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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. Christmas has come early at the Grumpy household.

    In Morrisons by chance (don’t normally shop there) and found this little baby on 4 for 3 at only £2 a pop.


    I cleared my local Morrisons out, seemed rude not to at £18 for 12 bottles.

  2. 3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I met Mrs Wolfie via online dating, back when it wasn't realy a thing (pre-Tinder etc) and was considered to be a bit weird. We had messaged quite a few times in the few days before meeting, so I suppose it wasn't really blind.

    The only real blind date I ever had was in my early 20's and lasted about an hour because one of the first things she did was tell me off (and properly offended) that I'd had the cheek to hold a door open for her, when she was perfectly capable of doing it herself. We had one drink and I made up an excuse to leave.

    Should have let the door go in her face and saved a couple of quid.

  3. Just now, Tamworthram said:

    Somebody on this forum, I can’t remember who it was, said “anyone who can’t hit the target from 12 yards should seriously consider their choice or career” (or words to that effect). 

    Well there’s summat in that, (said the monkey when he s*** in the jam jar).

  4. 9 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Strangely enough, my first experience of getting ratarsed on proper beer (my dad was an avid home brewer) was following just such an event (1966 World Cup final).

    And mine was when Derby won the league for the first time on my dad’s whisky, (he was on nights). Cue mum giving me the two fingered first aid so I was fit for school the next day. ?

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