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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. The ‘no more nails’ solution sounds easy, but I’m not a bodger, so I have no first hand experience of the stuff?

    if it’s a new build, then someone at the firm should know who’s manufactured the kitchens. Whether you can get anyone arsed enough to find out is another matter tho. 

  2. Seriously, you need to drill-out the damage with a hole saw of at least 30mm diameter to envelope all the damaged area, (without breaking through to the front side obvs.). 

    you then need to plug your nice clean holes with a dowel of the same diameter (i.e. a tight fit), using wood glue. Plane/sand flush when dry. Drill small diameter pilot holes in your repaired door before final refitting.

    Unless you’re a joiner, probs easer to trace an original new door tho.


  3. 25 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    Pick the beers without wheat in it init.

    You're on the bog in the morning because you have cheeky snacks when you’ve had a few.

    Watch him deny it, I’ve witnessed it😂

    A list of said beers would certainly come in handy for yours truly, either that or lifelong sponsorship from Pampers wet wipes.

  4. 3 minutes ago, David said:

    Fly to Mallorca on the 26th.

    Don't mind admitting I'm bricking it. First time flying for 20+ years.

    Last time I went away, had a huge panic attack on the plane, passed out and yeah, wasn't great. 

    Mine and the Mrs 1 year wedding anniversary. 

    Not like I'm scared of flying, or thoughts of crashing anything like that. My anxiety has always come from being in situations I can't easily walk out of.

    30,000ft in the air prime example.

    Saying that, recently done a couple trips to Rotterdam overnight on the ferry, can't just jump out in the North Sea....same thing right....that's what I keep telling myself 😬

    I hope you’re not going on a 737 Max8!

  5. My first ‘mobile’ ‘phone was a built-in Nokia car phone in 1989. I though I was the dogs bollox. 🤭

    First portable one was probably about 1994. It was an analogue one, but I’ve forgot the make/model.

    I managed to stick with ‘brick’ phones until 2019 when it became almost impossible to function without a smartphone. My life has been in tatters since, I hate the barstards and much prefer using a laptop.

  6. 13 minutes ago, jameso said:

    I realise football officiating is a little different to many jobs that involve working with colleagues, but if for example you asked your colleague to arrange the meeting with a particular client at 11am, then he told you he’d confirmed the meeting for 7am as per your request, wouldn’t you (or indeed anyone) tell him his mistake and correct it rather than expecting the client to turn up in their pyjamas to their massive inconvenience?

    (In other words: why didn’t the lino just say “not sure what you’re up to ref because you asked me then disallowed the goal, but I saw no reason to disallow it”)

    Too easy.

    A bit like banks having messages posted-up saying “we won’t tolerate abusive behaviour, blah, blah, blah….”

    Just employ more staff you tight barstewards.

  7. 18 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    More likely a number of contractors on three month contract with no employment rights, yet dumped into IR35 tax rules,  yet someone like Lineker who has been employed by the same Company for 30 years yet is deemed outside of IR35. One rule for the champagne socialists and another rule for the ordinary workers.   

    (my bolding)

    But he's not employed by the BBC.

    Better aiming your ire at those who (supposedly) sit in Westminster whilst simultaneously earning an extra £50,000 a day for being well connected.

  8. 58 minutes ago, angieram said:

    How complicated is this? 

    The firm who owns the ground is the same three people who own the club, and the reason they are going into administration is because they can't pay back a loan made for the purchase of the ground by a company owned by one of the owners of the club (and the ground!) 

    Honestly, makes Mel look like a saint, some of this stuff! 

    I think the term is ‘leverage’?

    Basically a rich man’s method to buy stuff with debt but not be on the hook if it goes tits-up.

  9. 7 hours ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    This entirely. I had my car broken into while parked on the drive one night. Scum went through my lads backpack that he had left on the backseat, just school books, lunchbox and pencil case inside. Caught it all on the security cameras, faces clear as anything and they left a hammer in the footwell. Reported and passed onto police, they pretty much said as nothing was stolen, they weren't interested as they had no suspects. Over two years later now and I've given up waiting. Nobody came to see me, they didn't want the found hammer or any security footage. Waste of time.

    Same here. I caught some oik on my CCTV just before he cut through a security light cable and tripped the power. Luckily no other damage, but when I reported it to the police like you they weren’t interested.

    I suggested to the sergeant on the phone that ‘I bet you’d be interested if one of your officers had been assaulted within a mile of my house last night’? She got rather shirty after that for some reason! 🤔

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