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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 4 minutes ago, Black ('n' White) Sheep said:

    Question from someone that's fairly ignorant of how this embargo works... If we made some sales, would that mean we could bring people in?

    If so, I wouldn't rule it out... not with the amount of changes WR says he wants to make! 

    Yes, Sell 2 players then we can bring in 2 players in...maximum of 23 players of proffesional standing

  2. 37 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    All football related debts were paid some months ago and the wages, were paid within a week so this post is 99% inaccurate and btw what the fxxx is Delaware, apart from a small state on the east coast.

    They were the group that owned/leased the food and beer outlets on the concourse.

  3. 20 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    Don’t particularly want to get into this too much and fear putting my head over the parapet with this, but I have long wondered how much our local investors in the last 20 years have had the true best interest of the football club at heart. I guess what I’m saying is who’s come in with the intention of being the chairman for 10-20 years with a long term plan. To me, it’s been a plan to get that prem money asap and that pursuit over 20 years has been absolutely fruitless.

    I'm not to sure there are that many, Look at the Oystons and what they did at Blackpool, Now owned by "a fan" an invester who had offices in Honk Kong. Unless you get a huge investment, Great fan base ie 30-40-50 thousand gates and start your tenure with zero debt, Then us the fans start to demaned better players, On huge saleries, Then the cycle of borrowing will eventually see clubs fall off a cliff edge.

    A vanity project is good at the start, But then there's a price to pay if all your hopes and desires fail.

  4. 1 hour ago, IslandExile said:

    I agree with you @angieram - as always.

    One thing: "the views" at the BBG. My Dad used to joke that standing on the Popside, he never saw the corner flags on our side of the ground ?

    Oh and of course, the facilities at the BBG.  For the men a wall. For the women, were there any?

    Just remembered one females name "Freddie", Around my age now mid to late 60s if still around, Always up for a giggle ?

  5. 10 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    I agree with you @angieram - as always.

    One thing: "the views" at the BBG. My Dad used to joke that standing on the Popside, he never saw the corner flags on our side of the ground ?

    Oh and of course, the facilities at the BBG.  For the men a wall. For the women, were there any?

    There were several younger females in the 70s that would stand at the back of the Vulcan Street End, I started in the Kids Pen, Then moved to the Columbo End as a very young teen where me and my mate would climb up the corner near the floodlights and tie ourselves with scarves to the metal fence with the away supporters walking underneath us.

    Getting older a move to the Vulcan Street was a must, With the red metal fence walkway seperating home and away fans, Many a suicide fan would jump them to have a close chat with the away fans, At the back of the Popside where a hot bovril was served there was no segregation and all hell would break loose at HT, A fence was later put up to seperate both waring factions, Then a portion of the Columbo and Vulcan street was segregated for the more normal fan, So home fans would enter the Columbo end to great the away fans, All cash turnstiles so no checking the fans, Eventually moving to the Ossie End after Chelsea and Leeds wrecking the seats fiasco, Then onto the more sedate "C" Stand Paddock ?.

    As a football arena I don't think there was a more intimidating ground than the BBG, Away players who were going to take a corner at the "C" stand paddock area would often have a change of heart when scores of Lads got to their feet and hurl abuse at them, Away players would often have their shorts pulled on when taking a throw in, Or if you were a Fulham player...getting kicked/tripped, The Hunter/Lee fracas, Lee was initially punched... the reason...Lee was a master at tripping himsel up in the penalty area, Which he did when Hunter was chasing him down, Ref gave a Pen and we scored, Hunter bided his time, And got a good one in right on Lees nose, Ref sends them both off then the fun began with Lee throwing several punches and NOT one landing on Hunter, Only for Hunter to fall over, Word has it that Hunter refused to come out of the changing rooms until Lee had left the BBG.

    For me, DCFC lost something when moving to PP, I bought a ST in the East stand, The view was great right in line with the 18 yard line, The Atmosphere was lost for me, It became more sterile, But I Lived with it I guess, As long as I have my memories I can always visit the BBG anytime I choose ?


  6. 1 hour ago, CBRammette said:

    Limited time to be checking news yesterday. First thing I did on waking this morning. Not a hint regarding where we are with EFL anywhere online. Anyone else feeling sad/angry at where we are at today in particular? (No reflection on our on-field start to the season)

    Nope, I don't get wound up about anything that I can not have an impact on, But last week we were assured by Percy that there WILL be a points deduction Fat Joe Sport GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

  7. 38 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    We sold out at Coventry once so I managed to get a restricted view in the home end and watched the match peering around a post. It ended up 0-0 the post was more interesting.

