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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 46 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    I've put a laughing emoji... then remembered I distinctly requested no time wasters, and no talking booloox!

    You are very lucky I am in an exceptionally good mood, as I've just got home, to find my new sexy Ajax shirt makes me look like an absolute Adonis!  So much so, I'm off to mention it in a few other threads, just so nobody misses out!    


    Lucky, I tell yer!  Think on!  ?

    I think you'll scrub up well


  2. 10 hours ago, DCFC Kicks said:

    Please no VAR.

    Aren't referees just like players in the sense that as soon as any Championship ref gets good, the Premier League takes them? 

    Referees are marked by each team, Referess will have an assessor in the stands to monitor their performance(who assesses the assessor?)when they constantley get good scores they'll be invited to officiate a Premier game, They'll be scrutinised and eventually if they make a good showing they'll be added to the Premier League list, Stuart Atwell on the other hand was fast tracked just like the Australian official has been, Atwells mentor was one George Courtney a horrible official imo, A school headmaster...instead of detention he booked them, One who NEVER used COMMON SENSE!

    Andy D'Urso who was a decent ref imo, One game in the Premier was the start of his downhill profession, He dared to give a penalty against United at Old Trafford and suffered the consequences.


  3. Looking at the video that loweman2 posted on the weekend thread, Niel Hallam says that most clubs do what we have been doing...but we always got caught..he said it's politics/political, We've been a thorn in the side of the football authoritys for over a centuary...the EFL in their wisdon feel they need to hammer us and are changing their stance as and when they choose, Of course this has nothing to do with DCFC appealing the 12 points deduction now has it...take the b astards on.

  4. 9 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Calderone. Now there's a name from the past. 

    Tommy French, He'd book you and you'd give him a couple of quid not to send it in, Eric Baker the window cleaner, Good Ref but cost us a game once with a bad call, Rang our secretary up on the Sunday evening to oppologise for his wrong call, Sandy Powell must have been 80 years old, We played Stanley Common Miners Welfare on the Racecourse, One of their players took one of our players out at knee high, Sandy asked him if he has a shower after the game...I sure do was his reply...well you best have one now as i'm sending you off, Jonny Oldknow...probably the best Sunday ref out there

  5. 2 minutes ago, loweman2 said:

    Really ? Hell of a story if true and would need documenting in the book about the history of the shirts, at this stage I don’t know whether you are having a laugh or being serious, in that film clip they do look like your Nan was struggling if true ? ?? let me know @Unlucky Alf

    Just kidding loweman.

    But I've played against Kevin Hector when he played for the Post Office on a Sunday Morning, Worked with John O'Hare when he got a job at Prestige on City Road in Derby, Only lasted a few days...hard work it was, And after a session in Town with the Ex a good few years back when walking down Saint Peters street a group of men stopped both of us and asked where a good boozer was, I asked what they wanted, Lads pub, One with a few Ladies in, Or just a quiet drink, A soft Scottish voice said we just want a quiet drink...i looked at the man...Only Dave MaKay...sent them to Babbingtons.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Could you list the ones that have gone in our favour, because I'd love to stop feeling paranoid? 

    We played a game on Chester Green mid 80s, The Ref was well known for being shocking an Italian named Calderone, He gave us an indirect free kick in the penalty area, Their players stood on the line, He told them all to get to the edge of the Pentalty area as it was a penalty, Our Captain tried to explain an indirect free kick isn't a penalty...we told told him to shut the F up...still lost the game tho.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    The overall standard of refereeing in the EFL is poor to say the least but they're not helped by their linesmen. Far too often they wait for the ref to make a decision then stick the flag up so as to be seen to be in agreement with him. For pity sake have the nouse to make a decision based on what you see and if the ref over-rules you fair enough.

    In one of the recent matches at PP the ball went out of play and it was obvious to most East Stand fans it was a Derby throw but the ref hesitated, looked for help from the lino who hadn't a clue. It was as though there was an impasse and after what seemed an eternity (probably 4 or 5 seconds), the ref gave the throw to the opposition - most likely because they were the defending side so less likely that a goal might come from their ineptitude.


    I see what you did there...very clever.

    We still refer to them as Linesmen...the official name is...Referees Assistants, Who is essense very rarely assist, Major decisions are left to the person in the middle.

    In local Sunday Morning games Refs will tell both linesman...ball in and out of play and offside let me make the big decisions, I always wonder whether this is what happens in Pro football ?


  8. 6 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well I can only report what I see mate but appentley it got paid of 2 weeks ago.

    No it was paid off before we went into administration, The clearing up process was 2 weeks ago.

    This is what was on twitter

    "This is just a tidying up process at Companies House. The Rams Investment loan was paid off when refinanced to MSD and taken off at Land Registry. This is not a recent transaction and happened well before Administration"

  9. 1 minute ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Isn't the whole point of being in administration a sure and factual sign that said company doesn't have enough money to continue (for very long), and doesn't have  anyone available to make up the shortfall without additional funding/buy out?

    Isn't our entire survival down to being bought out?

    Why would they expect DCFC to have "enough funds" at this stage.  How TF does that work?  Surely if we did, there'd be no need for administration?  

