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  1. Haha
    Gisby reacted to Owen87ITK in What's happening today?   
    I’d say I’m more of Robin, but I’ll take it. 
  2. Clap
    Gisby reacted to i-Ram in Quantuma   
    Chill out you lot. Leave them to do their job, which believe it or not is not to keep you up-to-date on all matters. The EFL, Boro and Couhig have all made public pronouncements in the last 24 hours, and what happened you slagged them all off, finding holes in most of everything they said. What do you think people who are not so keen on Derby are going to do if Quantuma release information. Yep twist and turn and spin it to their advantage. Keep your powder dry guys; we have the other side rattled.
    Quantuma have got a pretty impossible job what with dealing with Parry and his cronies, Gibson and Morris, none of whom I would want to be in a room with personally (unless I had a chainsaw). They all have egos much larger than their brain power. Quantuma have the law on their side and a pleasant bit of momentum in the last 24 hours I would think, after being stonewalled by the EFL, in spite of statute, last Thursday. Hopefully at the moment all their spare time and energy is being spent with Ashley and legal counsel to make sure there next meeting with the EFL spells out fully that they will not be messed about. This is no time to be challenging their professional abilities.
  3. Haha
    Gisby reacted to TuffLuff in Wayne Rooney   
  4. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Sussex Ram in How far we’ve come- and how far to go…   
    My first time starting a topic, as I couldn’t think where best to put this.
    Last Thursday, Wayne Rooney did a pre-match press conference in which he said we were just waiting on a rubber stamp from the EFL on a preferred bidder. A mere 5 days later, DCFC are being discussed in Parliament; MPs are holding the EFL to account; Boro and Wycombe are making statements about their claims; national media is actually talking about the issues.
    I want to say a sincere thank you to those on this forum that have made a difference. I don’t know any of you personally, but those who have called Talksport; those who are part of the various fan groups; those who signed and shared the petition; the mods; others I’ve forgotten- all of you, collectively, have made a huge contribution.
    That being said, we still have far to go. Until this club is in the hands of new owners, still in the EFL (ideally in the Championship… ? ) and still largely intact in terms of assets, we’re not done.
    Keep the faith, keep up the fight. COYR.
  5. Sad
    Gisby got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Brinkmanship from all concerned going on here!!! Tend to agree with you. Don’t believe we’ll be liquidated but this has all the signs of going to the wire. A Webb\Maxwell scenario, saved at 5 mins to midnight. What carnage will ensue in the meantime is anybody's guess. It’s going to get ugly & fraught for the likes of us innocent supporters I fear. ??
  6. Haha
    Gisby reacted to IslandExile in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Or on eBay
  7. Clap
    Gisby reacted to CBRammette in The Mods   
    Just time out to thank the Mods at this time. Cant imagine how difficult it must be to keep on top of the volume of posts also at a time when feelings are running high. Think we'd all be lost without this forum so thank you
  8. Like
    Gisby reacted to IslandExile in I have idea that may save the club   
    Sadly, as you can see from Boro and Wycombe - and those clubs that tried to form the European Super League, all other clubs just look after their own self interests. They're not interested in the history, the grass roots or even the future of the people's game.
  9. Like
    Gisby reacted to uttoxram75 in Sheffield United (H) Matchday Thread Saturday 15th January 3pm   
    The little girl who got Tom's shirt is my mates granddaughter. Safe to say he's as made up as her !!!!!!
  10. Haha
    Gisby reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah, course mate. Edit out the Rick's contact details though, as we'll all got them duly noted now ?
  11. Sad
    Gisby got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Football as we (used to) know it is finished. It is morally & ethically bankrupt. If we had any sense we’d all up sticks and go do something else instead. Just easier said than done when it’s in your blood!!!!
  12. Clap
    Gisby reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    What the EFL are doing is within their own rules. Their rules state something along the lines that where two member Clubs are in dispute the arbitration and decision of award falls within the jurisdiction of a LAP.
    I am no Lawyer, but there must be very strong legal argument that statute (Law of the Land) top trumps EFL rules, and no doubt Quantuma will be taking legal counsel to see if they can injunct the EFL who are (probably) preventing legal process under the Insolvency Act 1986. I would think a Court of Law would agree that it is not possible for the EFL to stymie a defined and documented statutory process because of league rules. Especially with £60m of confirmed creditors waiting for some payment because a curly haired w@nkstain in Middlesboro has a bit of a beef with our former owner.
