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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

    You do also realise it's under his tenure that he's got us into the position we are now? Let's not paint him a hero for funding his self inflicted mess.

    Oh yeah I know that but saying you are giving him your money is just wrong.

    You want better players but you don't want to contribute towards them is the general jist that I get from your post?

  2. 1 hour ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

    Well yeah... buying a season ticket during a premier league season isn't exactly a sign of loyalty though is it? 

    However, buying it during a pre season where we have 10 players (?) And no sign of a takeover on sight and in the championship... That's showing loyalty. At What Point does loyalty turn to being daft? I suppose it's whatever gets you your kicks I guess.

    I also feel like the only way to show Mel your displeasure though with the current situation is to vote with you feet and not give him anymore of our money.

    Give him your money?

    You do realise he is putting £x £x million of his own money into the club to keep it afloat. 

    Do you think not putting your money in is going to help improve the squad that you think is already underfunded?

  3. So on top of my 11 year old daughter being sent home to isolate for 10 days, for the second time, my 8 year old lad has now had football cancelled for at least the next 2 weeks.

    Rceeived an e-mail saying that due to the huge rise in Covid cases the club were implementing a 2 week circuit breaker (yes they actually used this term).

    On the back of this I thought I would take a look at the situation in our area of Littleover and Heatheron. Turns out there have been 25 positive cases in the last 7 days...huge!

    Spreading the net a bit further, Derby has had 442 positive cases in the last 7 days, with 0 hospitalizations and 0 deaths.

    Im hoping this isnt a sign if things to come that has empowered people to make completely illogical decisions with absolutely no basis.

  4. 3 hours ago, i-Ram said:


    School isolation rules in England could be brought to an end in autumn, amid concerns about the rising number of children who have to quarantine because they are contacts of confirmed cases.

    I thought all restrictions were on target to go on 19 July? 

    I think its all restrictions being lifted other than:-

    Travelling anywhere

    Going to school

    Wearing masks

    Having fun

    Getting on with your life

  5. 11 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    Don't know anyone who hasn't had it and all of my friends and their partners are mid/late twenties.

    Brothers are 18 and 16 and they'll be having it too when able.

    Anyone who doesn't want it and is happy taking their chances, fine by me, their choice. I believe in free will.

    All I hope is that they take personal responsibility, accept they've been silly to ignore medical advice and change their attitude to any future advice if they require hospital treatment. Oh, and accept that they are contributing to extending lockdowns.

    I'm interested to know how they have contributed to extending lockdown?

    There was never a magical number of people that had to be vaccinated for restrictions to end, we were originally led to believe this would happen when all of the vulnerable groups had been offered the vaccine. 

    The only people responsible for extending lockdown are SAGE and the Government, nobody else.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    It's only "being overwhelmed" because stupid people still can't work out what the initials A&E stand for. Why would A&E be the first port of call for kids with a high temperature FFS.

    The article did go on to say that winter viruses are flourishing, which was an obvious byproduct of having people not mixing for 6 months.

  7. In addition to publishing the countries that have moved to the green list, the transport secretary, Grant Shapps, also announced that UK residents who are fully vaccinated will not have to isolate when travelling back from amber list countries.

    He said the government would set out further details next month but he anticipated this being introduced "later in the summer".


    Why on earth is Shapps on about introducing things later in the summer. We were told ALL remaining restrictions would be lifted at step 4.

  8. 9 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Hamilton would rather 'the masses' didn't go...

    "Lewis Hamilton has described the decision to to allow 140,000 fans to watch next month's British Grand Prix as "premature", amid rising cases in the UK...Current Formula One champion Hamilton says while he is excited to race in front of his home crowd "I watch the news, I hear the cases going up massively in the UK since we have loosened up a bit, and on that side I worry about people".

    Ticket holders will have to provide proof of a negative lateral flow test or be fully vaccinated, with the second dose having been recieved at least 14 days previously.

