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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 43 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    This is obviously aimed at me, but please explain to me again just why you think that I am a hypocrite. You tried once before, and the only substance in your quaintly ridiculous argument that I could glean, amongst your usual bile, was that I had a shipment of 40 bottles of beer imported from Belgium and you felt that was a dangerous thing to do under the circumstances.


    I obviously dont speak on behalf of the other poster but doubt it is just aimed at you.

    Probably aimed at anyone who sits their lambasting people for doing what they think is best for themselves and their families, whilst doing exactly the same thing but from a position of more privilege. 

    I think there are plenty out there that have had to carry on as normal in terms of work, throughout, only to be told that it is not ok to carry on as normal outside of the work setting. 

    On the other hand there are the people who have been able to work from home or had their lives funded by the taxpayer for 16 months who sit there sneering and sniping at thw others who just want to be able to go about their daily business as they see fit.

  2. 9 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    This is an interesting read and doesn't seem like the government are being particular open and transparent https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/57172793

    Apart from the hidden stats, this article doesn't question the number of travellers arriving in a country. If twice as many people arrive from country A than B, but country B has twice the rate of infection, then the same number of infections are arriving. India has a population about 4-5 times larger than India, and I think it's a fair assumption that the number of arrivals was of a similar ratio.

    I would have done the same as what British citizens returning from Pakistan and Bangladesh had to do.

    Well, there must be a reason why the government distinguishes between Red and Amber list countries. Your question here is really "why are the government bothering with a Red list at all"? I assume it's because Red list arrivals are transported to secure hotels, whereas Amber list people are free to travel on public transport, then mix with other people in their household who may not have travelled.

    This is another point entirely and has little bearing on people arriving in April when most people in the UK were yet to be vaccinated. I'm not sure it's helpful to possibly blame people who were allowed to avoid Red list conditions. 

    This India decision seems like a strange thing to defend so robustly. It was obviously a really bad decision. With Johnson's planned trip to India there too, it's a real stretch to not see this as a reckless political decision. Don't worry, someone will leak the truth behind it soon and we'll then know 100%.

    I dont think Ive defended it? Ive asked questions which I think are important to understanding whether it is the reckless decision that you are calling it.

    You seem to think its just a black and white issue of we should have just stopped people coming in from India by the sounds of it, I would be vehemently opposed to ever stop British citizens entering the country.

  3. 16 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    This was the best bit:

    "It was on 1 April of this year that ministers first learned that the Delta variant of coronavirus, which originated in India, had been discovered in the UK. The presence of a strain feared to be more transmissible than others was an obvious and immediate threat. Scientists had long warned that the greatest obstacle to full unlocking was the import of new variants from abroad. But it was not until 19 April that the government announced India would be added to the UK’s “red list” of countries – from which travel is strictly controlled – and not until 23 April that this decision was implemented (searches for flights to Britain from India rose by 250 per cent in the intervening period). 

    The Delta variant has since become the dominant strain in the UK, accounting for up to 75 per cent of new Covid cases, and the government’s laxness helped fuel its spread. Between 4 April and 2 May, the variant rose from 4.9 per cent of all cases detected among travellers to 40.9 per cent."

    Right, a few questions or remarks on this point:-

    The Government have said they followed the guidance of the scientists on this, has this ever been disputed by the scientists?

    I assume a large number of people coming in from India would have been British citizens returning before the border was closed, what would you have done with these people?

    Isolating rules were in place after returning from abroad, how has the virus spread if the people returning from India followed the rules and isolated?

    Just heard a report on tv stating that the vaccine uptake is much lower in ethnic minorities (apparently 50% of residents in Nornmanton are not vaccinated), what part has this played in the spread and is this the Government being reckless or British citizens being reckless?

  4. 2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Johnson reportedly had a long meeting on Friday afternoon with Javid, so there must be a high chance he has it, unless he is now immune.

    I imagine he'll now infect lots of other people, some of whom will get seriously ill.

    He's praying that another England cricketer tweeted something unsavoury a few years ago so he can do another outrage diversion.


    Based on?

