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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 3 minutes ago, therams69 said:

    And I will always go back to .... "what is the point in speaking to the National Media when your fan base (a size of our club) is in Derby?"

    Please tell me why you think that is.. Both have asked. Both are denied. Why?

    The whole point of the meetings is so that members of said groups, like you on here, can ask something and that info is then relayed back to you. All part of good dialogue between club and the fans, something that is very important. This is no elite club for said 10 people, Punjabi Rams, RamsTrust, DCFCFANS, have all sent different members on different occasions.

    Absolutely. We are all fans after all!

    Do you think the local media has a wider reach than local media? Are Derby fans only confined to the local area?

    I have no idea why they are not speaking to the local media, if anything I think they get an easier ride from the local media.

    You have hinted that these meetings include information being divulged which should not be relayed to the fanbase. Its pointless cherry picking questions to answer if extremely important information is being withheld.

  2. 13 minutes ago, therams69 said:

    Sorry let me be more clear... When I said "know what is going on" I was referring to the actual situation and feeling amongst fans as opposed to them actually knowing what is going on. I doubt Jim White has a clue or Simon Jordan (who i actually really rate btw) on how fans are being kept in the dark about so much.

    I haven't disclosed anything that is private and confidential from those meetings. Anything that came out of the meetings I used to post and tell fans, as did others...

    Perhaps that is because they have also seen and heard MMs interviews in the national media so, like alot of us, dont actually believe they are being kept in the dark.

    Yes, was not accusing you of doing that, I just think its completely wrong for the club to reveal information to a select few, that they would not reveal to the whole fanbase. I'd hope that any groups that are supposedly representing the fans would point this out too.

  3. 12 minutes ago, therams69 said:

    I think my point is more to the point that the likes of Nico, Ed Dawes etc know what is going on so can ask relevant 'tough' questions, same cannot be said for Jim White. I would just love to understand why they refuse to go on local radio or the DET yet will go out their way to go on Talksport or the Mail. 

    This is why you have a CEO. Just a shame at Derby its in name only.

    Well if these local journalists 'know what is going on' why dont they say and then I am sure there will be more pressure from the fanbase for the club to come clean.

    From the little I do see of the local media, they seem to just regurgitate articles from national media and internet forums, so not sure I agree that they know any more than us.

    7 minutes ago, therams69 said:

    Some bits of the meeting are P & C which cannot be disclosed which is fair enough.

    The other 95% though is issued through minutes by the club as to which is then sent to whatever supporter base the person at the table is representing. For example David and this forum asked questions that members would like to submit and then would issue minutes from the meetings.

    Full and frank financial details of the club - not by the £ no. But as I have said I have raised questions about recruitment team and the 4 players on 5m per year as an idea and many others have raised other issues surrounding the finances. The stadium was mentioned and we were told it was NOT for FFP as we would easily pass FFP - Believe what you want on that...

    If parts of meetings are private and confidential they should not be discussed at all, it leads to situations like you have created here, whereby you are expecting people to act just on your word.

    It was one of the things that annoyed me about Breakfast Club, MM said things and then asked for them not to be repeated. Its no way to act.

  4. 11 minutes ago, therams69 said:

    One of many gripes is that yes. Is it not yours? Does it not concern or bother you that they refuse to go via Radio Derby or Steve Nicholson? Promises of calls back yet they never come. Why? Because we know the situation better here in Derby than what Jim White knows in London hence why questions would be asked here as opposed to the nationals where they are not. All controlled by Mel and doing it his way, I call that the easy way....

    Well considering we used to meet every couple of months via the supporter charter that would be a great start. A meeting of around 10 or so people. Now if only technology was in place that could still allow the meetings to go ahead. Perhaps I should look at building something that would allow this to happen, I could call it Zoom. Obviously all participants need to be willing of course as opposed to refusing to speak....

    In terms of a pandemic - you could say I am fully aware yes considering I work in Travel, the most affected sector.

    No, not really a gripe of mine, I dont listen to Radio Derby so would be much more likely to see or hear something in the national media than local, but I guess everyone is different.

    I'd say local media are much more likely to report on something in the national media than vice versa though. 

    Fair point on the Zoom meetings, given that MM has had health issues I guess he believes he has more important things to worry about, no such excuse for the CEO though. 


  5. 56 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Good point. However, it meant you also avoided my main point about where was this media criticism last Summer, when mis-leading articles were suggesting there would be no 2nd wave and we'd pretty much reached herd immunity? They turned out to be massively wrong, and as these points were being made by the Government's friends, probably contributed to more deaths and a more severe impact on the economy.

