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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 1 minute ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Im Inclined to agree that perhaps the players we had we’re more suited to LR style than PWs however i dont think we we’re going anywhere with LR football.

    too easy to play against and counter  

    I think what we probably need is a mixture of Liam's possession football and Warne's 'direct' style. That's what I want to see, fast paced football with plenty of chances created. A bit like how Liverpool have played under Klopp.

  2. Some of the comments regarding the league table are also bizarre. I'm seeing a lot of comments pretty much saying that Plymouth and Ipswich are guaranteed to go up automatically. It's October. Ipswich are a good side and will be top 6 come May but when was the last time the top 2 in October was the top 2 at the end of the season. It changes. As Derby fans we should know this more than anyone. How many times have we been top 2 at this stage of the season to then drop down to fifth or sixth at the end of it. 

    Calm down. The expectation for this season should be playoffs. We are not far off. We are 5 points from 4th place with two games in hand. We can improve and I'm sure we will. If Ipswich last night was the best this division has to offer then we're not a million miles away, despite the poor performance.

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