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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I'm pretty sure they have changed the tone if their message.

    Johnson's big freedom day speech was about it's everyone's personal choice whether to wear a mask.

    A few polls later it's "you are expected to wear a mask indoors". 

    Rather than score political points, I just want people in charge that can make fact based decisions and communicate them clearly. Then keep the message consistent for a few days at least.


    It would probably help if you actually listened to what was being said by them, instead of making your mind up that you already disagree with what they have said, before they even say it.

    It really is astounding how many intelligent people, such as yourself, have found such very simple words hard to understand throughout. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    There must be a point in time surely where monies are frozen ?? No ?

    to allow for exchange of contracts and liabilities and so on and so forth

    Not in any transaction that I have ever been involved in to be honest.

  3. 1 minute ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Really ?

    Iv only bought one business and that was exactly the process 

    Also When was the other time we didn’t pay ?

    Who froze the assets and monies exactly?

    Cannot remember the timing, will look back and find out.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    I think it was mentioned in one of the Daily Mail stories, £20m to HMRC + £17.5m to MSD + Cocu's payoff + Keogh's payoff. Whether true or not, who knows, but it's the Daily Mail which always needs taking with a pinch of salt!

    Thanks, knew I had read it somewhere.

  5. 4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Seen it on Twitter. How is it likely to be that much? 

    It certainly wasnt Twitter where I read it as I am not on there so would have been a news article somewhere.

    £20m over a year is £1.67m a month.

    If MM was having to put £1.4m a month in to cover the net wages, then this figure would not be too far out.

  6. 12 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Wasn’t this purely because we were about to be taken over ? and like all company’s that change hands there has to be a period in time where assets and monies are frozen to enable the transaction to be completed 

    with something as complicated as a football club sale .. and with what turns out to have been a damp squib of a potential new ownership group it’s seems to me the the efl have taken the first possible opportunity to slap their dicks in our face ?

    have we a history of not paying our players ? No 

    have we not paid our players before ? No 

    was this because of factors outside of our control ? Yes 

    if the bzr hadn’t taken Mel and the club for a ride then this would never have happened

    think it’s a fricking P take quite frankly and part of their “with regret” couldnt contest the DC and their 100k fine 

    think they’re being utter ********* towards us quite frankly and won’t rest til they have what they want out of this whole situation 

    Having been involved in numerous business acquisitions and disposals, I can genuinely not remember a single time where assets and monies have been frozen.

    Also this is not the first time we have paid the wages late.

  7. On 07/07/2021 at 19:50, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    Regarding the HMRC payments, surely if we’re not filing accounts with them how can we be paying tax?


    On 07/07/2021 at 19:54, Ken Tram said:

    Have to pay taxes! HMRC can shut down businesses super-quick! 

    Isn't there some rule that if one is not sure how much tax to pay, they are supposed to pay more and argue it later? Some sort of catchall rule!


    On 07/07/2021 at 22:49, Tamworthram said:

    Presumably it's VAT which isn't dependent on filing our annual accounts. It can't be corporation tax after all as we don't make any profits to be taxed on.


    On 08/07/2021 at 07:23, metalsheep02 said:

    It could be PAYE income tax and National Insurance on players' wages?


    On 08/07/2021 at 09:06, CBRammette said:

    Presumably we like many many businesses have entered into payment agreements with HMRC if necessary.  However if like EFL's stance on their rules trumping government rules on relaxation of delayed filing dates, that probably wouldnt matter anyway. 

    It certainly won't be corporation tax, this is only paid on profits and we have huge accumulated losses carried forward.

    Unlikely to be VAT as we will have had next to no income. (HMRC do have a deferment scheme, so it is possible that we made use of this for an historic amount).

    Much more likely to be PAYE. Pretty sure I read this somewhere and that it amounts to £20m owing to HMRC. Also fits in with thr story that MM was only putting in £1m a month to cover the wages, when the total bill was likely to be double that.

  8. 6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I'l give you benefit of the doubt for not following the thread fully.

    I said 37 billion was crazy money for an app. The government Committee looking into it said the cost was very high.

    Wolfie told me about it was the cost of the testing too and people who tracked it.

    I thanked him and said it still seems very high though.

    You went off on some Corbyn 52% chat like it was 2016.

    Maybe you are happy with 37 billion spent on track and trace that hasn't been very good?

    Something which has now been proven to be nonsense.

    So now it has been shown to you that the majority of the money has been spent on testing, are you saying we shouldn't have bothered with that?

    I have absolutely no idea what a reasonable figure would have been for spending on it.

  9. 6 hours ago, jimmyp said:

    Staying away from you isn’t always going to be possible though is it? 
    Maybe we should split certain sectors and industries into categories so that the vulnerable get say hospitals, pharmacies, Tesco’s and a few other things.

    Or we could just take a few precautions and have everything open and share everything equally. 