    I said to my mate, I bet he drew the short straw sitting behind that post, That's us just behind the keeper the ones with that hats on.






  8. Believe it or not referees are human beings, like us, They make mistakes, like us, They have off days, like us, There's things in their lives they don't like, like us, They sulk, Moan, Complain, Laugh, Joke, Read, Write, Have families, But when those B***ards make descisions against us...I have it in for them and so does every other football supporter...as Paul Whitehouse man in the pub would say "it's the hardest job in the world"...at times☺️

  9. 11 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:



    yes, Fozzy will probably cop it but don’t think he should. If anyone on this forum thinks he’s the type to stamp intentionally on gonads, I’d be surprised   Even gumps gonads 

    thought Fozzy had a pretty good game in fact esp given that he was leading the charge on Tuesday. Especially THAT pass  

    A well constructed defence...me-lud, The only one who knows if it was intentional or not is Craig Forsyth, I don't buy into this inocent Scotsman, This is a local "Derby", Over the last years 55+ i've seen all the "derbys" in Britain on TV, European "derbys" to boot, They can turn an angel into the devil.

    I'll stick to my original opinion of "intent" if and only if it goes to the disciplinary panel he'll be found inocent or guilty, The video will be studied in ultra slo-motion for dramatic effect...so let the panel decide?


  10. 10 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Fozzy was a red and we should have had a pen for handball…just my view. I ran the line for Perton U13s a couple of times ???

    My aplause is not for you having an opinion, It's aplauding you for running the line for Perton U13s...nasty beggars they were too?

  11. 30 minutes ago, Rambalin said:

    Saw it in real-time directly in front of me in the north stand and have since on video.......no way is it a red card two things to consider the ref is looking straight at it so is the linesman no reaction from either ...secondly the player and no other of his team mates protested at the time or when next the ball went dead.

    And how far were you in the North Stand to the said incident?, The player DID make a reaction, When he got up he showed the Ref  that he was stamped on, But I guess you being that far away in the North Stand you didn't see what all TV viewers saw and have an opinion on.


    As an edit

    I've played the game, Managed the game and reffed the game, All at a good standard, It doesn't make me any better or worse than yourself...it's all a judgment call at the time.

    PS the Worrell handball WAS handball as he was falling his upper arm moved towards the ball...not a natural movement.

  12. 37 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    Well hopefully if Mel can be arsed and the efl then it needs sorting out Monday to add the 3 players we need. We are conceding pressure and goals second half because we are knackered and the squad is threadbare to be changed in game 

    It's a bank holiday on Monday, I bet those who work at the EFL have been given the day off...PS we aint going to get a 20 goal a season striker, The best i'd offer would be to get Glen Murray who was the pundit on our game today.

  13. 18 minutes ago, angieram said:

    It's a shame people can only form their opinions on players based on what Sky pundits (who are paid to create talking points) and slow motion replays tell them.

    If you look at Fozzy's "stamp" in real time, he is just trying to extricate himself from the tangle. Not looking, no intent but they insist on making a meal of it.

    Similarly the Forest equaliser in real time - appalling marking, crisp shot. Roos did well to nearly get down to it and many keepers (Marshall included) wouldn't have got anywhere near. But play it in slo-mo, it's suddenly an "error". 

    I'll base my opinion on what my eyes saw and not what is said, I gather you're sat in the West Stand a good 100 yards from the incident at a guess, The replay shows it as a stamp... there's no over balance or trying to extracate himself from the player...my opinion only.

    Yes the ball should have been cleared before a shot was taken, But a shot was taken, Roos gets a hand on it but parries into the goal, Once he did the hard part by getting a hand on it then it should have been saved...my opinion only.

    "Slo-mo" is there for the viewer, It doesn't make a goal or a stamp worse or better, It shows what if any could or should have been given.

  14. 3 minutes ago, ck- said:

    You mean like when he made that outstanding fingertip save when there was just as much pressure?

    it was a mistake for sure, but those suggesting Marshall is better (not saying you are one of those by the way) are conveniently forgetting similar blunders from him. 

    We're a mid to bottom Championship team, Goalkeepers make mistakes, It's the frequency of these mistakes that cost points, Last season both Eddison and Allison made huge errors even with great defenders infront of them, We had an opportunity to clear the ball in the box, Unfortunately Kell wasn't up to stopping the shot...we have what we have and mistkes will continue imo.

  15. 7 minutes ago, LazloW said:



    Perhaps the tactical geniuses on the forum could explain the thinking in the goal kicks because it’s flummoxed me!

