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Leeds Ram

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  1. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Penistoneram in Lincoln v Derby (A) Matchday Thread   
    Waited until today to post as I was seething after the match tbh. Thanks so much for @Bossfor the tickets as besides the game me and my gf had a cracking time in Lincoln.  The performance was utterly abject from first to last, mistakes littered the game but tactically Rosenior is either blind or stubborn at this point. I said a couple of weeks ago we were making chances and it was bad luck but I now feel there are systemic issues hindering us. There is absolutely no urgency playing out the back and once a team presses us we look decidedly nervous and are almost bound to make an error. Wildsmith's distribution is also absolutely shocking and needs working on asap. 
    In the middle playing both Bird and Hourihane is suicide, both ball players who lack any bite or willingness to track their man or contribute in any way besides spraying slow 10-20 yard passes back and sidewards.  Someone mentioned Bird might be wanting to talk to his agent, well given his start to the season I wouldn't care one bit if he did. It isn't helped by the lack of quality out wide, NML can't cross or finish to save his life (no consistency at all in whether he pings, balloons or gets the ball in the middle at all and misses too many chances) Dobbin too often tries to dribble and looses it and Barkhauzen can't finish. Collins isn't being used properly so I don't want to blame him too much and the service he's getting is horribly inconsistent. 
    Our slow tempo, dubious quality, and lack of cohesion are creating a team that are too easy to defend and attack against. Our midfield lacks shape and a willingness and ability to actually contribute defensively leaving the defence over exposed. We've seen this in a lot of games this season and it's partly why Cashin is making so many last ditch challenges. The slow tempo, lack of a central outlet for a ball in the final third and poor quality out wide are all contributing to a lack of clear chances and clinical finishing against teams who decide they're going to sit in and close down hard against us. 

    It's embarrassing to lose and put in a performance that deserved nothing against a team struggling at the bottom of division 3. There is no other word for it, utterly embarrassing and I hope the players and staff woke up this morning feeling quite ashamed that this has happened. Yes, every team we play against will give an extra 10% and so will their fans because we're not Sutton United. But the fact that we are Derby County needs to be a reminder to every single player to not only give everything in the shirt but demand a certain level of performance that we ultimately expect of them. Last night was not good enough, Plymouth was not good enough, Shrewsbury was not good enough. We need to get our heads out of our collective ar*** and demand better. 
  2. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Crewton in The Ukraine War   
    Avoid Pilger at all costs. Even Monbiot (not someone i've got a lot of time for) nails him for his misinformation. 
  3. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from sawley_ram in Head of State   
    I'm not sure how a codified constitution could have avoided some of the major political problems we now face such as a failing health service, a creaking education system, high energy prices, wage stagnation and out of control housing prices. Constitutions usually set up the arrangements of how a political system functions, what powers each branch has, the potential for overlap etc. rather than dictating specific policy decisions. Even if you'd had a stronger separation of powers built into the system many of the results I think would have been the same or even worse as they arrive from a lack of action as opposed to overbearing executive control. Maybe voting reform would have helped ameliorate some of those issues but that is a technically different kind of question from constitutional overhauls. 
    If you're thinking more about legislative scrutiny am not necessarily convinced constitutional reform would be very effective either. Isabel Hardmann wrote a really good book called 'why we get the wrong politicians' highlighting a lot of the problems few of which are related to the constitution. Rather a potent mix of culture, selection, ambition, incompetence and goodwill create a pool in which bad legislation gets passed without sufficient scrutiny, albeit beefed up select committees have helped on this front a little. Again, there are areas where you could envisage constitutional change maybe making a dent into some of these problems but they would still exist even with significant reform. 

