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Posts posted by Srg

  1. 1 minute ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

    Does anyone have an estimate of the number of members in each category if we assume everyone who had membership last year renews?

    Like a previous poster, Ive got a ST and went to a couple of away games last year.

    If there's >2000 members with 20+ games under their belt I don't begrudge them first dibs at all but question whether a bottom rung membership is much better than ST alone in reality.

    I’d guess the top 3 categories are a relatively small number. The bottom 2 is where it gets interesting. I don’t really want to buy a membership and only went to 1 away game last season I believe. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    I seem to remember that the administrators "sold off" the clauses on Delap & Gordon for an agreed price with their respective clubs, so don't think we'll be getting anything extra in the future I'm afraid.

    Believe you’re right, definitely on Gordon. Unsure on Delap though but wouldn’t be surprised. 

  3. Just now, jono said:

    Yep, me too. I just thought oh I’ll go anywhere more or less but got my own. Looking forward to it. What are HB like I wonder ? 

    Ridiculously rich. Massively underperformed last season and nearly went down to Bundesliga 2 - survived the play off with the league below I believe over 2 legs. Wouldn’t imagine they’re likely to be as bad this year. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Sorry, I don’t quite understand your point about the Liverpool tickets. Presumably, they’ve got 2 season tickets in specific names but they sometimes share them with the other two. Why would they get priority for anymore than the two named people? Doesn’t sound like a debacle to me. If/when we ever reach a final again, I could say I’ve only got one season ticket but I share it with four others. Can I have 5 tickets please??

    It’s because of them not allowing to open new customer numbers, but obviously they’ve never needed more. There was no period for the Liverpool game or Wembley game where season ticket holders could get extra tickets before general sale (if it got there) as well. 

  5. 1 minute ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Florists sold out of season tickets last March. But all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. They only have 4K home seats left to sell on a match by match basis and the Q’s are building now to pay £60 for the privilege to buy one. Many will lose out to the new Prem fans . Be careful what you wish for.

    My missus is a forest fan - I know, ridiculous, I ask myself why daily - and their ticketing policies have been absolutely scandalous all year.

    Her family have 2 STs between 4 of them and they couldn’t get tickets for all 4 because of customer number debacles, so only had 2 tickets to both the Liverpool cup game and Wembley. The Liverpool cup game they put online for sale at midnight by the way - because that’s completely normal. The website couldn’t handle it.

    Real kicker was them having to move season ticket holders due to increased away capacity this season and they actually tried to charge those forced to move for the privilege because the seats they were going to were better. Needless to say they backtracked that one sharpish after backlash. 

    I’m not particularly into Forest and Derby tit for tat, as you can imagine being pretty close to it, but it’s all been pretty poor and anti-fan from them this year. Reminded me how we acted before we kind of got our stuff together for big games with high demand a number of years back. 

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