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Posts posted by 24Charlie

  1. 18 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Some may agree, Read what Carl Sagan posted on this thread...makes a whole lot of sense.

    Legalise some drugs and there may not be the major problem that exists today, The Conservative USA in some states they have canabis shops, Taken the negativity out of this drug.

    Have a read of this...you may be surprised


    Have a read of this...you may be surprised

    Sorry I have an open mind on most things but not drugs.


  2. The flippant attitude to drugs, taken even by some on here, makes my blood boil.

    It destroys people. It makes us less safe because the police spend all their time dealing with drugs, the effects of drugs and the crime caused by addicts trying to get money the pay for drugs.

    Me, I’’d get death penalty tough on suppliers and long long prison terms on dealers even if they are only carry two bags and that includes cannabis.

  3. I’d publish an article asserting that Steve Gibson is a Bamford. I would then circulate copies all over the country and wait for him to sue me so that he would have to go to court to prove that he wasn’t a bamford. I would bring a lot of evidence to fight my case and would even print a retraction, if he won, titled “Steve Gibson is definitely not* a bamford” and circulate that nationally.

    The asterisk would direct readers to the court case were he had to prove that he wasn’t one.





  4. 10 minutes ago, jono said:

    Nope ! As I said before … they had a reasonable plan that was working. It was entirely and singularly derailed by Covid. That is force majeur 

    where do you get your “contributing factor” 

    Sorry I struggle to see your logic …

    Functioning entity with reasonable plan to resolve acknowledged  difficulties.

    The only thing that interrupted that plan was Covid. It didn’t “contribute” … you died when you fell in the sea. The fall didn’t kill you, there was a bit of drop, but people were there with ropes and life rafts .. but then a shark ate you … Force Majeur 

    A pandemic of a type that is at best a once in 100 year event ( and before Spanish flu we are talking once in 300 years ) This event reduced club income  income by 90% 

    its force majeur .. not a contributing factor 


    Force Majeur Doug McClure it’s just semantics.

  5. 23 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    Think the issue was the wages drastically increased a few years back and we are still paying for that now! As well as whatever other debt Morris and Pearce have racked up. If Morris in 2017 was paying £1mil of his own money every month to fund DCFC, we were not sustainable then, so a few years of that ....

    A few years of that is correct but it hasn't been. Even if Mel was putting in £15 million a year of his own money over the last 5 years that's still only £75M. He's says been putting his own money in over the COVID but the rest of the time he hasn't. 

    It's easy to say we're paying this and paying that but there has also been income over the last 5 years including the £80 for the stadium.

    He's says he's invested, not spent, £200M of his own money into the club. What he has done is leveraged loans against the club, training ground and stadium like the Glaziers did at Man UTD. 

    I believe we have the debt because the loans are being serviced by the club, not him, so we owe the money to his creditors.

  6. This has been discussed on various threads but I think it’s status is key. 

    Valued at £80+million. If Morris had paid the club the money then we would actually be in profit. 
    So why are we circa £60m in the hole. 

    How have we lost this asset when it hasn’t been paid for?

    I’ve read stuff on other threads but I’m not clear on where we sit with it.


  7. 27 minutes ago, Derbados said:

    When my son was born I always said I’d take him to his first Derby game when he was 5 years old. I wanted him to experience the same buzz outside the ground before a game, the smell of the hot dogs and burger vans and the sharp intake of breath the first time he ever walked up the stairs and gazed upon the pitch. 

    He just turned 5 and I’m absolutely devastated, this was a moment I’ve been planning since before he was even born. I can’t bring him into this, this is not how he should have to remember his first few months supporting a club that will become a part of him for the rest of his life. 

    my worry is, if I don’t take him soon there might not be a club to take him to for much longer. 

    This whole thing is devastating and you can feel how it’s affected the whole City.


    Take him.

    I took my 5 year old grandson to the Stoke game, his first one. All he keeps going on about is the hand dryer in the toilets so I wouldn't  worry to much about traumatizing the lad as he probably won't understand.

