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Tyler Durden

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  1. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from JJs dms in Is this the most depressing period you’ve experienced as a Derby fan?   
    I actually wasn't nearly as depressed for example when we were relegated to Div 3 as I knew there were people at the club capable and motivated to move us forward and was waiting for the renaissance to get us back on track again with an eager anticipation.
    The whole situation now is just meh - the club is being gradually suffocated with no palpable end in site, the current owner is unwilling or unable to take decisive action either way to move us out of this mess and we just appear to be stumbling from one new crisis to another on an almost weekly basis. 
    The most shocking thing for me is the total lack of communication from anyone inside the club which almost matches Captain Bob's era after the decided that he no longer had any interest in his train set and it didn't exist anymore. 
    I'm not depressed I'm at the point where it's like an enthusiasm for the club has been gradually squeezed out of me due to the ongoing events and the total lack of any appetite from the current owner to resolve the mess that primarily they have dropped us into. 
  2. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to VulcanRam in Come on Derby get our season tickets out   
    Yes, that's the number who bought STs for last season. 
    And I agree, nervousness, holidays and a poor start could see a sticky August and Sept. 
  3. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to nottingram in Tom Carroll - Gone Ipswich   
    Picture 1 I think? 
  4. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Chris_Martin in Choose your 5   
    Am sure Denmark scored a worldly against us though I was at work at the time.
    If we have to go through another attritional season of totally negative tactics and creating minimal chances for our journeyman singular striker then it's going to be awful. 
  5. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Woodley Ram in The position with HMRC   
    I had an issue with the numbers as I only have 10 toes, but I called a work colleague from Nottingham for help as he has a lot more than 10 toes
  6. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Angry Ram in The position with HMRC   
    Posh Git... 
  7. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from TheSlate in The position with HMRC   
    I'm totally digusted and dismayed that on a football forum there appears to be an absolute lack of understanding of basic tax and accounting practices. 
    Appalled from Thames Ditton.
  8. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Choose your 5   
    Am sure Denmark scored a worldly against us though I was at work at the time.
    If we have to go through another attritional season of totally negative tactics and creating minimal chances for our journeyman singular striker then it's going to be awful. 
  9. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Is this the most depressing period you’ve experienced as a Derby fan?   
    I find it quite contempible quite frankly,  I don't expect them to go into sensitive detail of the current situation but so do expect the club to come out and say "we are acutely aware of the fans concern with the ongoing reported issues of an EFL embargo, outstanding payments to HMRC and the protracted desire for the club to be sold to new owners, we would like to reassure fans that....."
    And I put that together in 2 minutes which is more than anything the club has had months to formulate. Truly shocking. 
  10. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Rammy03 in Is this the most depressing period you’ve experienced as a Derby fan?   
    I find it quite contempible quite frankly,  I don't expect them to go into sensitive detail of the current situation but so do expect the club to come out and say "we are acutely aware of the fans concern with the ongoing reported issues of an EFL embargo, outstanding payments to HMRC and the protracted desire for the club to be sold to new owners, we would like to reassure fans that....."
    And I put that together in 2 minutes which is more than anything the club has had months to formulate. Truly shocking. 
  11. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Rammy03 in Is this the most depressing period you’ve experienced as a Derby fan?   
    They said they would improve the communication but it just hasn't happened. What are they actually doing on a day to day basis? What are they going to do to ensure the embargo is lifted? 
  12. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to FindernRam in Is this the most depressing period you’ve experienced as a Derby fan?   
    I think there is a perfect storm of stuff that is contributing to me losing virtually all interest in the Rams, a club I have supported since 1967.
    In no particular order:
    On the pitch: Playing low entertainment football, no real crowd pleaser, low goals rate. Cobbled together team of old men and kids without a clear policy.
    Off the pitch: Total shambles of an organisation, apparently in conflict with people who can really hurt you, HMRC EFL. Owner who has gone silent. The car crash fallout really showed the club up in a terrible light in so many ways.
    Match scheduling: Its great to have footy available almost every night on TV but as a live football fan I want 3:00 on a Saturday. Mid week and oddball times really irritate me, particularly sitting freezing on a mid week winter game . Result I'lll stay at home and watch good football in the warm (heresy I know, but it is what it is).
