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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 9 minutes ago, ROKERITE said:

    Proper heroes actually to most of the country at the time. Brave men who refused to be bullied or intimidated into striking when there hadn't been an official national ballot. But as Steadybreeze wrote earlier this subject doesn't belong on a football forum. 

    (My bolding).

    We had a national ballot about summat in June 2016 and look what good that's done us! ?

  2. The sad fact of life is that if all corporations and the very wealthy were not able to devise legal ways around paying their fair share of tax, we wouldn't be in this mess.

    I can't for the life of me fathom why anyone who is wealthy beyond imagination, still wants to avoid paying what they really owe? And don't even get me started on tax havens.


  3. 1 minute ago, Vimto Enjoyer said:

    I get this argument, but as someone who doesn’t live in Derby and doesn’t generally get to go to many home games, the current system has allowed me to get to 7 away games so far this season. If there were a ST priority window I doubt I’d have been able to go to any.

    Me too, 11 away v 2 home games this season so far.

  4. Given the actual geography of the stadium (and me being a stickler for accuracy), I suggest the SW Corner is actually renamed as the South Corner, the NW Corner as the West Corner and the stands should all be renamed as;

    NS = North North West Stand

    SS = South South East Stand

    ES = East North East Stand

    WS = West South West Stand




    Imagine the carnage trying to find your seat after eight pints of Timothy Taylor in the Brunny before KO.

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