    Mercedes driver Hamilton adds: "I have read that the vaccination programme is working and fewer people are in hospital, but it feels a bit premature to me. "I like to err on the side of caution and slowly build up - rather than go full pelt and using our British fans as a test pen."

    Id rather the media didn't print this hypocrites opinions. What qualifications does he have to be writing articles on coronavirus restrictions?

  9. 33 minutes ago, David said:

    The point is, this should be the clubs decision to raise the price if they wish, not be forced into it.

    Would you be happy if they started to control ticket prices? Sorry fans but the EFL have decided we must charge £50 a ticket for this game whilst then signing TV deals with Sky for peanuts.

    International fans are frustrated as it is paying a monthly fee where games can be pulled when shown on TV, games which might not even be on TV in their country.

    It’s also been pointed out that £25 is a lot of money in other countries, highly doubt the EFL have stopped to consider this with their blanket 100% price increase.

    Yeah all fair comments. 

    Appears I have given my opinion without knowing the full ins and outs.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Archied said:

    On top of that the Chances are you’ve already had covid and didn’t even know, depending on which figures are deemed the most important at any given time ??‍♂️, massive pressure is being brought to bear on people to have vaccine with covid being made the only thing that counts or matters and for those that like to trot out the tell that to the 150 k and their families that’s fine if they are prepared to take responsibility for the countless deaths and tragedies caused and to be caused going forward from these lockdowns and covid first and only policies 

    Wont have to wait too long for that with the rough winter ahead...

  11. 15 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    Depends on your age. At my age of 22, the vaccine is more risky than covid. In the end I'll likely take it due to severe pressure, I've still not seen a good reason for it other than getting my family members to leave me alone. Even though the vaccine isn't proven to stop the spread, and the vaccine is more risky than covid, but go figure. 

    Genuine question here...how is the vaccine more risky than Covid? What metric are you using to measure it?

    Im in the same boat as you in as much that I had the vaccine for someone else's wishes rather than my own.

  12. 1 hour ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    No it wasn't a discussion. It was just quoted once as a further example (as was the position on capital punishment) used to illustrate why our home secretary, in charge of our border policy, is unfit for that role. 

    In response to your "joke" (?) about the reactions to our said border policy. 

    Unless you're saying that the Covid-19 border policy is not the responsibility of the home secretary in which case whose responsibility is it? 

    So the Home Secretary's views on capital punishment are relevant to our border policy? 

  13. 6 minutes ago, San Fran Van Rams said:

    I got an interesting response from the club when I cancelled:

    'Unfortunately, this price increase has come from the EFL and not a decision made by DCFC.

    I completely understand and share your frustration on this matter'

    In my view, this is not the EFL acting in the interests of clubs, this is an anti-competitive price gauging matter to force clubs to use i-follow. Joke. Wouldn't be surprised if we see legal action. 

    They are trying to increase club revenues by bringing a service up to a reasonable price, why are they not acting in the best interests of the clubs?

    They are not acting in the best interest of the fans, granted. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Isnt there something of a difference between closing borders as a precaution when you are in the early stages with no immunisation, knowledge of virulence, testing etc

    .. And now, when we are able to tailor the action we might want to take down at the individual level? 

    Just seems about 15 months late, and is such a blunt instrument it's been completely overtaken by events. 

    Yes and there is also a difference between a serious comment and a joke....

    Just trying to lighten the mood before the thread descended into a Conservative bashing session AGAIN.

  15. On 21/06/2021 at 17:07, Owen87ITK said:

    The EFL ??‍♂️??‍♂️?

    As easy as it is to wade into attacking the EFL, are they actually doing anything too bad here?

    Isnt one of MMs gripes with them that they are not getting a good deal for their members?

    If so, Id say charging £12-50 a month to watch matches (which cost fans over here £40-00) is underselling the product.

    Is £12-50 a month really going to have people turning off? Its the equivalent of putting £3 on a match ticket which people would probably not even notice.

    If the money is going to the club too I don't see what all the fuss is about?

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