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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    In the US at the moment 97.5% of hospital admission haven't been vaccinated and 99% of deaths haven't.

    Irrespective of Boris and the Government u-turning at the drop of a poll, there's nothing contradictory about those stats.

    What is happening in the US is of no consequence to me.

    Patrick Vallance yesterday said that 60% of people in hospital were double jabbed, then he went back on that and said 60% had not had a vaccine. By my simple maths, that is 40% in hospital here that have had at least 1 vaccine.

  2. 17 minutes ago, BathRam72 said:

    So we are lead to believe but where is the hard evidence? I for one can't believe that we are being punished for something that was sanctioned then removed. Any independent board would rip the EFL to shreds, that did not happen. There must be more to it

    It was there in black and white in the findings from the IDC.

    The EFL said ok but allegedly didn't understand what they were saying ok to.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Spanish said:

    GSF, are you saying that the disclosures were adequate or that the club were not responsible for them?

    I am saying that DCFC will pay a sizeable fee to auditors who will review the accounts and provide an opinion on whether they give a true and fair view. 

    The auditors concluded they did and the directors have therefore complied with their responsibilities. 

    Its the first time that I have ever heard of a third party with no accountancy background concluding that a set of accounts do not comply with the Companies Act and requiring those accounts to be amended.

    Not only are they requiring amendment of the notes describing the policy, they are requiring the method to be changed, despite a concensus of opinion that the method used complied with FRS. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, GenBr said:

    The amortisation charge and the stadium charge are both the fault of Mel and Pearce. We may have got away with the stadium one, but we should never have had to sell it in the first place to remain compliant with ffp. The amortisation charge is again entirely the fault of Mel and Pearce.

    Nobody else to blame for the situation we find ourselves in.

    I can't blame them for something that the EFL gave them the green light to do and then retrospectively changed their minds.

    That is like me fining you for driving 30 miles per hour in a 30 mile per hour zone but now Ive changed the limit to 20 miles per hour.

  5. 34 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    The vaccines aren't close to 100% effective though, you're making them out to be more effective than they really are. There are millions still vulnerable. 

    I don't necessarily disagree with you about being unclear what the long term effects are, as the full trials are not complete but let's not kid ourselves in thinking everyone's protected who needs to be. 

    And furthermore, the higher the level of infection in society the higher the chance the vulnerable will be infected.

    I don't think there is a good solution. 

    I thought one dose was 85% and 2 doses 95% or figures in that region?

    If they are not effective then it seems pretty pointless forcing them on people who dont need them anyway.

  6. 57 minutes ago, bcnram said:

    I think the point is more that they can still spread it isn’t it?

    So the vaccine doesnt stop you from getting it?

    It doesn't stop you from spreading it?

    And it doesn't protect the person getting it?

    So why are they so keen on people to get double jabbed?

    Because it lessens the effects and hospitalizations.

    In which case why are people so worried about getting it?

    The argument just seems to be contradict itself.


  7. 19 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    A 3rd wave of what? Cases? So what, we’ve vaccinated and protected those whom this might impact so why the clamour to count cases? It’s become an obsession 

    Apart from when they start going down of course. 

    Then we revert to other things like predictions by Neil Ferguson, total number of deaths or percentage of adults not vaccinated.

    Some suggestions for what they could add to the coronavirus dashboard:-

    Taxpayers money spent on the furlough scheme

    The number of people that have lost their jobs

    The number of businesses that have closed down

    The number of children who have been unable to have an induction day at their new schools 

    The number of students who have been unable to physically attend university 


  8. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    You hint at lots of things with no real facts.

    I didn't hint at anything, I stated the facts that we are carrying out more tests than the rest of Europe combined, the fact that we know that these tests give a sizeable number of false positives and therefore it is silly to have us top of this mythical league table. 

    Where are the hints there and which of the facts are wrong?

  9. 25 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

    Looking at the date of the article, test events were probably in mid may, which would be before Delta took hold and when infection rates were at a VERY different level to today.

    The Delta variant was here from early April, if it spreads as quickly as we are told you would think it woild be rife 4 or 5 weeks after arriving?

  10. 4 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    It only we had quickly implemented short, strict lockdowns.

    We could have saved loads of lives and mitigated against all those other problems you mention.

    An inquiry after the first lockdown would have told us that. By the time of the inquiry we'll be on long, half-arsed lockdown number 10.

    We had a 16 week? lockdown last year and a 6 month lockdown this year, maybe lockdowns aren't, and never have been, the way out of this.

    How come Australians are still finding themselves in lockdown if short sharp lockdowns were the answer?

  11. 4 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Is this one of those debates where you can't compare different geographical locations for Covid?

    For example, there is much more fingering in UK nightclubs. 

    Its just another one of them things where the Government/Sage pluck something out of thin air to support their latest scheme.

    You have to wonder what the point of us carrying out test pilot events was if we are not going to use the results but instead use the findings from other coutries.

    Screenshot_20210719-205700_Samsung Internet.jpg

  12. 47 minutes ago, Ramos said:

    Two of my friends are accountants and I asked them about this yesterday.  Neither believe the season ticket situation is a sign of the end of the club or administration however you want to spin it.

    One said for starters that if the club was in danger of going into administration it would be doing the opposite to ensure it can bring in as much cash as possible to help avoid admin. So by not putting season tickets up for sale because we are heading for administration in his opinion, would make literally zero sense.

    The other one said that he believes that if the club was to sell say 20,000 season tickets and then we hit another lockdown and the club can't fulfill those sales - it puts us in a sticky situation and creates a ton of admin - he thinks by essentially ensuring the club only sells tickets where it’s highly likely to guarantee bums on seats, helps the club to gain a much clearer financial picture of the revenue and impact of income from tickets. Of course this is their opinions on what they believe the reasoning is - other accountants and business people may say different things. Personally I think both of what they have said makes sense to me, but I don’t understand the ins and outs of administration etc. 


    On top of this the directors would be breaking the law continuing trading if they knew we were insolvent.

  13. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    There are those who care about others and those who don’t 

    just for starters

    I know someone in particular who banged on and on that because they had to shield ( being vulnerable ) EVERYONE else should be locked down too , lose jobs , lose business s, lose homes ect ect ect ,,,, as it was unfair

    there ARE lots of selfless people about but in my experience people have tell them how selfless they are rather than them telling everyone else how selfless they are ??????


    Thats simply not true, the poster didnt want the people delivering his beer in lockdown.

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