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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 8 minutes ago, Archied said:

    So billy Gilmour, a footballer in a bubble tests positive for covid , how’s that happen when they are all locked down and been testing negative for weeks , the players all around him in this bubble and ones he’s cuddling after games all testing negative yet this is the most highly contagious killer virus the world has known ( not a symptom in sight ,let alone a death or serious illness) 

    hmmmm could it be a vaccine issue , come on kids get your vaccines, not doing so may not hurt you but it/ we could destroy your dreams and chances , my money is on he has not had the vaccine yet??‍♂️

    Its also passed by airborne droplets, but although he has been ran around puffing and panting and potentially spreading it none of the other players on the pitch have to isolate. 

  2. 8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Some bloke on the news suggests we could have a COVID jab in one arm and a flu jab in the other at the same time this autumn.

    Boris says flu may return this winter.


    ive not watched the news for ages, I knew it was a mistake to keep the telly on after a superb evening of footie.


    Does anyone actually believe this stuff anymore?

    Unfortunately there must be or there wouldnt be so little to no resistance every time they extend measures.

    Lets not forget when lockdowns were introduced in December they were only until Easter (that was about 10 weeks ago now).

  3. 5 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    In persuading junior VdM to apply for university, the one he wanted could not commit to face to face tuition. He's therefore deferring for a year as he's already had his 2 year technical diploma in marine and aquatics materially impacted. 

    It is having real impacts on our young people. 

    I'm only observing and not making comment on the merits or otherwise of the various rules. 

    And unfortunately the sentiment in your last sentence is why the Government now seem to think they can get away with literally anything.


  4. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Bad news indeed. Enough of us are vaccinated now for all restrictions to be lifted. No sign of the NHS being overwhelmed.

    Johnson blabbering on about infection rates and ICU beds.

    I just checked and there are currently 223 of the 30,000 available ventilators being used.

    Assuming roughly a 2 week lag, we were at 5000 cases per day on 5th June, which has led to 223 people being on ventilators today. 

    Surely you dont have to be some sort of mathematical genius to work out that there is absolutely no chance of the NHS becoming overwhelmed again?


  5. I see the seeds are already being sewn for more restrictions this winter.

    Apparently we are in for a rough winter and the NHS could be under immense pressure, not sure why when these restrictions lockdowns were under the headline of protecting the NHS and saving lives. 

    Appears that now they could put the NHS under pressure going forward and cost lives.

    Also why is BJ on about foreign holidays being unlikely, I thought step 4 was the lifting of all remaining restrictions? Looks like they are trying to sneak in a step 3.5 while nobody is looking. 

    Had the news today that my daughters induction day at senior school cannot go ahead because of Covid restrictions, gutted for her. We really are ruining kids lives. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, Archied said:

    For me it’s not just about what the restrictions are now, the more depressing thing is the constant threat that the gov can ,will and do change our lives at the drop of a hat and based on data that they decide the meaning of , models from modellers constantly looking for the worst case scenario to scare everyone and always turning out massively wrong ??‍♂️

    Yes this is my fear too. 

    The amount of people saying 'its only another month' is scary.

    We had restrictions imposed a whole 15 months ago now and were told it was '2 weeks to flatten the curve'. We have not had our freedoms back since then.


  7. 16 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    We'll probably deliver another 8-10m vaccines between now and July 19th as well ?

    I'm not sure what the restrictions are anymore, other than going to the football I don't think life is any different for me now, but whatever they are I'm going to rebel against them if there is another extension.  Enough's enough now.



    You're probably correct that the restrictions arent that bad anymore but until it is said that restrictions are gone I dont think life will feel normal again.

    I'm taking the kids down to London next weekend and would normally go down on the train but really dont fancy 2 hours of wearing a mask so will drive instead. 

    Going out for meals and waiting 20 minutes to get a drink doesnt take my fancy either. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    I’ve had enough now. July finish or I ignore it. We are frightened of our own shadows now.. 

    Do you actually know anyone that is still frightened of the virus?

    The people I know that were previously worried are now jabbed or double jabbed and no longer seem worried.

    And we all saw how scared the politicians are of it at their knees up over the weekend.

