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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

    Overheard some Bristol fans saying "That was a harsh result". A harsh lesson maybe but they really should have lost by a bigger margin two soft goals conceded by the Rams. 

    Wasn't a harsh result at all. Yes I think they were ok and tried to play positive football but they were naive at times and the rams totally blew them away in 25 minutes. 

  2. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Well... 4 at the back and Didzy and Collins up front. Bird obviously told to get forward. Who'da thunk it? #COYR

    Players were playing in positions that suited them. We scored 4 goals and won the game. It's no coincidence. We simply do not have the players for 352 and we shouldn't go back to it. It's clear for everyone to see. 

  3. First half was excellent. Good, positive football. Second half we controlled the game. Never really thought that they were going to get back in it.

    All in all it was much better. For the first time I think I saw what Warne is trying to do with this team. Personally I prefer to watch this kind of football over the slow possession football we've seen in recent years. I think it's far more exciting. 

    I'm glad we played with 4 at the back. For the first time under Warne we played a formation that suited the players and it paid off. We must stick with this.

    The most positive thing about today is that we scored 4. You look at the top teams in the league at this moment and they've scored a lot more than we have. If we are to be promotion contenders we simply have to score more goals. Today was a good start.

    Now we need to go on a run. With a win on Tuesday we can go into the playoff places. Nothing in this league is decided yet. Only a week or two ago people were saying Ipswich and Plymouth are nailed on for top two. Far from it. A message to the wrist slashers, remember not to get carried away. Things change quickly in football.

    Up the rams

  4. 1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Best based on what? Record at a small club playing a style completely different to the one here?

    What makes you think Rosenior wasn't the best we could get? His record with the exact same players is better than the "greatest L1 manager of all time". That's also with him not being able to bring in his own staff.

    I don't know why you keep banging on about Rosenior's record. It's disingenuous. The sample size is very small. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    It's hypothetical, but hard to imagine that if we can't beat Exeter at home then Peterborough, Oxford and Wycombe more than match us too.

    Yes and we only scraped past those sides under Rosenior. Nevertheless, a win is a win. If Warne had started managing from the first game then I reckon we would have at least built up some consistency by now. I just couldn't imagine us being any lower down the table, if anything I'd say we would be further up.

  6. 1 hour ago, duncanjwitham said:

    I think his time should be up. I was never a fan of the appointment, I think it was and remains a massive mistake, and the sooner that mistake is rectified, the sooner we can start recovering from it.  He very clearly has no intention of changing anything about his approach, and if this kind of form continues, I don’t see how we will be in any kind of touch with the playoffs to mount a challenge post-January.  If it’s clear we’re not going up this season, I suspect we lose all the good youngsters - why on earth are Knight, Cashin, Bird etc going to stay here when they will get plenty of offers at Championship level or higher.  And you can count on attendances declining if we’re still playing dreadful football in League 1, which is whittling away the big advantage we have over most other clubs in this league.

    There are other factors too. If we persist in this style of play, we’re rendering the academy pointless. What’s the point of developing players like Darren Robinson, if they’re never going to fit into the managers style? There’s years of effort gone into developing technical ball-playing footballers that’s entirely wasted. And if you break that path into the first team, you’re damaging the academy in years to come, because having that in place is a key selling point when recruiting youngsters. Again, that’s just trashing another of the big advantages we should have at this level.

    It’s not being a whiney baby, the club does not have an unconditional right to my support, it’s a 2-way transaction. If the club is telling me they are actively choosing to play dreadful football, that the club is going to be in a mess for years entirely because of decisions that they have made, then I don’t see why I should bother turning up. If the club is trying to play decent entertaining football, trying to do things right, then I will give them all the time in the world. But under Warne, I just don’t believe that.  I do not believe there is any justification to allowing a man with a track record of getting relegated from the Championship, to trash every facet of the club, in the hope that we might win some games in a couple of years time.

    Where do we start with this? Utter nonsense. How can anyone make their mind up on a manager when they've only been here for a few games.

  7. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Not sure how the forum can be seen as counter productive, at the end of the day it's just a bunch of fans opinions. It's no worse or better on other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

    The forum is much better than social media platforms. There are actually some good posts on here and often you can have a proper discussion about football. Twitter is a cesspit.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tombo said:

    Is it me or does he seem to imply he doesn't believe Barkhuizen or Chester are genuinely injured in his post match on RamsTV.

    Says they are "strange" as they were non-contact and they haven't trained that intensely??

    This is absurd

    You're right it is absurd. You're reading too much into it

  9. 19 minutes ago, Ramifications said:

    Going back to that first half against Charlton, I really had hope for this season. We lost the game but we looked class. We looked a team that could achieve something. A cut above the rest. Sadly that hope has disappeared. It was a crazy decision to dispense of Rosenior but I remember a post on here saying he was wanting a bigger salary so it may not even be a straightforward football decision. 

    We definitely need a strong tackling, ball winning midfield player. Someone like Grahame Shinnie as also previously mentioned. 

    I miss those players from last season, Shinnie, Tom Lawrence, Jags, Ravel, Festy. Even Plange and Colin. 


    I don't disagree but that hope disappeared long before Rosenior was axed

  10. 12 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    People’s perception is probably skewed for two reasons.

    One, the football purists in our fanbase were against Warne from the beginning. Any result other than a win has been met with derision. We are seeing that already.

    I honestly believe this is it.

    Some people had a preconceived opinion of Warne that he is some plucky 'hoofball' manager and will not move away from this view until we are winning in style.

    People look back on Rosenior as the messiah because he's a nice bloke and talks well and has a purist view on football. But in reality this football was passing it about in our own half. It was border line Cocuball and I found it largely dull.

    There were a lot of games under Rosenior which were equally as bad as what we're seeing at the moment. Shrewsbury and Lincoln spring to mind. We also scraped past the likes of Peterborough and Oxford. 

    Now I'm not saying that the football so far under Warne has been much more enjoyable but at least give him a few more games to figure out the squad and make improvements.

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