    I've kept his ticket and I'll give it to him one day perhaps on his 18th or something sentimental like that. 

  8. Notts County away with 10k Rams was outstanding.

    I managed to get myself ejected from the ground away at Rotherham for swearing at a policeman. 

    I thought Carlisle away was div 3. Maybe  I’m mistaken but that was a crap day. Got rained on in an open end and we lost too.

    Can’t have it all.

  9. Agents will be in the players ears right now. 

    "You'll get a better deal if you are playing for a championship club than if you wait a year to help a League 1 club out. Don't forget it's you're career"

    "There's no loyalty in football" - I particularly hate this one as an argument because between clubs and players this is true but loyalty is fundamentally the bedrock of the supporters. 

    This club is now a completely different thing to what it was on Friday. We're a wounded beast who could either be finished off by the circling Hyenas or we could just about have enough life left in us to find somewhere to hide until the bleeding stops and slowly heal.

    I'm not sure making a huge effort to stay in this league is the right thing to do if it means sacking ordinary employees to fund the playing staff. We should pay wages that our club can sustain while keeping as many jobs as possible. If this means licking our wounds in league 1 while things stabilise then so be it. We are supporters we can play the long game.




  10.  Great game today. From my seat behind the goal in the North Stand I was treated to two goals.

    The flight of Bird’s strike left the keeper rooted to the spot and in an effort to redeem himself he flew out and was then completely bamboozled by Curtis’s nod on.

    From a physiological point of view a I think we can survive 12 but 21 is totally different.

    12 gives us something to fight for and the players will dig in but if it’s 21 they’ll start thinking if it’s worth putting their bodies on the line for a lost cause.

    I wonder how many is too much psychological speaking. 



  11. 17 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    Lots of people here seem to think having forest on the board makes them more likely to dislike Derby. I disagree, I don't think there's anything between Derby and forest owners, if anything keeping the other in the division means a game where they can sell more tickets at higher prices... It's in forest and derbys interest for the other to be in the league, but not for a team like boro. 

    Exactly and as Forest are going down they’d like us to join them.

  12. We’ve obviously broken something. This is now clear as the EFL, not journalists, have spoken about rule 85 which, as had been said, covers negotiation of punishment.

    I think the EFL had to make the statement as the speculation on that day amongst papers and television was that we’re getting a 9 point deduction. Outlets like the BBC don’t state these kind of things with being sure of their ground so the assumption is that the EFL had briefed the media. The notion that DCFC briefed the journalists is not realistic as we have nothing to gain from mooting a 9 point deduction.

    My opinion is that DCFC were open to 9 points but furious that the EFL let it slip. I think we told the EFL that those negotiations were now blown and to publish a statement to say nothing had been agreed to end speculation  but the EFL dropped the 85 statement in there to prove that we are in for some sort of punishment.


  13. 8 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Aahhh, the classic journo "I am told...." line. 

    By whom? He has no known inside track to either dcfc or the EFL, so is just repeating something from someone who must have thought it was so preposterous, they didn't want their own name to be anywhere near it.... ?

    This is right.

    The only thing we know is that no one knows. Derby County v the EFL has become a reputation buster for Nixon, Percy,  Nicholson, all of Radio Derby’s news gathering “expertise” and anyone else trying claiming ITK status.


  14. 8 minutes ago, Bearwood Ram said:

    Got a lot of time for Blues. Know loads of them and they're a sound bunch. Never had any issues there with them, unlike Wolves who truly are a filthy lot.  Also, can our fans not call them yam yams? Really embarrassing and not accurate. If you want to chant it, save it for West Brom. 

    It’s the whole point. The fact that it’s wrong winds them up more. It’s hard for them to counter that chant as they have to somehow explain that it’s the Black Country not Birmingham, by which time you’ve fallen asleep. It’s a bit like calling For*st, Notts For*st on purpose as we do.

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