    Its getting harder and harder to believe that this is about public health anymore, with only 10 people on average dying a day we must be at the point now that the restrictions are causing more harm than good.

  9. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Is the mythical R number making a comeback? Vanished off the face of the earth for a while now it’s back as the poster boy?

    Got to love the switching of what is the vital figure to report haven't you.



    Excess deaths

    The R number

    Just choose the worst one on esch given day.

    Just like Hancock in Parliament today, reporting that hospitalizations are up 48% on last week (up to a grand total of 177 people), no mention of the 20% drop in the last 3 days though!


  10. 3 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Perhaps folk who are so vehemently opposed to this extension might wish to consider writing to their MP about it? It occurs to me that this would be a more productive use of their time than spending all day, every day moaning about it on a football forum.

    As an industry we have been lobbying our local MPs on and off for 14 months. 

    Generic responses and regular refusals to provide any evidence requested to support the measures in place.

    Just 'we've seen the evidence to support our stance' type responses. 

  11. 4 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    I guess the fact that currently an average of 170,000 people a day are getting their first jab and 300,000 their second so in four weeks another 4.5 million will have had one jab, and over 8 million their second if the rate continues. 

    So if the number of vaccinations is now the crucial figure, what numbers do we have to reach before we can lift restrictions.

    In 4 weeks time there is still the option there for them to say not everybody is vaccinated yet, so we will give it just a few more weeks.

    They won't commit to anything or give figures because that way they can continue to move the goalposts unchallenged. 

    If this is going to be voted on by Parliament it should be done first thing tomorrow.

  12. 38 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

    No problem with a 4 week delay.  Boris is actually showing some balls for a change. 

    It's only clubbers, those with a wedding booked, and folk who feel entitled to a 10 day all inclusive in Majorca, every year, who're pissing & moaning anyway...

    And maybe the millions who's income has been a minimum of 20% down for most of the past year...

  13. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    I saw a news article saying that. I can't find it now, but it does sort of fit. It's the noisy minority that talk about the unfairness of lockdown. Look at this thread. Take down 10 vocal people and pretty much there's nobody left arguing. It's a vocal minority.

    Edit: apologies for the Guardian link, which obviously invalidates it if you don't agree with it. But it's an Observer poll it refers to: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jun/12/delay-ending-lockdown-majority-of-public-back-boris-johnson. 54% favour delaying lockdown


    Do you actually believe what you are saying here?

    I literally know nobody that supports extending lockdown other than the noisy minority on here.

    Im from an age group where we have all now had our second jabs, and even my parents who were poo scared before have said its now time to open up.

  14. BBC reporting a 4 week extension to measures still in place, looks like Sage and the media have their way.

    Question that should be asked today - PM you said as recent as last Monday that there was nothing in the data requiring an extension of measures left in place, what has changed

    Question that more likely will be asked today - PM you promised we would open up on 21st, will you be resigning?

  15. 3 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Yeah, you're probably right. I just thought it was funny that after usually blaming the evil media for Covid mistakes, it was now the Oppositions fault. Own your mistakes lads.

    Your lack of self awareness is totally astounding. 

    People, that I assume voted Brexit/Conservative, have attacked the Governments handling of this pandemic on a regularly basis, only to be met with resistance from posters like you.

    I'm completely unaware how you have actually managed to back Government policy on so many occasions yet at the same time tell everyone what an awful job they are doing.

    I actually think you have a mindset of arguing against a pre judged list of posters rather than any of the actual points that they make.


  16. Just now, AndyinLiverpool said:

    You seem to have dreamt some of that. The only bit that is accurate is the bit about turning it off.

    The illocutionary force related to people taking responsibility for their own viewing rather than relying on the broadcaster to make the decision for them. But you can read 'happy with the BBC' if it cheers you up.

    Ok thanks.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Ok, but do you subscribe to the 200 plus sky channels? I am not sure why it makes a difference if it was on BBC, ITV or SKY, that is the point I was trying to make….

    I subscribe to some of them yes.

    Difference is, if I dont like what they are showing I can unsubscribe and still continue to watch other channels.

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