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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. Think UEFA got this massively wrong.

    If they truly care about the welfare it of the players they would have taken the decision out of their hands.

    The players had literally seen their teammate lay there dead on the pitch 90 minutes previous. I was literally shaking watching it at home so God knows what state the Danish players were in physically and emotionally.

  2. 31 minutes ago, maxjam said:


    Its time to open up. 

    If you've been jabbed, live your life.  If you haven't, either have it when its your turn or manage your risk if you've opted not to have it - but live your life.

    It really is shameful that we have to rely on Tory rebels to provide any sort of resistance to Government policy.

    We've literally been a one party state throughout the pandemic.

    The only thing I can remember Starmer doing over the last 15 months is 'taking the knee' in his office and his wallpaper jibe at Boris.

  3. 1 hour ago, MrPlinkett said:

    I love table service at pubs but don't see it being maintained in most places as it no doubt requires more staff. Some might do it, i hope they do.

    I think working flexibly is a good one. Where i currently work, working from home was always something that you could do but only if absolutely necessary, but now its going to be maintained, at least partially. I will work from home 3 or 4 days a week even when we start back so thats a good thing me, for my work life balance certainly as i wont have to spend 2 hours a day in the car every day.

    I think its forced many businesses to trust their staff, before they perhaps didnt, or felt they couldnt be managed. But now they have seen it can and does work, and productivity has been excellent.

    Obviously can only comment on personal experiences but the productivity and efficiency of some of the companies that I deal with has dropped off a cliff.

    Example 1 - a Gambling Commission operators licence application usually takes 20 weeks to obtain. We submitted an application in mid December and still not had a response. 

    Example 2 - a routine planning query submitted to Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council in October has still not been responded to and nobody ever answers the phone when calling to chase it up, as well as e-mailing a reminder on a near weekly basis. 

    Neither process would require face to face contact so there is no excuse for the delays so it must come down to productivity.


  4. 7 hours ago, Eddie said:

    The fact is that every single warning given is ignored by the government until it's too late - usually by around 3 or 4 weeks - and the bodies inevitably begin to pile up. Then they react.

    It is a policy of crass, reactionary stupidity. The fact that some people blame the scientists over here echoes precisely the way that Fauci is looked upon by Trumpers in the USA.

    I find it quaintly ironic that you, who used to so eagerly take the piss out of me when I used to speak about 'house arrest' when I was being advised to shield, are now claiming that you are now being victimised, complaining about exactly the same thing while I am now going about my business relatively normally, using public transport, visiting friends, even going on holiday and going to the pub.

    Did I say 'quaintly ironic'? Sorry, I meant 'utterly pathetic'.

    No thats not a fact though is it?

    Are you going to give evidence of all of these warnings that they have given please?

    The clear difference is that you was staying in your house of your own accord and claiming to be under house arrest. Of course if you provide evidence to the contrary, that you were forced to stay in your house by law, I will gladly apologise.

    Myself and my young children are being stopped from living a normal life, despite following the guidance for 14 months, despite having the vaccine (which we were told was our way out of this) so I am sure you can understand my frustration. Actually, I take that back, Im sure you cannot because as has been pointed out on numerous occasions, the only person you've ever thought about throughout this whole thing is yourself, which for the record I have absolutely no problem with. But as a massive virtur signaller dont think that you won't be reminded of this in the future.

  5. 13 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    When Johnson says "I've seen nothing in the data..." I get very worried that the bumbling toff has been doing a bit of SQL and checking out the Tableau dashboards late into the night.

    I'd much rather he said "I've been told there is nothing in the data....".

    Maybe if the Government tried interprering the data rather than listening to people that care about nothing other than Covid 19, we might get back to living a normal life.


  6. Got to admit that I am extremely dubious about this supposed upturn in case numbers, seems very conveniently timed.

    Still, dont think there is too much to be worried about, the vital data has barely moved since Boris Johnson declared that there was nothing in the data that would delay the lifting of restrictions. 

    Any sort of delay and I think we will all finally know who is actually running the country these days.

  7. 10 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Yes - appreciate the nuance was "no earlier than" but in the dumbed-down media era, you know people just saw the date and words "all restrictions lifted" and that's why so many are kicking off at the prospect of it being put back 2 weeks

    Exactly - that statement was ridiculous "it's about data not dates" and then proceeded to real off a series of dates

    The whole thing should have been based on data. Certain conditions met = restrictions gradually lifted

    It was very clearly explained that the dates were 'no earlier than'.