  5. 4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Haha as if they are now part of a trial, how convenient. Surely now no one has still got that app? 
    That’s it precedent set, as of tomorrow the Covid rules are in the bin forever 

    Oh come on, surely it is just pure coincidence that every single one of the 'pilot schemes' has only been aimed at the rich and famous?

  6. 59 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    We've already got a 2-tier society.

    Those who care about others and those who don't.


    Or the ones who preach about caring about others, but only actually put it into practice when it suits them. (I guess an example would be people who say the borders should have been closed but continue to order things from abroad, knowing that it is going to have to cross borders.)

    And those that are honest and admit that they put the needs of themselves and their family first.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Isn’t the real pressure on the health service (or feared pressure) on hospitals rather than local surgeries? Your local doctor/practice nurse wouldn’t be seeing covid patients. Maybe they’re just filling up gaps in their appointment books with such reviews. 


    Yeah I know, it was just a little rant on my part as it is near on impossible to ever get in at the local surgery. 

    Anyway Ive messaged them back and told them they need to text me before 8am in the morning if they would like me to come in for an appointment.

  8. You couldn't make this up.

    Over the past 5 years I have found it virtually impossible to get in at my doctors - never any spaces, need to book an appointment 2 weeks in advance yada yada, ring up at 8am (when I am usually sorting my kids out for school) and spend an hour on the phone to finally get through and be told to call back tomorrow.

    Now, out of the blue, during a pandemic which is supposedly stretching the health system to breaking point, I have just received a text to say I am eligible for a free health check and I should call the local GP to book my appointment.

    Beginning to think this is some sort of Truman show type experiment that I am taking part in...

  9. 23 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    The key point as far as @G STAR RAM is concerned is that masks do not fully protect the wearer, so he won't wear one. Everyone else can go to hell, and by never being in a position to know whether or not he is infected but asymptomatic, he will seemingly assist them on that journey.

    No, my point is, if you are worried about catching the virus from me, because I'm not wearing a mask, don't come within 2 metres of me, pretty simple really.

    Just the same as if I don't wish to put myself at risk of lung cancer I don't go and stand next to someone that is smoking.

  10. 23 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Well we are up to 50k cases a day now with 1.5m a week people told to isolate.

    100k cases will be here soon, with maybe 3m cases people per week told to isolate.

    There is a much higher chance of public facing roles, such as NHS having to isolate than people working at home.

    The government are saying it will be a few weeks before they amend their world beating app.

    I think it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that unfortunately another lockdown will be here soon.

    How many times will we continue to act when it's too late?

    The only really relevant stat you have quoted in that is the number of people being told to isolate.

    I guess the Government will continue to act on things when they continue to be pressured by people quoting completely irrelevant numbers?

    As of yesterday:-

    3786 people in hospital (capacity 40k?)

    545 patients on ventilation (capacity 30k)

    67.1% of adults have had both vaccinations

    87.5% have had one vaccination


  11. 49 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Daily Mail reporting 900k people were told to isolate in first week of July.

    Guardian saying 1.6M told to isolate in the last week.

    Most the country is gonna be in isolation soon once everything opens on Monday and cases are over 100k per day.

    Same old story. Do nothing when cases are small but rising rapidly. Lockdown again when these cases grow so much as to be unmanageable.

    I hope Supreme Leader Modi is impressed in what we've done for him when we next beg him for a trade deal.

    Daily Mail also got a story about something I was always concerned about: getting app alert because your neighbour through wall has tested positive.

    Well I certainly won't be isolating because I have no mechanism for anybody to tell me to isolate.

    Can you quantify cases being 'unmanageable' please?

    Having look at the Coronavirus dashboard I cannot see anything that would lead me to that conclusion?

  12. 10 hours ago, sage said:

    How do you know?

    As we are being warned of deaths being around 7 times higher than under current restrictions, then maybe just 63,000 of those lives will be lost. Now I dare say, there is an economic argument to be made in the hospitality sector, I fail to see any rational thinking behind not wearing masks on trains and buses and in shops. 

    Instead we have 'you can now do it, but you shouldn't' and 'it's up to businesses to set their own rules'.

    Complete abdication of responsibility.  

    Id prefer to call it returning people's liberty to them but maybe thats because I don't need the Government to tell me how to live my life safely.

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