    Price: Saving on two tickets, car park etc easily covers Sky, BT Sport, Amazon Prime subscriptions with left overs for a few decent bottles of Scotch. 
    CoVid showed how quick you can find other stuff to do on match days.
    Hard fans will say there reasons for each of the above issues, but it's a bit like the old Chinese Water torture (other nations are available), the cumulative effect gets to you. AND IT HAS. 
  13. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from MickD in Is this the most depressing period you’ve experienced as a Derby fan?   
    I actually wasn't nearly as depressed for example when we were relegated to Div 3 as I knew there were people at the club capable and motivated to move us forward and was waiting for the renaissance to get us back on track again with an eager anticipation.
    The whole situation now is just meh - the club is being gradually suffocated with no palpable end in site, the current owner is unwilling or unable to take decisive action either way to move us out of this mess and we just appear to be stumbling from one new crisis to another on an almost weekly basis. 
    The most shocking thing for me is the total lack of communication from anyone inside the club which almost matches Captain Bob's era after the decided that he no longer had any interest in his train set and it didn't exist anymore. 
    I'm not depressed I'm at the point where it's like an enthusiasm for the club has been gradually squeezed out of me due to the ongoing events and the total lack of any appetite from the current owner to resolve the mess that primarily they have dropped us into. 
  14. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to RoyMac5 in What On Earth Is Going On At Derby?   
    Lol. I definitely ain't watching then. I'm feeling quite positive now we can sign some CBs and hopefully Morrison! ?
  15. COYR
    Tyler Durden reacted to MuespachRam in Wayne Rooney   
    I think you may have a point. 
  16. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Ramarena in Wayne Rooney   
    Why don't we just agree that Cocu and Rooney were both crap to save the argument ?
  17. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from kevinhectoring in The position with HMRC   
    I'm totally digusted and dismayed that on a football forum there appears to be an absolute lack of understanding of basic tax and accounting practices. 
    Appalled from Thames Ditton.
  18. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to RoyMac5 in Pride Park Goes Cashless   
    I'm keeping my aluminium foil helmet on though thank you very much! ?
  19. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to jono in The position with HMRC   
    I think the other poster was correct. They simply wouldn’t allow it to get that far given the size of the company, unless there was a complex back story along with negotiations. Much more likely is that whatever the figure, it was largely agreed prior to the event with the HMRC. I suspect there is a possibility that things were permissible at the start of COVID and possibly something didn’t happen when the takeover went wrong. And for the same reasons as the wages, Mel has been playing catch up to find liquidity funding. 
  20. Cheers
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Pride Park Goes Cashless   
    As long as you report any dubious transactions to your bank as soon as practicably possible, assist your bank with any subsequent investigations they undertake and aren't negligent with your personal information then you'll get any losses back Roy.
    In some cases (not a given though) banks are becoming slightly more sympathetic to people whom have been victims to a telephone scam when they authorise transfer of monies from their account to a fraudsters. 
  21. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to RoyMac5 in The position with HMRC   
    Been more impressed if you were from PwC!
  22. Cheers
    Tyler Durden reacted to May Contain Nuts in Deeply worried for under23s   
  23. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Taribo in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    The largest gripe with Morris for me is that he is meant to be an astute businessman but every year he's been at the helm of the club it seems he's made another massive ricket which has followed on from the one he made the previous season until we've ended up in this debacle. 
    He's openly challenged the EFL in his great wisdom whom have then it seems taken great pleasure in sticking one back at him or more pertinently the club - not sure if Morris had some deluded Don Quixote type of romantic fantasy that things were ever going to pan out any differently with the EFL or he was just extremely naive. Either way very foolish and very misguided.
    I swear I could have dragged some random person off the street and have put them in charge of the club and defy them to do a worst job than has been served up. 
    We still have our ground though which is the only saving grace in all of this. Oh hang on a minute....
  24. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Archied in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Wouldn’t bother with the pins thing ,, I tried it for years on the wife ,,,, never did a thing??‍♂️
  25. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from i-Ram in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    Something about Cannock Chase being excellent for dog walkers or along those lines anyway......
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