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Posts posted by Srg

  1. 2 minutes ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    If he plays on Saturday just pop a cross from the left wing over to the far post and pop it in whilst he is doing his usual trick of standing watching. Job done. 

    Don't think he's even signed

  2. 10 hours ago, JfR said:

    Don't know about anyone else, but I do always find it disappointing when a former Derby player joins the Red Dogs, not least an academy graduate. I understand the decision, though, he needs to be getting games at his age, and he's not getting them at Sheffield United.

    Doubly disappointing when it's a Derby fan no less. Obviously, I'm not a professional footballer but I'd take pretty much anything over going and playing there.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Duracell said:

    Kelle Roos too, which seems a bit bizarre.

    Did you know that Cleopatra's reign is closer to the present day than it was to the formation of the pyramids? It's a bit like that fact, only much more interesting.

    Is Wisdom still cutting about the gaff? If so, him too. Might remember the likes of Sibley as a child too!

  4. As I'm sad and quite like wrestling again now I'm old, there was a storyline last week that basically meant the wrestler (Chris Jericho) couldn't use his entrance music. His music is sang every week by fans, but then without the music they sang the full thing. Thought it was fantastic... Starts circo 50 seconds in.


  5. Just now, Ambitious said:

    Just out of interest: is it certain that we are out of the embargo tomorrow. I've seen quite a few claims that Rooney said we would be, yet not one media outlet has picked it up. I find it too strange that it's not a bigger story for someone not to have ran with it. 

    Because that would be a good news story, if it does happen.

  6. Decided not to go again until Rooney, and Morris, have gone. Can't be bothered with the complete shambles and embarrassment on and off the pitch. Had a season ticket for 20 years, and this isn't about being bad, I've seen us be bad plenty of times. This is in no way a slight at the young lads, I support them as they're doing they best they can being lead by an inept manager. Collectively though, they've killed my love for attending games. I'll return in future.

  7. Morrison and Lawrence keep coming deep because Bird and Shinnie can’t do any playmaking. Then they look forward and there’s no one there. No support anywhere near Colin. Forsyth stood in the left wing for no reason because we haven’t dared pass to him. Byrne’s best attribute is bombing on and Ebosele on the same side is stifling that. Rooneyball is aids. Problems at the club or not, this side should be more coherent than this. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    I don’t blame Rooney for the way Sibley is playing particularly but I do blame him for only giving Sibley ten minutes a game last season when we were crying out for literally any spark at all. It is not fair to expect someone to make a difference when they are given limited time to do so. He is inconsistent but he has shown that at his best he will win points for Derby.

    I wholeheartedly agree on Hughes. The whole situation with his sale was criminal and the minute Rowett said to Mel that he wanted to sell Hughes he should’ve been sacked on the spot. That’s why it’s so frustrating to see history repeating itself (if this is even true).

    Completely with you. The fact that people are siding with Rooney's assessment is pretty amusing.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    What I was told was that Rooney had a meeting with Louie between the real betis and notts county game basically stating that he was free to leave due to him not being in rooneys plans. To me personally (not been told this just pure speculation) it sounds like Rooney doesn’t trust sibley and therefore thinks if he gets rid of him he’ll be able to bring another player in who he trusts more. Saying that we have just brought ravel in as competition for him. But me personally I fully expect louie to stay and DEFINITELY not be loaned out 

    Louie told Rooney he was free to leave? Love Sibley even more. 

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