    The problem I think for Quantuma is costs; we haven’t got a pot to piss in. What we need now are a few wealthy supporters to gift ringfenced monies to DCFC to fight a legal action. It isn’t probably going to help us this transfer window, and we can probably discount being in the Championship next season, but injuncting the EFL to desist invoking petty rules should mean that the process of sale can continue, the Club survives, and existing creditors can recover some of the monies owed to them. Additionally, which will be a significant bonus, the process might see the EFL, and current Football Regulation generally, swept away and put in the hands of an independent regulator fit to oversee our once beautiful game.
  13. Clap
    Gisby reacted to KBB in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  14. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Vienna in Playing with People's lives   
    I know that we shouldn't care so much, but genuinely believe that the EFL, Steve Gibson et al. may well be playing with people's lives now. Unlike many I don't blame either for the mess than DCFC are in - that's down solely to Mel Morris BUT the aforementioned will I fear, by their actions cause severe problems to many, even to the point of the worst conceivable outcome.
    Yes its only football but to many thousands its their life.
    To those that harbour such feelings seek help and support from those you trust.
    To those of you who have it within your gift to prevent real human suffering, (if any of you are reading this, which you won't be!!) think about the consequences of your greed and act accordingly!!
  15. COYR
    Gisby reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    Just listened to the Rooney presser.  
    "May hear tonight...."    So not just tomorrow.  My phone refresh will be going ten to the dozen. 
    "I've got players ready to come in.......the Admin has approved this"      So down to the EFL approval* and he's good to go. *gulp
    "Sibley is a big part of my plans...he's not going..."
    "Lee Buchanan to start against Forest...."
    "Letting Sam Baldock go was my decision, a footballing one"     
    "Everything's agreed with Jags, just awaiting the EFL*"    *gulp
    "Other teams should focus on what they're doing...."        In other words, do one. Priceless. 
    Maybe it's my desire to finally hear Thunderbirds Are Go, but this feels like we really are close to moving on more than any other previous update. 
  16. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Mr. P in The Administration Thread   
  17. Like
    Gisby reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    There's always hope.  No-one is under the illusion it's an easy deal, it's not,  it's a complete nightmare.  BUT, it's completely out of our control, and focusing on all the negative stuff won't do any of us any good.  What will be, will be. Focus on the positive stuff, how the team are playing, the blooding and development of our youth, the incredible role models pulling on a Derby shirt week in, week out with the likes of Davis, CKR and Jags showing the likes of Thompson and Plange how it's done. It's no coincidence these guys, along with Rooney's coaching are developing into brilliant young players. 
    Have a great weekend ? 
  18. Haha
    Gisby reacted to I am Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    For all the people, who have not caught up with this thread - 222 pages in, this is where we are -Mel is still a ###t, Kirching pulled out, Appleby is rumoured to be fronting a consortium, Curly sue and Wycombe are still trying to liquidate us. Nothing is imminent and sod all will happen in the next 48hrs. 
  19. COYR
    Gisby reacted to DavesaRam in Reading FC (A) Matchday Thread   
    Me is well blessed! I was going to have to watch on Sky, then my wife said she’d arranged a day out so I’d have to watch a re-run. But then I got some DCFC socks, a hand-painted BBG picture and tickets to the match, with chauffeur so I can have a few!
    Indeed, ‘tis my birthday!!!

  20. Haha
    Gisby got a reaction from Ramslad1992 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I didn’t even notice she was finger tapping!!! Nice eyes though ?
  21. Like
    Gisby reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Happy New Year   
    Happy new year everyone.
    2021 has had ups and downs for me personally, and I know it's been hard on a lot of folks.
    I genuinely believe the forum is a huge benefit to many of the posters far beyond everyone having their two pennies worth about Derby county.
    So thanks to David, the moderators and everyone who contributed.
  22. Haha
    Gisby got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I didn’t even notice she was finger tapping!!! Nice eyes though ?
  23. Haha
    Gisby got a reaction from OUTSIDER in The Administration Thread   
    Thought that was Trigger??? ???
  24. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Day in Build the Rooney statue now!   
    You sound like someone that would refuse to join in with "Annnnd it's Derby County, Derby County FC, we're by far the greatest team, the world has ever seen" as it's factually incorrect.
    Football is a release from the real world, enjoy a win, let yourself get carried away a little from time to time. If we can't enjoy the brief good times then what the hell are we all doing here?
  25. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Eaststander7 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Just shows the state of modern day football. I’ve said it before but will say it again - money has ruined football 
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