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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 58 minutes ago, angieram said:

    How complicated is this? 

    The firm who owns the ground is the same three people who own the club, and the reason they are going into administration is because they can't pay back a loan made for the purchase of the ground by a company owned by one of the owners of the club (and the ground!) 

    Honestly, makes Mel look like a saint, some of this stuff! 

    I think the term is ‘leverage’?

    Basically a rich man’s method to buy stuff with debt but not be on the hook if it goes tits-up.

  2. 7 hours ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    This entirely. I had my car broken into while parked on the drive one night. Scum went through my lads backpack that he had left on the backseat, just school books, lunchbox and pencil case inside. Caught it all on the security cameras, faces clear as anything and they left a hammer in the footwell. Reported and passed onto police, they pretty much said as nothing was stolen, they weren't interested as they had no suspects. Over two years later now and I've given up waiting. Nobody came to see me, they didn't want the found hammer or any security footage. Waste of time.

    Same here. I caught some oik on my CCTV just before he cut through a security light cable and tripped the power. Luckily no other damage, but when I reported it to the police like you they weren’t interested.

    I suggested to the sergeant on the phone that ‘I bet you’d be interested if one of your officers had been assaulted within a mile of my house last night’? She got rather shirty after that for some reason! 🤔

  3. 1 hour ago, kevinhectoring said:

    You should definitely write to the constabulary and outline all of this. They are very sensitive to this stuff given the coals the met have been dragged over 

    Good luck with that when they won’t even come out if your house has been burgled.

    Going off on a bit of a rant here, but how come there’s loads of coppers about on match day, but not when you really need one? Is it because the club has to pay the cost? If so, it’s getting like the NHS!

  4. 26 minutes ago, Jortat said:

    I have to say the policing of the match was awful. Overly aggressive, constantly hassling people having a drink and imo they goaded many younger lads into stepping out of line then nicking them .

    There were a few arrests near the end of the match . I’m not sure what happened but the police waded in heavy handed and smiling while the nicked the supporters.

    Even after the match there were 8 police cars and two meat wagons in 1 road leading to the Queen’s gate shopping precinct. There were also plain clothed coppers all with hand held cameras filming everyone ( which also went on in the match . I guess the CVTV cameras weren’t up to it)

    The coppers we’re chasing a lad around the market square and 3 of them had him on the ground and the police football officer who had been hassling supporters in the Charters pub earlier then gave the lad 4 swift right hands into his ribs in full view of people walking by.

    When a bloke shouted “leave him alone he’s cuffed up” the PFO told him to pi$$ off .

    The last bit of goading was on the train station. The police were in everyone’s face being aggressive , then stepped back and an argument started with 2 groups of lads and just as the train pulled in they nicked a few of them 

    Sorry for the rant but this was the worst policing I have seen since the 80s and I wouldn’t rush to go back again .

    That’s really shocking to hear and certainly the polar opposite of what I witnessed.

    The policing at Barnsley, however, how long have you got……..,

  5. On 19/03/2023 at 14:57, TigerTedd said:

    These are just proper number nines that have an absolute born instinct for getting themselves into the right position at the right time, and have a shot like a sledge hammer. They’re just goal scoring machines. Put the ball at their feet in the penalty area and it’s good as a goal. 

    Thought you were taking about Collins for a mo............

  6. 4 hours ago, The Last Post said:

    The Russians will say...It's not one of our jets ?

    English FA have had their top VAR ref on it and agree that there's no evidence the Russki jet caused the damage to the drone.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    At the moment it’s showing 82 standing and 1 seat ticket (you’re not having that ?)

    Maybe more in the ticket office, I’ll let you know if anything changes, there must be more to come.

    Apparently, the handle of the DCFC ticket printer has broken.....


  8. 22 minutes ago, Addingham Ram said:

    Big games (those involving the current top 10) EVERY week from here on in.

    Windies vs Bolton

    Ipswich vs Shrewsbury

    Wycombe vs Barnsley 

    Barnsley vs Windies

    Barnsley vs Ipswich

    Posh vs DERBY

    All before the end of March alone.

    A few observations.

    If the Windies carry on winning, it will probably do us a favour.

    If Barnsley are to make the Autos, they are going to have to do it the hard way.

    Plymouth have, on paper, the easiest next couple of weeks, so could consolidate their Autos spot.

    It will be really interesting to see how the table looks at 3pm April 1st, as we kick off at home vs Ipswich. That game will be massive.

    Windies will struggle playing cricket on a footie pitch.

  9. 11 hours ago, sage said:

    As an aside I thought the concourses at Barnsley at Oxford were very cramped and you had to fight your way through the crowd to get to the seating access points.


    Everything about Barnsley away was horrible. It was the worst away day I’ve had ever, for lots of reasons, least if all the score tbh. I really hope we don’t get them in the PO semi-final.

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