    There are better times and worse times, better times being when you're not staring an economic crisis in the face, a state machine still recovering from the pandemic and Brexit (if it has even recovered) and adapting to over a decade of austerity. The ideal time would have been between 1999-2003 tbh. If Blair had pushed more strongly on the Lords reform and committed to more wholesale wide-ranging reform then I'd have been much more confident that was a good time. Opening up this debate would be politically toxic and institutionally I doubt we really have the capacity to manage it currently.
  4. Angry
    Leeds Ram reacted to Archied in The Ukraine War   
    Wasn’t particularly / exclusively talking zelenski but let’s be fair fair he is not front line going over the top Ala black adder day in day out,
    would you go out and kill or send your children to kill or die in this day and age of needless wars driven and manipulated by faceless gutless money and power greedy men ?
  5. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Tamworthram in Head of State   
    Personally am not a fan of the idea of a codified (a lot of our constitution is written) constitution and the idea flies in the face of our current system that priorities flexibility and democracy over a restrictive legalism. But I think even if there's a good case to be made for upending our constitutional system then now is not a good time to be having it. There are major challenges that government has to face and institutional capacity is already maxed out, adding this to the list would be a major error. 
  6. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Head of State   
    I'm not sure how a codified constitution could have avoided some of the major political problems we now face such as a failing health service, a creaking education system, high energy prices, wage stagnation and out of control housing prices. Constitutions usually set up the arrangements of how a political system functions, what powers each branch has, the potential for overlap etc. rather than dictating specific policy decisions. Even if you'd had a stronger separation of powers built into the system many of the results I think would have been the same or even worse as they arrive from a lack of action as opposed to overbearing executive control. Maybe voting reform would have helped ameliorate some of those issues but that is a technically different kind of question from constitutional overhauls. 
    If you're thinking more about legislative scrutiny am not necessarily convinced constitutional reform would be very effective either. Isabel Hardmann wrote a really good book called 'why we get the wrong politicians' highlighting a lot of the problems few of which are related to the constitution. Rather a potent mix of culture, selection, ambition, incompetence and goodwill create a pool in which bad legislation gets passed without sufficient scrutiny, albeit beefed up select committees have helped on this front a little. Again, there are areas where you could envisage constitutional change maybe making a dent into some of these problems but they would still exist even with significant reform. 

    There are better times and worse times, better times being when you're not staring an economic crisis in the face, a state machine still recovering from the pandemic and Brexit (if it has even recovered) and adapting to over a decade of austerity. The ideal time would have been between 1999-2003 tbh. If Blair had pushed more strongly on the Lords reform and committed to more wholesale wide-ranging reform then I'd have been much more confident that was a good time. Opening up this debate would be politically toxic and institutionally I doubt we really have the capacity to manage it currently.
  7. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Leicester city in a mess   
    They're paying the price for choking 2 seasons in a row for a champions league spot. Personally, looking at the highlights, the discontent amongst the squad and the inability to make any real additions I think they're in real trouble. Players are wanting to jump ship and Rodgers will struggle to get a tune out of them. I think the plan for expanding the stadium may now be looking a bit silly ending up with a Sunderland size stadium but without the fanbase to fill it. They've done tremendously well to overreach themselves, their fans have not exactly covered themselves in glory during this time but I can see a bump back down to earth coming soon.
  8. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from TigerTedd in Head of State   
    I'd vote to retain the monarchy myself. Am not a big fan of the idea necessarily but people underestimate the upheaval it would cause to our constitutional makeup to remove them. It'd be a massive job with as of yet unforeseen consequences politically. They're deeply embedded inside our system, so just as I wouldn't vote to create a monarchy today, neither would I vote to remove them. Given the scale of crises we are facing (energy, health, europe being just 3) then wasting time rearranging our constitution is the last thing we need to be doing. 
  9. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to Rammy03 in Lincoln v Derby (A) Matchday Thread   
  10. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from TimRam in Graham Potter   
    It's a shame he's gone to Chelsea as they'll axe him after 2 years or so I would imagine. He's done fantastic at Osterlunds and Brighton (didn't do a bad job with swansea either) and he'd be a great fit at somewhere like Man City once Pep gets bored or Liverpool as Klopp's mojo seems to be on the wane. Or he could have stayed at Brighton... it's a club that has no real history of success and he could have ended up an absolute legend over there if he'd guided them into Europe and really challenged for a domestic cup. At Chelsea he'll be a footnote and out the door soon enough, just look at the way they've handled Tuchel... It's a club with all the class of a $5 lady of the night tbh. 
  11. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from angieram in Head of State   
    I'd vote to retain the monarchy myself. Am not a big fan of the idea necessarily but people underestimate the upheaval it would cause to our constitutional makeup to remove them. It'd be a massive job with as of yet unforeseen consequences politically. They're deeply embedded inside our system, so just as I wouldn't vote to create a monarchy today, neither would I vote to remove them. Given the scale of crises we are facing (energy, health, europe being just 3) then wasting time rearranging our constitution is the last thing we need to be doing. 
  12. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Boycie in Leicester city in a mess   
    They're paying the price for choking 2 seasons in a row for a champions league spot. Personally, looking at the highlights, the discontent amongst the squad and the inability to make any real additions I think they're in real trouble. Players are wanting to jump ship and Rodgers will struggle to get a tune out of them. I think the plan for expanding the stadium may now be looking a bit silly ending up with a Sunderland size stadium but without the fanbase to fill it. They've done tremendously well to overreach themselves, their fans have not exactly covered themselves in glory during this time but I can see a bump back down to earth coming soon.
  13. Cheers
    Leeds Ram reacted to Ramslad1992 in Lincoln v Derby (A) Matchday Thread   
    What kind of drinks are you after? 
    the ground is in a pretty rough place of the city but not too far from Lincoln high street. 
    I live at the top of the city and will be in a real ale pub near the castle called the strugglers.
    a bit closer there’s the cardinals hat that’s pretty good. 
    unless you want a rough time stay clear of the anchor which is one of the closest pubs to the ground, it’s where the Lincoln ‘hooligans go’ the ritz wearherspoons isn’t advised either. ?
  14. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Anon in Freedom of Speech   
    If the question is about the internet and you can go to another site I think there's a big problem with that logic tbh. The public square that gives people the right (although constitutionally in this country there is no defined right of speech such as in the US) is transferring increasingly to an 'online square'. The power that big tech companies such as twitter, facebook, tiktok etc. have to lock people out if they 'violate terms of service' is disturbing. If you turn off the ability of people to speak to others in the public square, even if you're not prosecuted do you truly have freedom of speech? the conception of speech David proposes is i would suggest very 'thin' when we need a 'thicker' more 'fuller' definition to actually create equality of speech rights. Timothy Garton Ash in his books notes this issue and theoretical concerns previously to the internet about the nakedness of the public square also can fit in to this narrative.

