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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 1 minute ago, Maharan said:

    To be fair, that’s the same with most clubs outside of the top division. 

    True, but I can’t remember Bielsa, Wilder, Frank or Howe drawing strong interest at any time of them being in the championship. I guess Rowett we were unlucky and then with Lampard and Rooney it’s what comes with their high profiles. 

  2. May as well accept that he’s gone now. 
    I don’t wish him any ill feeling like I did with Lampard as at least Rooney has shown us some level of loyalty throughout this dreadful time. 
    This said it’s blooming annoying how unlucky we’ve been with managers. We either get bad ones that don’t want to leave or good ones that get stolen within a season. Why do they never stick around? (In Rooney’s case I can understand not sticking around).

    I imagine either Rosenior, Wassall or McClaren will take over. If we aren’t liquidated by then.

  3. If they offer it him he’s gone. I had full belief that Lampard would do the right thing by us and look how that turned out. 
    Rooney seems to want to stay not matter what but Everton/Man Utd will be too tempting. 
    As for the compo i reckon we’d get no more than £2m. But hopefully that’s irrelevant as they’ll go for Martinez ?

  4. If Appleby and co have enough to keep us in the game for a couple of seasons I’d be tempted to make them the preferred bidder.   
    Sounds like Ashley can offer us so much more but he’s not prepared to get his hands dirty. In which case he can jog on.

    Beyond angry at how all this is being played out. Ashley treating it like a game of chess whilst every single fan is seeing their pride and joy ripped to pieces. Nobody apart from Rooney and the players deserve any bit of our respect or best wishes. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Black ('n' White) Sheep said:

    Apparently Man Utd were willing to help WR out by loaning us players without a fee... how about they now help us out as a club by signing someone (anyone at this point... Knight, Sibbo, everyone will be on the table) for £5m-£6m to see us through the end of the season? A decent price for players with the potential to be good Prem players in the future?... and we still get to exist.

    Thought this myself but maybe them paying £6m for Knight may raise a few questions from their fans. Even though that’s still a bargain for a player of his potential.

  6. Said it before and will say it again, Ashley won’t come knocking until we’re seconds away from death. Which for a man of his wealth is taking the pee a bit as he can surely afford to step in now before anymore damage is inflicted?  

    Or bell Morris could do the honourable thing and gift the club enough funds to see out the season and then we can crack on with contracts etc. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    What's he to say when asked? Besides it can be true.

    Can see both sides of the coin here.

    Rooney appears to be always open and honest but a lot of the times it’s proven to be a false dawn. I guess most fans will now be excited/hopeful off his comments today so if it doesn’t materialise he looks a bit silly. 

    If he palms the question off it’s super frustrating for fans but then we won’t get let down when things don’t run smoothly.  
    But I guess overall Rooney can only be himself and if that’s to be open with these things then that’s what we have to accept. 

  8. This really seems to be dragging on. Still got a feeling that Ashley is waiting for us to be buried alive before swooping in but I’d say the bag of top soil has just been opened. So any time when you’re ready Mike.

    The most ironic thing about this season is that it’s been quite enjoyable on the pitch/match days and yet off it we’re hurtling towards a black hole. 
    How quite one man has managed to do this much damage I don’t know. I reckon trigger from only fools and horses would’ve left us in a better state than Mel. 

  9. The Derby administration cycle: 

    News outlets report buyer imminent. Good news day.

    Day after Percy and Nixon say nothing close then a random news article appears saying we’re in dead lumber.

    2 days later..The administrators say they’re confident of a buyer within 48 hours. Good news day.  

    Radio silence for a week and on the pitch we carry on with status quo. The forum becomes more of a Wild West than usual.   
    Silence is broken by more doom and gloom from Nixon and co. 
    Day later Rooney reveals in his presser that this week is the week and we’re up for the fight. 

    And repeat.

  10. Find the Boro and Wycombe story crazy. Am I right in thinking that if we go bust then neither will get a penny? so what’s the point in their actions? Unless they see us going bust as a win.
    Pretty sure majority or Boro and Wycombe fans don’t agree with there actions. Wish both sets of supporters would put pressure on Gibson and the other bloke to drop it. 

  11. If Appleby had sufficient readies then I think everyone would prefer him to Ashley. But it sounds like Appleby and co are pulling pounds and pennies from anyone willing to give. Not sure I fancy us kicking around league 1 for numerous seasons and then finishing 16th in the championship for 5 seasons. 

    One things for sure Ashley won’t want us being a league 1 club for long and if we can replicate Newcastle. 17th in the prem sounds like the dream. 

  12. Only Derby could have the manager come out saying “things are moving quickly and a signing is close” only for a national paper to paint the bleakest of pictures an hour later. 
    Honestly think there’s something to the Daily Mail story, the same drums about HMRC and being made an example of keeps happening. Plus Rooney has been positive in press conferences before only for it to all go south so can’t really take his word for much. 
    I know people lambast the idea of Mike Ashley but at least with him you’d be pretty certain he’s got the readies to save the club. This Appleby consortium sounds like best case scenario is us challenging for promotion to the championship in 10 seasons time. 

  13. Fair result tonight. It’s just the position we’re in at the moment. Rooney took the handbrake off to open the game up and make it a 3 pointer for both teams and unfortunately for us every time they went forward it looked dangerous and we couldn’t get past the half way line. A draw albeit against a good side won’t do us any favours so kudos for going for it. The players gave everything and that’s all we can ask. 

  14. FFP is an outdated concept now for the reasons stated. The yoyo of Norwich, Watford etc show this. The only true financial constraint would be to put a worldwide cap on transfer funds and wages, but that’s never going to happen. 
    Either we make it no limit and if owners go crazy chasing the dollar then it’s a gamble clubs and fans have to accept or they keep with the FFP rules. Or some smart arse comes up with another plan but that’s out of my limits. 
    Sad times. 

  15. I don’t think fans need to be Team Mel or Team EFL. I think the blame lies at both parties door. 

    The losers in this are; the fans, local business, employees and if you wish to play it this way Wycombe. The fact of the matter is that Mel has got off with his millions in his back pocket and the EFL have won.   
    Ultimately we’ve gambled on the proviso that if you spend enough money you’ll get up. In every other teams case this gamble has seemed to work. Just typical Derby that we’re the one team that this irresponsible approach hasn’t worked for. If it had Mel Morris would’ve been a hero in everyone’s eyes. For me it’s the fact he has plenty of money and has put us in to administration out of pettiness that we were starting to question his actions which leaves me feeling bitter towards him. 
    I also don’t believe that the EFL are innocent or simply playing by the rules. They signed off everything and only took a second glance when Boro kicked up a stink. It’s irrelevant whether we cheated or not if they signed it off the blame and punishment should sit with them. 
    It’s going to be 50/50 as to whether fans decide to be dignified or give it to the EFL every weekend. But ultimately both actions are irrelevant if we don’t get ownership soon. 
    If we do get ownership does the squad restrictions get lifted? This is the bit I’m unsure about. If they don’t then that’s rather depressing looking  at next season.

  16. Seen a lot of people say it but we may as well turn around and say “9 or 1000 we don’t give a damn” then walk out the room with two fingers up. Makes no difference whatsoever. The EFL have won ‘dear EFL what a sad little life’.   
    Can’t wait for us to finally get to the promised land whether it’s in 5 years or 30. Hopefully I’ll be around to tweet (or whatever the social media platform is at that point) them with the smuggest message in existence. 

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