewhere, Unfortunately the Wembley goal will forever be there.

  4. 7 minutes ago, DCFC27 said:

    That’s under cocu. What’s your point? 

    My point is Roos didn't and still doesn't command his area, Huddersfield goal from the freekick, Addmittedly it was  swung in with pace, But he was caught in the headlights, Never moved off his line.

    He's a good shot stopper, But when it comes to commanding his area and crosses where bodies are concerned there's plenty of scope to improve, The faux Pah at Peterboro where a 25 yarder almost went through him sent shudders up my spine.



  5. 17 hours ago, DCFC27 said:

    Talking nonsense there. 

    Roos was brought in because Carson seemed incapable commanding his area in the first half of the season. Roos came in and commanded his area caught crossed played out from the back and made some really good saves. As a matter of fact without him Leeds would have been in the final. 

    You obviousley didn't see his performance away at Fulham then, I did...woefull is being kind, We lost 3 nil


  6. This is a Warnock side, They'll snarl and kick, If we stick to what we know we'll be OK, After their game last night against QPR who had a player sent off...Warnock who was on screen lambasted the ref at the final whistle in the centre circle, A real angry 70 year old he was ?

  7. 59 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    I don't get this 'life ends at 35' stuff. I wouldn't ever have classed myself as anything other than a moderate club runner, but I did manage 3 sub-3 hour marathons between the ages of 48 and 51 and a further 3 sub 3:06.

    Depends how you look after yourself.

    6 inch or 12 inch?


  8. 12 hours ago, RIMBAUD said:

    Class player. This year’s Paul Mcgrath?

    I was lucky enough to see Paul Mcgrath play fur us, His knees were shot, He very rarely trained, But a player who was superb/outstanding in our defence, Marshald from the back line, Knew how to push his marker under the ball so he's win all his headers, Is Jagielka of the same mould...we'll see, One Swallow (queue puns ?) doesn't make a summer, His legs may be 39 years old but his attitude and awareness will be missed by Sheff Untd.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Simmo’s left foot said:

    I've been thinking about going to a few away games this season.

    Go for it, The experience alone will be something to savour.

    I've never been to an away match before! What can I expect?

    Always expect the unexpected, Depends which games you pick but each to their own I guess

    Is it true everybody stands up for the whole game?

    No, A lot do and a lot dont, Depends on where you're going to sit...or stand

    and do people take their allocated seats?

    No, Unlees your Leeds or Chelsea it's best if you leave them bolted to the floor.

    Is it rowdy, south stand style?

    Can be, Again depends on where you're sitting

    What about before and after the game?

    Before the game have a mooch around the town, A bite to eat and a drink maybe, After the game a burger then straight to a boozer, But all depends on your mode of transport.

    I'd probably drive so is parking an issue at times?

    Depends which game you choose, It can be a pain parking near a ground, Then again there may be a car park near to the game of your choice...not forgetting that drink and driving is not an idea i'm advocating...see above.

    I'm in my fifties and would like to sit down and watch the game, giving the rams a cheer on the way. Fairly typical north stander ?

    Away games are not like home games, There's more excitement, Banter, Tomfoolery, Giggles galore, You'll enjoy the day...especially if we get 3 pointsSport Spray Can GIF by ALL ELITE WRESTLING


  10. It's easy to fall for someone who says they are what they are, I know very well how she feels, I've not been posting on this board for a good few months, The reason being I dated a Woman who claimed she was Madonna, She took me for every penny I had, Told me stories that her ex boyfriends robbed her and she was taking them to court, So when she wins her case i'll get my money back...with interest, She was a Psycho, I'd be hit, Robbed, Shown up at every opportunity, Eventually I managed to get away after telling the Police.

    I found out through friends that she 's ended up in prison, My friend said...he'd heard I was dating Mad Donna.

  11. A longtime since my last post...So here's my 2 peneth worth.

    Since lockdown from March 2020 until the begining of this season, I've found that i've not missed going to Pride Park, The poster "B4" I know how he feels when talking DCFC and going to watch them, I was the same back in the day, Eat, Sleep, Drink and nothing else where DCFC was concerned, Sacrifices over decades, I've even pinched a few bob to get into the BBG, It was a "Drug" I couldn't get out of the habit, Seen lots of bad stuff, Been involved in a lot aswell, After a defeat i'd feel pretty low for a couple of days and "sulk", Come Tues/Wed i'd snap out of it as Saturday was just a few days away, A win WOW! it's one great high, A Buzz that is hard to explain but makes you feel absolutely great.

    I've shed tears of joy and tears of woe this last 50 years of DCFC, They've made me proud to be a DCFC fan, They've made me sad too, So altho I could re-new at a far lesser price as i'm now one of the older folk i've decided against it, No trudging those dark and cold winter nights to PP or having to change my plans through Sky TVs awfull schedule, I still jumped to my feet as I did on Saturday when we scored, But I never felt down when we lost, Just a shrug of my shoulders and a wry smile on my face...after all this is Derby County ?


  12. 17 minutes ago, ImARam2 said:

    Just before Christmas and the January transfer window, I was told a little rumour that a bid had been put in for Sibley from a Northern city Premier club, which was turned down by Derby as nowhere near enough.

    Now I live in Duffield where at least 5 players, two current managers and a couple of coaches live, so from time to time you hear snippets, rumours, call it what you will, and most of the time they are just bull****. However, occasionally they are correct.


    It's well know that a bed was put in for Sibley, Rooney sent Sibley away to sleep on it.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Seen Roos get some flack for the 2nd last night, harsh as it's poor defending from Byrne who allowed him to cut in and get a shot off, whilst being in front so Roos saw it late. Would the same people give Marshall flack if he conceded the same goal? Don't think so.

    It's a goal you often see now, All the pundits and alot of supporters say you should not be conceding at your near post, I agree, But whether players are blocking or the ball is shot with much more precision ?‍♀️

  14. 2 hours ago, Gerry Daly said:

    Well I think anyone who works professionally in a field knows a lot more about it than a lay person. I'm going to see my dentist in a bit and I'm glad she knows a lot more about it than I do! I know football is a bit different, people have watched loads of it, played the game at a lower level and so on but I still think the analogy holds

    I new a footballer who's teeth were rotten, Booked an appointment and was called in, The Dentist said open wide and i'll have a look, Well he said, I'll start with the back 4, Working round to the 2 wide ones, The 2 that's either side of the front 2 need some work but I can save them, As for the front 2 they've had their day.

    The Dentist says to his assistent...thats 4-2-4

  15. 1 hour ago, Gerry Daly said:

    The thing is Rooney and his coaches see him every day. They also know a lot more about football than any of us. If Sibley was good enough right now he would be in the side, simple as that. That's not writing him off though, I'm sure he will come good   

    Do they?, Just because they played the game doesn't make them more knowledgable than you or I, They had the where withall to get to this stage, They'll have agents working for them, Their names can tick boxes, There's plenty of posters on here that have talked a good game, With setting how they would set their team out, Who they'd have taken off, Who'd they have put on, Jiggle with the formation.

    Don't be clouded by their history of very good players, There's plenty of players that have become Managers once their carreers had finished, And quite a few that had bitten off more than they could chew.

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