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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 10 hours ago, GboroRam said:

    Strange how many comments there are about this. I've worked from home since lockdown and it's been fine. One of my team was furloughed and the drop in pay was a bit hard but ultimately he's been fine. The rest of my team have worked through on site, and again they've been fine. The main concerns have been the usual work ones, not enough resource and too much work to do. Company profitability has been positive, we've given most office based people a better work/life balance, and we've proved that you don't need to be sat in an office to be productive. 

    Why do you find it strange that people are putting across an alternative view?

    I keep hearing from many how great it is working from home and how productive people are, I'm finding the complete opposite and find many hours of my week just trying to contact institutions that I used to be able to get straight through to before all of this.

  2. 2 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    Let's get back to living... can't remember when I stopped, but apparently I must get back to it, and quickly.

    Someone obviously wants my money. I bet it's them bloody bankers and oil men. Swines.

    Oh well, working from home, saving money, saving the environment, not having to see the in-laws, having more time to myself, spending more time outside, appreciating the small things, moving house, improving the house, doing more exercise... Good while it lasted but just not living.

    So glad that's all over now.

    Won't miss wearing a mask once or twice per week, or having to stay 2 meters away from people in the pub though.

    Do you think everyones situation is identical to yours?

    Do you think everyone was given the opportunity if working from home and 'saving the environment'?

    Do you think everyone bought a new house to do up?

    Do you think everyone is capable of going out and doing exercise?

    You'd do well to take a step out of your little bubble and realise not everyone is as fortunate as yourself.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Archied said:

    I can go along with the difference short term but what we are seeing is a push to make face covering long term and even permanent,

    there’s a multitude of reasons that face coverings have not been adopted or seen as the the norm for centuries in most societies , they still stand and have value and merit ,, what’s next ? We all wear space suits ,better safe than sorry ??‍♂️,

    now people can poo hoo the above but people are now advocating the use of face covering for people in close proximity to become the norm and from a stance of being somehow virtuous ,it wouldn’t be so bad if we were seeing covid spread being wiped out by the wearing of these paper thin joke tokenism symbols but we are clearly not??‍♂️

    A push by who?

    Seemed quite clear to me from yesterdays Government press briefing that there is no push and it will be down to individuals to decide. 

    I pretty much stopped wearing a mask 2 weeks ago and in that time have had 2 comments about it.


  4. 31 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Playing devils advocate here it’s not that long ago that people wearing masks and face coverings DID make people uncomfortable,walk into a bank without removing your crash helmet and see what happened or a face covering come to that ??‍♂️,we are now being guided to a world where we all wear face coverings which anybody with a lick of sense knows are bits of paper the do next to nothing against a virus and in very short time will clog the world with discarded waste,

    I don’t want a world where our children and grandchildren spend all day sitting in masks so yes people needlessly wearing masks and normalising it does make me feel uncomfortable 

    There is a clear difference between helmets/hajibs/hoodies and face masks.

    Agree with your point but that is where it comes down to personal responsibility. 

    I have been telling my kids, throughout, that wearing masks (or face nappies as we call them) is not normal and I will never force them to wear them.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Yes of course she is , how could she actually hold an opinion ?????, seems clear anything that is not in line with your opinion has no value whatsoever 

    To be honest, I think its a really dumb thing to tweet.

    I have actually enjoyed listening to JHB throughout this pandemic. One of the few people that has felt like they are on the side of the every day working man.

    Whether her viewpoint is right or wrong, she has regularly asked the questions that the opposition should have been asking (its no surprise to see that Starmer is backing the wrong horse again).

    But back to the point, how can someone else wearing a mask make JHB feel uncomfortable? What if the person is vulnerable? Should they remove their mask just to make her feel better?

    What does she want? The Government to mandate that people cant wear masks? 

    Personally, I think the Government have finally got it right in making this about personal responsibility, that means making decisions to suit your own needs, what other people are doing should be irrelevant if you are managing your own risk correctly.

  6. 12 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    And so they should if they provide a bit of balance.  If you watched the clip you would have seen them present the case for both sides?

    Of course the alternative is watching the likes of Beth Rigby hypocritically arguing against the lifting of restrictions whilst not giving a flying f. about them herself.

    Wondered if anyone else had picked up on that.

    The lack of self awareness of some of these people is laughable!

    'Prime Minister, the lifting of these rules (that I don't abide by anyway) is reckless.'

  7. 13 hours ago, sage said:

    Apparently the wages in June were £1.2m for the month. That should be around £1m a month carried forward to July.

    Lawrence will now be the biggest earner by quite a margin.


    That was probably net, think you can pretty much double the figure

  8. 7 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    A revision in the case allowed us to add something we previously hadn’t? An extra £30m?! There’s going to be some serious piss boiling when this hits the headlines again.


    @Ghost of Cloughwhat do you think the extra £30m is?

    Original revlaution carried out which was before FFP?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I also don't buy the narrative of being victims either.

    We have had an advantage over most of the other teams in the division but have contrived to pish that advantage up the wall. 

    We've been victims of a vindictive crusade by the EFL, their statement last night underlines this fact.

    REGRETTABLY they can't relegate us.

  10. 2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I was at a local pub gig in a beer garden last weekend - all done to "the rules"

    socially distanced tables, no standing, and no singing along - capacity of about 50-60 people in the audience

    Then two days later you see Wembley with 40,000 fans in it, all over each other singing their heads off

    Something not right in there somewhere...


    That was a 'pilot event' though which Covid knows to avoid. 


  11. 7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Fair enough, I'll take it that you didn't. As I should have said I was well ducked off with idiots doing such things when it first broke in the media. Yesterday I watched the video, whilst it must have been somewhat annoying/slightly scary it was hardly enough to even have the Police involved.

    Especially when if the same two idiots had broken into your house the police wouldnt be in the slightest bit interested 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    No but reassuring supporters would never be a bad thing IMO. Are you not a little surprised at the gap between initial release and publication of report? I am. 

    Theyve been reassured that the club wont comment until the findings are published.

    No, nothing surprises me with the EFL.

  13. 19 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    could the club and efl already have received the DC report and not made it public? The EFL have appealed and this is already with the LAP/ We know so little. Perhaps time for a club update, even if it is to confirm we are still awaiting the final report.

    Last statement said...

    " it shall not comment further until after publication of the full written reasons of the Disciplinary Commission."

    No need for any further statement is there?


  14. 54 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Applying a little logic to the figures, infections detected this week would (under a 'nobody is vaccinated' scenario) be responsible in hospitalisations one to two weeks down the line, and a percentage of those would die in the following days or weeks. Given a high incidence of vaccine take-up at present, it is to be hoped that will not be the case.

    What percentage of infections end in hospitalization?

    The Delta variant has been here since April. 

    We are waiting for something that isnt going to happen.

    Data not dates, my arse.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

    The post is to determine at what point you personally decide enough is enough. Currently were being expected to pay top end championship season ticket prices for a squad that wouldn't compete for promotion in League one. There must be a point where you refuse to buy one? If we got relegated twice on the bounce and the prices were £600 maybe?

    I don't believe for one second that anyone would continue to buy regardless of the circumstances...


    Are we paying top end prices?

    Ive paid mid 30s to early 40s for single away matchday tickets for a few years now.

    My season ticket works out at just less than £22 a game.

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