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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 1 hour ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    It may have been, but who's to say that Burton had a place for him? They've got a limited budget and may well already have enough cover at CB/RB (I don't actually know, it's just theoretical) so have priorotised bringing in forwards?

    Let's say for example he went down to Mansfield in League Two for the sake of game time, he'd technically be a better player than anyone there currently but they are flying now so maybe he wouldn't actually make the team? It's not a good look not being able to break into a L2 team if you've got ambitions of playing in The Championship in 6 months!

    Everyone's doing their own thing.

    In addition to that, playing games / keeping himself match sharp also means exposing himself to the risk of injury so maybe it's a better bet to just keep himself ticking over with training?

    You make valid points, which have  made me think. 
    I guess ultimately as you say “everyone’s going their own thing”.
    I’d rather be playing the sport I love as much as possible but can appreciate some players merely see it as a job. Although I can’t excuse some *cough Anya cough.
    Anyway I’m intrigued to see where Andre goes next and for how long.

  2. 2 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:




    Sometimes it's a case of wanting a club within a certain radius of home / family and I'd suggest trials at Birmingham and Sheffield maybe show this.

    We don't really know how he's dealing with the stabbing on a personal level, could be he wants to be no more than 2 hours drive from someone he's close to so he can call in if he's struggling. It could be myriad other reasons.

    If you look at Nigel Clough, he'd only ever take a job he could still go home every day from and be 'dad'.

    I think you’re right although I’d argue at that point may it have been better for Wisdom in this case to sign for burton for a year to keep himself match sharp rather than just training at clubs who half take an interest? 

  3. 4 minutes ago, SBW said:

    Rooney has done himself and the club so proud, considering the circumstances the fact that relegation is still not official is amazing and he deserves great credit.


    However, his criticism of officials if getting embarrassing.  There's been plenty of decision that we have benefitted from, including the Allsopp one today.  


    He comes across as a bit of a Alex Ferguson spoilt brat with his moaning.  Decisions go both ways, Wayne, accept it.  You're getting a reputation as a moaner, just manage what you can, stop trying to manage officials. 

    Don’t think Wayne has clicked on that you can only manipulate referees by moaning about them if you’re a top club. 
    He’s not wrong in what he’s saying but it wont manipulate them at all.

  4. CK should’ve known better than to leave old tweets lying around. Assuming he made these tweets as a stupid young gun and assuming his opinions have changed it now means that they shouldn’t be an issue. However now the saddos at Forest have screenshotted them it gives them more ammunition to fire in our faces. 

  5. Kirchener is the biggest risk of all the interested parties. Might come out smelling of roses or might end up with Mel II. 
    He’s not my pick but beggars can’t be choosers. Plus if does struggle and loses interest after a couple of seasons at least we can be sold without the pain of the past 6 months.

  6. Think Reading drawing yesterday was bad news. It means a draw on Tuesday pushes us in to needing more than 2 wins.

    Obviously in the grand scheme of things we’ll need at least 4 wins from the final 6 but looking at the EFL highlights last night, Reading seemed to batter Barnsley. 
    Think Ince as much as I thought he was a poor appointment has managed to get a tune out of them. 
    If we can take it to the last match of the season then we’ll do it. But I think that’s a step too far.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    This week I fear will seal it. Reading have found form and play back- to- back home games against Stoke (midweek) and Cardiff City. With us at Swansea City, I can see the gap being 9 points with only five to play by next Sunday.

    My thoughts exactly, on paper we could get 12 points from our remaining 6 but to go 9 points behind with 5 to play is mentally tough.   
    A miracle at Swansea would seriously turn up the heat.

  8. I’d bring Bielik on for Buchanan at half time and let Festy join in attacks as the 2nd musketeer at left back. As others have said, Festy is not very good as a left winger but against Barnsley at left back he looked useful. 

    Then Sibley for the last 20 if it’s still 0-0. With their organisation and height Preston concern me even with 1 less player.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    What an absolute nonsense, if that article is true. 

    I would like Mike Ashley to be the new owner, but you can't claim to have the money to meet the EFL's requirements to avoid -15 point deduction and be very interested in purchasing the club and not talk to the ones facilitating the sale for two months. 

    Think MA’s issue is with Mel over the price of the stadium. Ashley is probably happy to put the bare minimum in for us to comply with the EFL criteria but probs want ‘Derby fan’ Mel to take a significant hit. Q either can’t or won’t get Mel to see sense so here we are 3 months later with no progress made.

  10. It’s become quite apparent that Mel or Pearce are pulling Quantumas strings. 
    Saw somebody tweet Nixon that the admins have basically gambled on them finding a better deal than the one they had in Dec/Jan and of course it’s backfired. Unless this is all Mel’s grand plan to leave himself as the only credible bidder. 
    Either way can’t help think that Q have had a shocker, regardless of how hard it’s been.

  11. If Nixon is correct, Quantuma are playing chicken against 4 parties that are armed with a rocket launcher, machine gun, samurai and pistol and Q are holding a paper plane. 
    If none of the bids are good enough to get the deal through now I dare say that liquidation looks more and more likely. 
    You can’t keep making deadlines and then not following through when nobody coughs up. You just look foolish.

  12. 22 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I'm no fan of MM but I struggle to see how people apportion 100% of the blame to him.

    In terms of our points haul, I have him at 12/21ths to blame, with the EFL at 9/21ths, based on the fact that these points were deducted on rules which were retrospectively invented.

    Factor in the other things, such as transfer embargoes and inability to extend contracts and then I think the pendulum of blame firmly swings the way of the EFL.

    The fact they have changed the P&S rules mid season to help teams out goes to highlight the fact that they have been hellbent on relegating us.

    Whether their ultimate intention was to drive us out of business only they will know.

    EFL definitely want us gone. A. because of their ongoing feud with Mel and B. Because it gives them ammunition to change football finances. 
    Mel rolled the dice and it’s gone spectacularly wrong.

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