    There seems to be outrage that the media might be exaggerating the threat now, but possibly delaying the removal of restrictions by a few weeks seems rather minor relative to the disaster we saw during the Winter.

    A SAGE advisor said today it's:  "“a perilous moment … We have a variant that shows good evidence of being more transmissible and possibly significantly more transmissible … And the other thing that we do know is that this new variant from India is actually quite widely distributed across the country.”

    "He said there was a chance that the Indian variant of the virus could cause substantial problems among “people that haven’t been vaccinated yet, people who are only partially protected because they’ve had one vaccination, and … in a small percentage of cases the vaccination for whatever reasons doesn’t work.”

    He said vaccines would largely protect people against severe infection and death but said a small fraction of a very large number of infections could lead to significant numbers of deaths and hospitalisations."

    Do you think our terrible media should not be reporting this view from a Government advisor?

    The government has regularly reacted too slowly throughout Covid and I don't think anyone wants to risk a bad 3rd wave and yet more long term restrictions.

    Were you asleep last summer? The mainstream media has done nothing but hype this up for the last 14 months, to the point where some people were literally scared to leave their house.

    Sure there were lots more people putting up counter arguments as more evidence became available. 

    Yes I think they should be reporting what the Government adviser is saying. They should also be asking why they are not considering the large proportion of the population has been vaccinated, and that the ones that have not been offered the vaccine are unlikely to become seriously ill, and also if people have been offered the vaccine and not had it then they need to manage their own risk.

    The purpose of these lockdowns and measures was to reduce the pressure on the NHS. It has NEVER been sold to us as a zero Covid approach and if that is now the case we should be told so we can make our own decisions.

    If the Indian variant is so much more transmissible why did Sage not advise to stop repatriations from India as soon as it became apparent?


  6. 17 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    It's horribly confusing at best, deliberate scaremongering at worst. I can only assume that the 'tripling' refers to the 'Indian variant' cases, but something something ass you me something.

    The story actually said that casea had tripled in some areas.

    So in my mind that is exactly what the headline should say, not cases almost triple in England. 

    The sad thing is these stories lead to mass hysteria, which in turn leads to more pressure being applied on the Government to delay re-opening.

    Data not dates, unfortunately, appears to have been replaced by pandering to ever shouts loudest.

    If we were following data not dates, everywhere would be re-open by now as the rise in cases from school re-opening, that we were told was inevitable never materialised.

  7. 9 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    It seems people get overly angry with the media when they know the government they vote for is hopeless. A strong, competent government would render this supposedly horrid media useless. But the government is not good.

    So am I correct in assuming that if the Government imposed some sort of media ban that you wouldn't then start saying that they were attacking free speech?

    Just to bring this post back on to topic:

    Independent headline 14 May 2021 'Scientists call for 'surge' vaccinations as Covid cases almost triple in England'

    From the Uk Government Government coronavirus dashboard 13 May 2021 'Between 7 May 2021 and 13 May 2021, 16,079 people had a confirmed positive test result. This shows an increase of 12.4% compared to the previous 7 days'.


  8. 2 hours ago, therams69 said:

    Well Mel did come out 3 months ago and say that he would keep the club going until a buyer was found. Since then we found ourselves in a relegation battle on the final day along with another failed takeover. Reassurance should be what we are after and when asked personally he has said "I hope so" - doesn't exactly give me confidence that we will be okay or that is he hanging around for a buyer.

    In no way am I demanding facts and figures. But he or Stephen Pearce (our employed CEO) should be coming out and speaking to the fans instead of hiding behind a national radio station or national newspaper. As I have said, there are reasons why they are running scared of Radio Derby & the DET - that is clear surely?!

    So it helps the club how and why you have asked? Well seeing as we are the biggest stakeholder in this football club and have no idea what the hell is going on, I think it would be quite clear that informing the fans via any of the above forms would be a positive step as opposed to hiding. All that does it make us worry. After all we will be clearly up this mess in some shape or form over the next few years. 

    The club did used to communicate with the fans through various means. That has been stopped at his demand. 

    Sometimes when times are hard, its so important to stick together and get through them. Both him and Pearce have distanced themselves from the fans, in fact they are so out of touch. All well and good when times are good........ Why.

    Just to be clear here, your gripe is that MM has told us the situation via the national media rather than the local media?

    As for distancing themselves from the fans, when and where exactly were you expecting them to engage the fans? You are aware of the pandemic aren't you?

  9. 13 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    Hey Tamworthram, just seen you feature on that Bristol City forum, that eejit Papadopolopoloplop’s been over and took a screenshot featuring one of your posts. 