    For the very limited amounts of time you may bump into the vulnerable it doesn’t seem like a massive ask. It would make a big difference to them though and allow a resemblance of life. 

    Why is it not always going to be possible to stay away from me?

    If I see someone wearing a mask I will know they are still scared of the virus and will be able to make sure I keep my distance.


  10. 1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Jeez, talk about shoehorning old political news into this thread! I didn't know Corbyn was still about.

    I guess the government report I linked in before cannot be trusted for criticising the huge cost of the track and trace system.

    Nor can Johnson be trusted when he whatsapped Cummings to say how terrible it was either. The day before he told us all it was world beating admittedly.


    Would probably just have been easier to admit that you'd repeated something that has been proven to be complete nonsense?

  11. 2 hours ago, jimmyp said:

    Yeah you definitely don’t have to spend the rest of your life wearing a mask. 

    For the limited time you may spend around the vulnerable whilst cases are still rising and folk are still being vaccinated it makes complete sense to wear a mask though. 


    The vulnerable should all have been  vaccinated by now.

    Cases rising is a red herring though isnt it?

    Wouldnt it make more sense for people to manage their own risk and stay away from me if I am not wearing a mask?

  12. 7 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

    Taken from the cdc.


    Most people with flu are contagious for about 1 day before they show symptoms.

    Older children and adults with flu appear to be most contagious during the initial 3-4 days of their illness but many people remain contagious for about 7 days.

    Infants and people with weakened immune systems can be contagious for even longer.


    How long someone can spread the virus that causes COVID-19 is still under investigation.

    It’s possible for people to spread the virus for about 2 days before experiencing signs or symptoms (or possibly earlier) and remain contagious for at least 10 days after signs or symptoms first appeared. If someone is asymptomatic or their symptoms go away, it’s possible to remain contagious for at least 10 days after testing positive for COVID-19. People who are hospitalized with severe disease and people with weakened immune systems can be contagious for 20 days or longer.”


    The problem for so many with covid is that they unknowingly spread it because they aren’t aware they even have it. 
    Your chances of doing that with the flu  etc are far far less. 

    Around the vulnerable, then take extra precautions, simples. 

    Yes they are less but not impossible. 

    I'm not going to spend the rest of my life wearing a mask.

    If Im not safe to people now, I never will be.

    As another poster said, our immune systems will take a battering and other infections could all of a sudden become much more dangerous than they were as previously.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Archied said:

    You are the exact position I really despise the scientist , government and especially the gov employed behavioural scientists for and I mean despise ,,, they have made you really fear killing the ones you love ,,, 

    look at the figures properly,, people are not lucky to survive covid , they are extremely extremely extremely unlucky if they get really ill or die from catching it ,,, the tactics used on decent people has been and still is a disgrace and I mean decent because it’s decency they are manipulating,,,,,,, fear trumps facts and thought??‍♂️

    I wonder if these people ask themselves the question 'have I ever worn a mask before when visiting my parents, knowing that I could unwittingly pass them then cold or flu virus, that could potentially kill them'

    And before anyone says, I know Covid is worse than a cold or the flu, but if people are so vulnerable that Covid could kill them I'm sure the same could almost certainly apply to flu.

  14. 20 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Problem is, when you have high profile characters like Corbyn making the claims, then you are going to be getting people on forums repeating it.

    Funnily enough it tends to be the people that accused 52% of voters of not properly researching facts on another very important issue.

  15. 35 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I'm coming to the same conclusion. Deleting the app feels wrong, as I'd want to know so i can do lateral flows to be on the safe side, and manage my own risk about who I see and when

    It's literally all I've had to look forward to all year - 2 weeks away in a flippin English village on the coast. I will lose my mind if that gets taken away from me at this point

    Why do you need the app to do any of the above?

  16. 52 minutes ago, Coconut said:

    Venues still require check in, you can delete the app and do a paper one  but it just adds extra hassle.

    Its only hospitality venues that are still required to do that by law, and that will be scrapped as of next Monday. From personal experience I would say there are plenty of venues that have now started operating outside of the law anyway.

  17. 2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Albeit a frustratingly crappy end game

    Another bubble at school has closed (that's two this week) - with people mixing more and more each day as July 19th approaches, and the delta variant apparently spreading so easily, it feels like we're going to see huge amounts of contacts being told to isolate, and that will disrupt lives just as much as ever

    Anyone planning to have a holiday before they drop the isolation rules (Aug 19th is it?) must be dreading that they will get the ping and not be able to go. I know I am ?

    Why not just delete the app then?

    If you are already double jabbed there is absolutely nothing that will change between now and 19th August, so why rely on someone else to tell you if you are safe or not?

  18. 2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Funnily enough they have created the sort of country that many would want to see here. Detached, nationalist island, strictly controlled borders isolationism - and almost no covid restrictions


    I don't think I know anyone that wants what you have described. 

    The first bit I will ignore because its not Covid related, but Im not sure of many that have advocated no Covid restrictions throughout.

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