    Final question... or am I just being thick?  ?‍♂️

    Nope!...if Rick Parry had posted this then i'd say he's just being thick

  10. I posted this on the Preston thread...more appropriate here

    The concerning thing is this..."Officials"..., No doubt most if not all clubs would want a fare minded official, There appears to be 1 common denominator with us...the non awarding of penalties, With WR now putting it on record that he believes we're not getting what he thinks are penalties...a man who keeps his own observations to a minimum...but 2 things, He now feels under pressure(because of our 12 point penalty) to complain about those in the middle...which I don't feel he is, Or he has a genuine grievance.

    Reading the match day posts on here after every game and they can be a little blinkered, But there's enough posters on here that have a belief we're being harshly treated for 1 reason or another, Is there a conspiracy...I very much doubt it, Do the match officials know about our predicament...they certainly do, Has this any influence on how we're judged for the whole period of the game...ask them and the answer will be a resounding NO!

    If the officials believe what some other teams Chairmen say about us "Cheating" then unfortunately there's more poor officials coming our way.



  11. 12 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    We got a genuinely corrupt referee in the 70s so yeah why not

    Too true...proven in later years, Helmut Haller(German)was from the same town as the German referee, Peter Taylor went into the refs dressing room at HT to challenge the Ref and Haller was in there.

  12. 36 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    I know full well what Risk Management is thanks, but I don't know of any mitigation plan that allows for a total loss of income whilst still maintaining costs.

    But that's pretty much irrelevant as we're talking about whether the clause is applicable. You stated "We will claim we have been reducing costs, no doubt the EFL will try to claim running up debts is not consistent with "doing all you can to prepare...". We were not alone in failing to prepare for a global pandemic because no-one really expected it to ever happen - certainly not on the scale it did and not with the impact it did. It was therefore an unexpected event which we couldn't have been expected to prepare for.....in fact I can't think of a single company (or country/government) that said " Don't worry folks, out risk planning has made sure we're perfectly placed to cope with something so unexpected".

    The club's argument will be that we would have continued to operate if covid hadn't happened - we'd already been drastically reducing our costs but still couldn't avoid or survive the hit on our income.....

    I remember one of the 1st Covid briefings to the British public where one of the Senior Medical Advisors said...in the worse case scenario we'll see a maximum 20,000 deaths due to Covid...Wow did they get their risk planning wrong...now circa 139,000

  13. 3 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    I'd argue it is as well however I've gone on what Mr maguire was saying on his pod this week.

    Insurance companies have not been paying out on force majeure clauses. 

    Interesting question about how much a chairman/shareholder should be expected to fund a club. 

    Not too sure whether these are Force Majeure...but certainly Covid affected their closure and won their cases in the Supreme Court.


  14. The concerning thing is this..."Officials"..., No doubt most if not all clubs would want a fare minded official, There appears to be 1 common denominator with us...the non awarding of penalties, With WR now putting it on record that he believes we're not getting what he thinks are penalties...a man who keeps his own observations to a minimum...but 2 things, He now feels under pressure(because of our 12 point penalty) to complain about those in the middle...which I don't feel he is, Or he has a genuine grievance.

    Reading the match day posts on here after every game and they can be a little blinkered, But there's enough posters on here that have a belief we're being harshly treated for 1 reason or another, Is there a conspiracy...I very much doubt it, Do the match officials know about our predicament...they certainly do, Has this any influence on how we're judged for the whole period of the game...ask them and the answer will be a resounding NO!

    If the officials believe what some other teams Chairmen say about us "Cheating" then unfortunately there's more poor officials coming our way.

  15. 11 minutes ago, jono said:

    It’s interesting isn’t it. Formula 1 always made me chuckle .. urrrrm what is Formula 1 ? 

    Well the RAC and the FIA over the years created some rules and several manufacturers all decided to compete there was prize money but it was really auto manufacturers looking for some halo advertising. Where did this organisation arrive that “owned” Formula 1 … They are nothing but negotiators and salesmen … They didn’t invest in the tracks or the cars or the drivers …. OK OK They got “loads a money” from broadcasters and spread some of it amongst the competitors … But the tracks the cars, the competition and the rules all existed long before someone kind of claimed ownership .. Football is the same. There was a line that got bumped in sometime in the 70/80’s then with the advent of subscription TV it was well and truly crossed

    The Formula One series originated with the European Championship of Grand Prix motor racing (q.v. for pre-1947 history) of the 1920s and 1930s. ... Formula One was a new formula agreed upon during 1946 after World War II, with the first non-championship races taking place that year.

    Look at the European Super League, A group of Very rich clubs, Who by the power of Zoom and mobile phones got together to form the ESL...we now know the outcome.

    Then we had the FA and the Football League, The FA decided to breakaway from the FL to start the PL, What was left was an organisation that was left with just a few teeth left after having most of them kicked out by the FA, They were left potless, Those that remained were so far behind the PL they had to do something, Unfortunately...what and who with, IMO the EFL are still toothless with very little bite, BUT! have enough power to make them THINK! they are POWERFULL!

  16. 35 minutes ago, jono said:

    What also interests me is how the movers shakers and decision makers in the EFL actually get the positions of authority.

    They would have been involved in football for sometime, The old adage "it's not what you know but who you know", They will come with some sort knowledge about how the game works, They'll be a good wage, Car, Expence account ie fuel, Clothing, Food while travelling to and from work, Free entry to most football competitions, Hotels and food/drink.

    The odd committee meeting to attend ie punishments for rule breaking, Just think about FIFA, EUFA, The Olympic Committee, World Health Organisation, CONCACAF, The ELF on a much less footing are people who think they are important...a bit like Narccissists...all about us and not those we represent. 

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