    Whilst this is David's site, if you're a derby county fan far away and you get banned from this site where else does someone have to go to communicate about the rams? People may have the freedom to talk about the rams but if you're speaking into a silenced void what is the point. The solution to me is not obvious; public ownership unless heavily regulated and restricted would be a no go. Breaking up tech firms might appear to be the best route forward but that would be a long drawn out complicated process that could create similar issues in the long run.  It is a problem without an easy solution. 

    What i do know is that freedom of speech is not disconnected but intrinsically connected to other rights and fights against social norms. Classical texts such as On Liberty did not look upon speech as distinctive but interwoven into a broader fight against restrictions upon our rights to choose experiments in living. Simply stipulating there are 'terms and conditions' undermines the very essence of those traditional arguments, that were not based in empty legalism but a fuller cultural conception of rights and experimentation.
  15. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Bielik at Brum   
    Like George Thorne he's a quality player who's had horrible luck. I wouldn't even say he's 'made of glass' but just had terrible luck with injuries. I don't rate him as highly as some do (think he's a good championship player) but he's still very good. 
  16. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Don't understand Forest's transfer strategy at all tbh. They'd have been better off spending on Spence, Garner and Henderson and carefully look at underrated gems tbh. Instead, they've spent fortunes on what looks early doors like pretty garbage players. Lingaard and Gibbs White just won't be cutting it for them at that level. Personally, I think unless they get their act together quickly they could become relegation fodder by christmas. You can see them sacking Cooper in a desperate attempt to stay up, still go down and have lost a fortune on a poorly thought out gamble. 
  17. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from 48 hours in Challenging for promotion in L1 or fighting relegation in Premier League?   
    Tbh it all depends on the atmosphere around the club. Last year brought us all together in a way that wasn't quite anticipated. It was simultaneously both the worst and the best season I've ever experienced. I certainly had more tears in my eyes at the ground last year than any other previous years both through pride for the team and sheer concern at some of the developments that would come out before some of the games. This season has replicated that togetherness, it's not been forgotten and it feels like we've got some momentum at the right end of the table and strong support off the pitch now. So yes atm I'm loving this season and have already got tickets for 3 of the next 4 games. 