    See I got an honourable mention too. Normally a good poster but spouting poo on this apparently.

    He reckons we receive the £81m for the ground because it is in the cash flow, shame he forgot to deduct the increase in inter-company loans.

    Its always good to get your facts right or you risk making yourself lool silly Mr P (we know you are watching).

  10. 52 minutes ago, Spanish said:

    thanks not great reading.  I guess the players value has not been written down at that time, £50m seems very hopeful.  Never trust balance sheets, I'm an ex banker (I have to whisper that these days)

    I don't think the £50m is that unrealistic, since that point we have sold Hughes, Ince, Vydra, Weimann, Bogle and Lowe, that is potentially somewhere between £30m and £40m at a guess

  11. Just now, kevinhectoring said:

    Negative ebitda in recent years implies significant negative cashflow at club level, obviously.  I guess this has been funded by the stadium company paying down the interco balance arising from the stadium sale. The stadium co has financed itself I think from the external borrowings, some of which have been guaranteed by our much maligned benefactor, MM

    Yes that would be my guess too

  12. 53 minutes ago, Spanish said:

    great thanks, grateful if you can do this but don't if it is too much effort.  The group structure is a bit of a web

    Rough guide

                                              2018                               2014

                                                £m                                  £m


    Players                               50                                     3

    Land, property etc            14                                    53

    Inter-company loan           75                                     -              (this is the money owed for the sale of the ground)

    Cash                                     3                                     1

    Owed for players                 2                                      -

    Other                                    3                                      4

    TOTAL                              147                                     61



    Bank loans                          3                                       15

    Deferred income                6                                         8         (I would guess that this relates mainly to season ticket income)

    Other                                   3                                        8

    Owed for players              13                                        2

    TOTAL                                25                                     33


    NET ASSETS                   122                                      28


    Roughly the net assets have gone up by the profit made on the ground of circa £40m plus the increase in player values of £50m, both are which are paper transactions. In summary, up to 30 June 2018, as MM had funded the club through equity we were are pretty much in the same financial position as we were when he took over, except the ground has been replaced with a debtor of £80m.

    Of course the key is what has happened between 2018 and today. Has the £75m been paid to the club? I think I read somewhere that it would be paid over 8 years in instalments of £10m but I have not seen that confirmed anywhere. Has the club been laden with debt or has the parent company borrowed the money against the ground and then loaned that money to the club?


  13. Just now, Spanish said:


    not sure what makes up the Net assets.  The £80m is the loan owed to the club obviously and that will show an upward trend based on the accounts have swapped a stadium valued at £40m for a loan worth 80.  But what makes up the rest?  Do you have this to hand?

    Just going on school run but will put a summary up later

  14. 13 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    What are are assets now compared to what they were when Morris took over?

    Not just the ground sold as compared to mortgaged. The Academy, mortgaged. But the value of the squad?

    The accounts haven't been done for a while waiting until EFL get around to appeal, but I imagine the P&L will show an unhealthy figure, even pre-Covid.


    Net assets at 30 June 2014 were £27m

    Net assets at 30 June 2018 were £122m (this included the loan of circa £80m owed in respect of the sale of the ground)


  15. 1 hour ago, jimtastic56 said:

    No matter what happens Saturday, i imagine Wisdom already has a deal in place with one of his former clubs . Norwich or WBA. Maybe . Mick McCarthy would welcome back Waghorn. To fund new players I think Lawrence , Knight and Sibley will be sold. Recruitment will be more important than ever.

    Id be absolutely astounded if Wisdom went to a Premier League club.

    His career has declined at an alarming rate. Lacks ability and concentration and seems to think the answer to every situation is a shoulder charge.

    I fear after the season we have had our Crown jewels value will have taken a battering.

    Think we should persevere with the youngsters and shed some more high earners.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    I’m not ITK but that article said “ But with the debts piling up, it seems Derby’s future remains very much in the balance”

    We haven’t seen the accounts for 2 years have we ! 

    As in commonplace with our media the details of the story do not correlate with the headline.

  17. 1 minute ago, rynny said:

    From the Sky Sports report where they reported we were paying our players. Sky's "sources" say Mel is reluctant to carry on in future months 

    I know where the story came from but it certainly wasn't a direct quote, which the article in the Daily Mail a few weeks before was.

  18. 10 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    He said he would pay this months wages but didn’t want to have to keep doing it. 

    Where did he say this?

    Only quote Ive ever seen from him was his interview in the Daily Mail where he said he would continue to bankroll the club until there was a new owner. 

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