    I'm no tactical genious, But I can tell you what WR has said when asked, He wants to play out from the back, Keep the ball and work it upfield, There appears to be a new thinking with this tactic, Some prem teams are doing this, We looked comfortable in the 1st half, But Forest changed tack and put the pressure on us.

  16. 1st half the dogs were hopeless, 2nd half we just didn't go for it, Forsyth could have gone for the stamp, We should have had a penalty...not given, Curtis Davis has his shirt removed...but play hadn't started and probs out the area, But unfortunately Roos yet again makes a mistake, Didn't get his body behind the ball but flaps at the ball ?

  17. 7 minutes ago, Addingham Ram said:

    When you put it like that, it just goes to show what a crazy club we support.

    The only memorable (or should I say forgettable) moments you missed from my personal point of view were the Wembley loss to Leicester, and the floodlight failure on the first game at PP. It could only happen to us!

    Of the so called big clubs, only Man City have really faced any hardship over recent times, although fans of all the big clubs would argue otherwise, just because they miss out on the top four every now and then.

    Who would really swap being a Ram for any other club.

    Not me.

    That drive home after Wembley was awfull, When the lights went out...against Wimbledon who'd have thought, I don't/didn't see me as any sort of Super Fan, There's 100s maybe 1000s that have done and do what I did, I know a Female...I just wonder if Angie the poster on here knows her...initials MW, She spends 4/5k a season following DCFC, I asked her why so much, Her reply...I have no family to support other than Derby County.

  18. 9 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    I’m calling ******** where there’s a will there’s a way.

    From when I started going in 1966 up until 2019/20 season I proberbly missed 10 homes games if that, Travelled the Country far and wide, Froze half to death at Carlisle at a night match, Been served food that pigs woould turn down (a hot pork pie in Rotherham ?)Hearded on trains and treated like animals by the OB (which was a fare Cop)as we did the same to them, Queued up at silly o'clock for cup tickets many hours before the ticket office opened, Begged, Borrowed and sometimes stole money to watch Derby, Thought I was a dead un at the FA Cup semi at Hillsboro when United stormed across the pitch, Had bus windows smashed in when seated, Been clumped and clumped others who wanted it...more and much more.

    BUT, There was a feeling of great pride and euforia following this club, Through Brian Clough leaving, To Dave McKay entering, The night Charlie George suffered his injury, The dark very dark days in the early 80s, Leeds and Chelsea trashing the Ossie end stands seats, Mike Waterson saying we have our own "Lunatic Fringe", Being relegated and being at Norwich singing we'll be back, The nights at the BBG in European football, A Juventus fan having his checked flag burnt when draped over the Ley stand, Alan Hinton missing that penalty, A cabbage patch of a pitch, Derby fan kicking a Fulham player, Malcom McDonald crying wanting to replay the match, Ian Storey-Moore  paraded on the pitch as our new player only for him to sign for United, Franny Lee and Norman Hunter sent off for the battle of the BBG, Trevor Christie scores from the spot when given a ghost penalty for us to be promoted...all in the 60s 70s and 80s...more and much more.

    Derby move to PP everyone has a seat, We can all see the game, Sky TV arrive...football has changed but I didn't see it, Slowly prices would increase at the gates, More and more TV games are being shown on TV, Kick off times are changing, Playing on a Thursday now, We have 24-7 football, A £100million player, Billionaire foreign owners, Countrys owning football teams(PSG/Man City)FIFA/EUFA corrupt organisations(allways have been)The top players are treated like Hollywood film stars, MOTD they talk more than they show the games, Ex players explaining how the game is played...the same game i've just watched, Refs miked up, God damn awfull refs, VAR...big toes being caught offside, Games lasting over 100mins, Players caught by a gentle breeze and poleaxed then faking injury...more and much more.

    Please don't blame us "old uns" for not undstanding modern techknowledgy, We all know the wheel has been invented, We most likely know someone who can sort out our problems(I do)but as things change in football things change for the supporter, There's more things to look forward to, This last 18 months and struggling to see family and friends, I found that football is NOT what I used to live for, There is another world out there it's called life...And there's more, Much, Much more.

    COYRs ☺️

  19. 8 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    I've been in full houses at PP against Forest where the atmosphere was deader than their promotion chances.

    At least the reduced attendance it'll give their fans something to cling to if we beat them. Either that or it will be "we outsung you for 90 minutes" or "we put a Forest sticker on Mel Morris' nameplate in the car park". ? 

    Ahh that'll be "Boatsy" and one of his minions Yes It Is GIF

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