    However, if we'd been sniping at each other after having a disastrous season, morale on the flaw and barely scraping 20,000 through the gates we'd probably all be feeling very differently about this experience. You never know, our gigantic fall that almost killed us may have ultimately been our salvation and re-birth. 
  18. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from SKRam in Who s enjoying league 1?   
    I think it's been enjoyable but we've had the bigger league 1 teams at home and are just beginning our away travels. Oxford, Peterborough and Barnsley are all clubs that will be up and around the top whilst arguably having a better fan-base than average for this division so are bringing a few fans with them. Plymouth will be the same next week. Six months in we may not like this- playing Cheltenham on a saturday where they bring 150 might not be quite as much fun as we expect especially if we're struggling to grind out a result. 

    The football is fine but you can see a difference in quality in the key areas such as finishing and keeping concentration in the defence. I think if we're plotting a way back to the second division this season we need to keep that in mind. 

    I guess finally as well this does seem to be a league with a generally 'mardy' set of fans. Already encountered a few fans with chips on their shoulders because we're the 'massive derby county' and daring to celebrate a late winner against their 'tiny outfit'. Hopefully that dissipates too as it's quite unbecoming and unnecessary. 
  19. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Challenging for promotion in L1 or fighting relegation in Premier League?   
    Tbh it all depends on the atmosphere around the club. Last year brought us all together in a way that wasn't quite anticipated. It was simultaneously both the worst and the best season I've ever experienced. I certainly had more tears in my eyes at the ground last year than any other previous years both through pride for the team and sheer concern at some of the developments that would come out before some of the games. This season has replicated that togetherness, it's not been forgotten and it feels like we've got some momentum at the right end of the table and strong support off the pitch now. So yes atm I'm loving this season and have already got tickets for 3 of the next 4 games. 

    However, if we'd been sniping at each other after having a disastrous season, morale on the flaw and barely scraping 20,000 through the gates we'd probably all be feeling very differently about this experience. You never know, our gigantic fall that almost killed us may have ultimately been our salvation and re-birth. 
  20. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from angieram in Challenging for promotion in L1 or fighting relegation in Premier League?   
    Tbh it all depends on the atmosphere around the club. Last year brought us all together in a way that wasn't quite anticipated. It was simultaneously both the worst and the best season I've ever experienced. I certainly had more tears in my eyes at the ground last year than any other previous years both through pride for the team and sheer concern at some of the developments that would come out before some of the games. This season has replicated that togetherness, it's not been forgotten and it feels like we've got some momentum at the right end of the table and strong support off the pitch now. So yes atm I'm loving this season and have already got tickets for 3 of the next 4 games. 

    However, if we'd been sniping at each other after having a disastrous season, morale on the flaw and barely scraping 20,000 through the gates we'd probably all be feeling very differently about this experience. You never know, our gigantic fall that almost killed us may have ultimately been our salvation and re-birth. 
  21. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to Will Hughes Hair in Atmosphere & Songs   
    Not unique?  There’s not another ground in the country that can get 10,000 people all singing a different fourth line to the Allez, allez, allez song.  We are different gravy.
  22. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in Liam Rosenior   
    Rosenior is not perfect but boy I think he's started wonderfully well. This is a group that came together incredibly late in pre-season and to lose only 1 game is a testament to his skills. He speaks well, has created a stable defensive foundation whilst still creating chances and plays an expansive game. This is not Rooney ball but a more finessed expansive vision of how we should be playing. Yes, we're struggling for goals, but we are creating plenty of chances. If we weren't creating chances then I'd be critical about that. I still think Collins doesn't make much tactical sense in this team at times and we need a midfield runner but patience will be key. I'd sign him up for a 2 year contract with a 1 year extension if we achieve promotion. Once this group comes together and work together a bit more there is a danger we could run away with this league tbh. 
  23. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Never Leave Early.   
    I never leave early since we scored two late goals against Coventry many moons ago. Now I stay until the bitter end as you just never know. Nothing is sweeter than a last minute equaliser/winner, it's a special kind of magic that makes everyone in the ground feel 10ft tall. I can't imagine its effects on the players tbh. 
  24. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in The Lockdown “Bizarre Purchases” thread   
    Not sure if it counts as weird purchase but since lockdown I have been indulging in book purchases. Bought lovely folio copies of war and peace, On Liberty, and On Representative Government even if it did add up to £100 totally worth it. 
  25. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Who s enjoying league 1?   
    That's true ? I just think atm we may have a slightly slanted experience of this division. 
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