    It was also very clearly explained that there would be 5 weeks between each stage to allow the data to be analysed.

    If you've chosen to ignore this, or more likely let the media tell you that the guidance was confusing then more fool you.

    The reason people are 'kicking off' (although not sure exactly who is doing this) is because the vital data (hospitalizations and deaths) do not really support the notion that an extension is needed.

    If we are going to lockdown everytime a disease hospitalises 1000 people and kills on average 10 people a day then its unlikely that we will ever return to normal.

  8. 10 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    @G STAR RAMI think you and I are pretty much aligned. I am failing to see anyone representing my concerns in public. Those that are willing to ask pretty basic questions, and point out that the logic isn't consistent appear to be ridiculed and discredited instead of answered.

    We are being told to believe the very same people who we were told to believe 12-15mths ago who were proven to be full of crap in hindsight, so why aren't they full of crap now? Why are they SOoooooooooooooooo desperate to get everyone vaccinated  and anything wrong is subject to thinly-veiled link/accusations to being non-vaccinated.?

    One very annoying aspect throughout is that the media that are given the platform to ask the questions that the general public want answers to, have completely failed throughout. 

    They would rather ask about the wallpaper in No 10 or Dominic Cummings eyesight than actually carry out a service to the public.

    They are all just after their 'gotcha' moment rather than any genuine concern for the public.

  9. Got my 2nd jab tomorrow.

    Had 1st on the basis my parents would feel more comfortable.

    2nd jab was scheduled for 15th and I'd kind of made my mind up that if restrictions had not been lifted I would not bother with it, having been ill after the 1st jab.

    Got a text to say 2nd jab had been brought forward and I decided to bite the bullet and just have it done.

    Tomorrow is the culmination of 14 months of following all of the rules that I was told would be the way out of the pandemic, needless to say any moving of the goalposts will not be favourably looked upon. 


  10. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I was just posting some of the 'data' that gets bandied about. I went to the ONS website and that's not much better. The latest infections rise by two-thirds is just as meaningless.

    But obviously wont be meaningless if that translates into hospitalizations and deaths a couple of weeks down the road (I dont see why it will though).

    With 75% of adults having had 1 jab and over 50% having had 2, we really are at the stage of managing their own risk.

    Pretty much all of the vulnerable people have been vaccinated, if they dont feel safe now I am not sure then they ever will.

  11. 41 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Like most things doesnt this just require a bit of goodwill and common sense from the general public?

    Why is everyone so keen all of a sudden to live in a nanny state where the Government control your every move and unless it is spelt out in instructions for 3 year olds you have to pretend not to understand?

    Not sure why the Councillor is making comments about the transmissibility of the virus, why not just stick to the facts?

  12. 8 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    You really don't like the media do you. Just imagine if a journalist became Primeminister one day! You must shudder at the thought.

    And not any old journalist. One who had been sacked from The Times for lying. And not just any old MP. One who had been sacked from the shadow cabinet for lying.

    A scary thought.


    8 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Erm, Johnson himself was literally part of the media!

    Going off topic.

  13. 21 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    They are the same media who persuaded the population to give the Tories a landslide. Can't have it both ways.

    Anyway, this caught my attention earlier...


    Even if the media did heavily influence BJ getting to power (which I don't really believe they did) I am not sure why that would preclude me from having a negative view on how they have reported throughout the pandemic?

  14. 1 hour ago, Premier ram said:

    No chance for the 21st in my opinion mate , the government and scientists seem determined to delay it

    The media and scientists. 

    Every time anything happens they are scratching around for the latest 'expert scientist' who will give them their doom mongering view.

    Its interesting that other scientists, with the same qualifications but the opposite view would be referred to as 'fringe scientists' rather than experts.

    The media want the lockdown re-opening putting back purely so they can rip into the Government with 'but you promised we would scrap all measures on June 21st' type questions. 

    Absolute vermin. 

  15. 8 hours ago, Grumpy Git said:

    Bang on, but Bozo the Dozo would still get elected if there was an election tomorrow, how sad is that?

    I know lads who are in with a serious chance of being unemployed when furlough ends and they think he's wonderful! It makes me want to weep. They must think he developed the vaccine on his own?

    Im not sure of the link.

    Restrictions are due to be lifted at the end of June and furlough scheme runs until the end of September.

    Why would it be Johnson's fault if someone was unemployed after the furlough scheme ends?

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