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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 13 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    Except for the fact  that not everyone would agree that austerity was a shortcoming of the Tories rather than the state the Government finances were in after the credit crunch, or that Brexit was a shortcoming etc. etc. Did Labour have any shortcomings over the last 13 years? Apparently not according to the Guardian. 

    Are you aware that between 2010 and 2016, the Tories increased the national debt by more than all the the Labour governments in history combined?

  2. 1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

    Except for the fact  that not everyone would agree that austerity was a shortcoming of the Tories rather than the state the Government finances were in after the credit crunch, or that Brexit was a shortcoming etc. etc. Did Labour have any shortcomings over the last 13 years? Apparently not according to the Guardian. 

    Alright Rishi, great to know you’re a Derby fan. ??

  3. 9 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Still at least we're going to pump half a billion more into the french economy as part of the solution. Take back control!

    As well as pumping raw sewage into rivers

  4. 18 minutes ago, MadAmster said:

    Looking for a foul is nothing new. Check this one out at 15:30 in. Last minute of injury time. ManU 3-1 up against us at OT. If I remember correctly, ha also "manufactured" a free kick in the same game.


    'So cleverly', so cleverly my arse, he's a cheating barstard.

  5. 16 hours ago, OssieEnd said:

    White made contact. Benefit of doubt to the attacker? 

    It was a penalty.




    So we will be having games ending 33 v 29  then on this take ??

    33 v 0 if all ours are like those I witnessed at Morecambe.

  6. 24 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

    Just seen the highlights.

    No touch for the penalty, Referee points to the spot, He got it wrong, But can see why he gave it, Plymouth at home, Attacking, Crowd screaming...penalty.

    Now this ?

    The decision to award the penalty frustrated Derby manager Paul Warne, who said: "I thought (the penalty) was weak." The Rams boss also revealed in his post-match press conference what referee Charles Breakspear told White after the penalty incident telling reporters: "He said to the player I am sorry if I have got that wrong. That has wound me up even more. But in games like this you can't guess."

    Said it before and I'll say it again...Referees can hold the balance of promotion and relegation with a decision he thinks he may have got Wrong ? 

    It's a shameless thing to say, almost like he was on a wind-up. I'm totally flabbergasted why he would say it without actually realising he had made an enormous balls-up?

    After watching it again this morning, I can only assume the Plymouth lads practice diving regularly. Dame Margot Fonteyn would have been proud of that move.

  7. On 02/03/2023 at 16:56, Mucker1884 said:

    Yeah.  A quick read up suggests you're right. 
    Two snippets I've read are:
    "Officially, you shouldn't enter the bus lane at all. If an emergency vehicle needs to pass, it must find its own way through"

    "Please avoid pulling into bus lanes or cycle lanes. The ambulance crew are trained to negotiate traffic and may look to use the bus lane to pass..."

    Hey, it is what it is.  If it costs me, then so be it.  Morally, I believed I was "doing the right thing"... and I still do, even now.  But I appreciate "morally" and "legally" don't always go hand in hand.
    It may well change my outlook... and reactions... to similar circumstances in the future though.  I'll just have to look upon it as any negative consequences (i.e. ambulances not reaching the patient in time, or fire engines not arriving in time to save that trapped family!) as being on someone else's shoulders, and I'll just have to learn to shrug mine, and leave them to it!  

    Not the nicest thought, but law is law, I guess!  

    Honestly, if I got done for that (assume by an automatic camera) and my appeal got rejected, I'd want to burn down the house of whoever came-up with such a stupid law.

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