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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. On 15/01/2023 at 00:22, B4ev6is said:

    Just something I felt I needed to do and something I am used too. 

    But I will try be a little bit more considerate.

    But I still like to stand up.

    When I was a nipper, my old fella made me a small stool to stand-on in the Kid's Corner.

    Maybe you could do the opposite and get your dad to take a small shovel to dig a hole, so you can stand-up but not get in anybody's way?

  2. 33 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    I value him at £5 million and upwards - sure we can replace him with what we have got this season but next season we have replace him and we can’t spend money? - Norwich can buy Belick if they want 

    Get Bielik a swarthy face paint and the job's a gud'un.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Wistaston Ram said:

    Mine just arrived too,  be like a home game for me and hopefully a quick get away from Burslem afterwards!

    Half the distance to Vale Park than it is to PP for me, but bloody trains back are a nightmare. It does my head in that West Ham fans will be able to get back to London by train after a night game in Derby, but Stoke to Merseyside, forget it. ?

  4. On 02/01/2023 at 22:48, sage said:

    I'm off the beer for 3 months, so if everyone could not post here till April in solidarity.


    I did the 'dry January' job in 2020, just to see if I had the willpower (and working in Norway for some of that time certainly concentrated my mind)!

    To my surprise I managed it relatively easily, but come 1st February, I felt no better and my blood pressure was still high, so here ended the lesson for evermore, cheers!


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