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Bob The Badger

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Posts posted by Bob The Badger

  1. 17 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Richard beckinsale, John Hurt,  guitarist in Maximo Park,  some in the band Gomez, the drummer in Therapy,  someone in The Struts, somewhat strangly someone in the New Jersey band the gaslight anthem .    Timothy Dalton does support Derby but also follows Man City as he lived there first.    Sorry guys but I think Statham and Davenport are dirty Reds .

    I know Ben Ottewell out of Gomez, he used to come in my record store in Matlock and couldn't give a crap about football and the others are all from Southport so I highly doubt they are Rams fans.

  2. @loweman2 - did you ever see The Pistols? I never got the chance. Managed to see The Buzzcocks, The Stranglers, The Ramones, The Jam (lots of times) The Skids, The Undertones. UK Subs, The Dickies, Gang of Four and Joy Division all between 78 amd about 81 or 82, but never the Pistols.

    My best friend over here is in a punk band and they opened for The Damned last year. So gutted I couldn't go. He said Vanian's voice is as good as ever and they were amazing.

  3. 15 minutes ago, loweman2 said:

    Along with every other piece of Derby memorabilia and shirt I own I also bought every book that ever came out including all of the autobiographies and yes being the sad anorak that I am I got every one signed so have a great collection of books aswell !


    Holy ****, if I'm ever in a  Derby County quiz I'll be on the phone!

  4. 5 minutes ago, Highgate said:

    I wouldn't go touring nationalist areas of N.Ireland preaching that logic. 

    Incidentally, people from N.Ireland can choose to have a British or an Irish passport, they are entitled to either, or both.  Not that a government issued document defines a person's nationality in the first place.

    Yeh you're right I $%#@*& up. It was a joke though....on me apparently.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    The mod that did it tried to remember what your thread title was, but the fool that he is forgot.

    If you let me, erm him know, he’ll no doubt change it.

    Just curious, why do you merge threads?

    I get that you don't want lots of threads the same, but I'd have thought that restarting a popular thread every now and trhen would freshen it up.

    When I went to post there was nothing on the front page and in any case I was referring to people when the OP referred to things?

    Thread with hundreds of comments are a nightmare for newcomers to navigate and I've only been here a couple of weeks but already noticed that there's a few people who like to jump all over anybody who inadvertently screws up.

    Just sayin'

    And to keep in the spirit of the thread. people who write TL:DR. You haven't got time to read something, but you have got time to go to the trouble to tell the poster you didn't read it?

    Trump write's that on the bottom of security briefings that go past 3 lines.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    Nope, Northern Ireland is not part of Britain.

    Its part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain AND Northern Ireland.

    People born in Northern Ireland will often consider them selves to be Irish, Northern Irish or British (usually protestants)

    Considering he chose to play for the Republic of Ireland at the Olympics (before he pulled out) rather than the incorrectly titled Team GB suggests he might consider himself Irish.

    Yep you're right the UK. But equally even though he may think of himself as Irish he still holds a UK passport.

  7. I'm a pacifist and abhor violence, but there really are some people who deserve a swift punch in the face.

    Feel free to add any people you too think a clenched fist to  the nose is probably too good for them.

    • People who drive with a dog sat on their lap. 
    • People (okay Americans) who say I’m moving to Colorado because it’s legal to smoke weed. How about just smoking it at home and closing  the door and windows. I suspect you will get away with it.
    • People who mange to insert pivot, optics and double down all in one sentence when talking about politics.
    • People (okay Americans) who ask me if I've ever met the Queen. 
    • People who say 'did you break the Internet?' or call the Internet the Interwebs
    • People (okay Americans) who only buy lottery tickets when the rollover is larger than the GDP of half the countries on earth. Is $50m not enough to waste your time on then?
    • People who kick off any defense of Trump with, 'Yeh but what about Clinton and her emails?' It's time to let it go, you won over a year ago, he's still an assclown.
    • People (okay Americans) who cannot get their head round the fact that Northern Ireland is part of Britain and that Rory McIllroy isn't Irish, he's British.
    • People who don't pick up after their dogs at the park. You're the ones who should be on leads.
    • People (okay Americans) who want to build a wall to keep out immigrants even though they themselves are immigrants.
    • People who say 'we only use 10% of our brain' You may do, but the rest of us use 100%. Try taking some out of you doubt me.
    • People (okay Americans) who say ‘guns don’t kill people, people do’
    • People who claim to be Law of Attraction experts and say quantum mechanic can explain how it works. No it can't, stop listening to Deepak Chopra and grow up.
    • People (okay Americans) who tell me they know a fish and chip shop that's as good as any in the UK. No you don't, stop sending me to these  places that serve me with chips skinnier than Karen Carpenters left arm.
    • People who are Eric and Donald Trump. 
    • People (okay Americans) who claim to be Irish or Italian when they were born here, their parents were born here and their grandparents too. You're American, I know it sucks, but deal with it.
    • People who get offended by comedians. They're joking! Anthony Jeselnik doesn't really kill babies and Doug Stanhope doesn't rape other men. If you don't like it, move on and save your righteous indignation for poverty and corruption.
    • People (okay Americans) who strip the supermarkets shelve bare in blind panic when there's a slight breeze heading our way from off the coast of West Africa.
    • People who say, ‘the fact of the matter is’ just as they are about to deliver an opinion or belief.
    • People (okay Americans) who spend a minute desensitizing the handle of their supermarket trolley before they dare touch it and who then wonder why they have so many allergies. 
    • People who say ‘I’m high on life’. Really? Well take some drugs and then get  back to me to tell me how high you really were before.
    • People (okay Americans) who believe the earth was created 20,000 years ago because the Bible says so.
    • People (okay me) who are intolerant of people who say dumbass things.
  8. 4 hours ago, EssendonRam said:

    But there is a message as you log in too, at least I can see one.

    To be honest, i’ve never received an email as far as I can recall but I routinely look up the matches being broadcast and look for the message at the log in screen in Match Centre.

    There normally is a message that says 'because of copyright restrictions' etc.. but there wasn't yesterday and a few people were trying to log in and didn't know why they couldn't. 

    I'd be curious to know if it was Derby who sold the rights or the League. My guess is the latter as I'm not sure Derby have the autonomy to do that, but if it is them, then that really sucks.

  9. 4 hours ago, LeyStand said:

    Unbelievable comments on here, I think Rams TV is awesome, the whiners on here criticising it ought to get a life. 30 plus games live for £110, less than £4 per match.

    I have no problems here in the USA, so stop blaming the club and look to your internet connections, Mel has provided a fantastic service and I do not want any whinging whining idiots jeopardising it just because they don’t understand modern technology.

    It's got zero to do with understanding technology. I have fiber optic with 1Gb up and download here. I can send a 10GB in under 10 seconds and I'm very techie, yet I've had loads of problems.

    The Internet isn't a straight line and no matter what your connection speed or bandwidth you can still have problems because of the way it's routed.

    I like it, and I'd hate to lose it, but I've had issues of some description during most games, as have many people if you search the hashtag RamsTV.

    People complaining because they didn't get what they paid for doesn't make them a whiner or an idiot.

  10. 49 minutes ago, archied said:

    First time I’ve had any probs but couldn’t get anything today , bloody nightmare

    It wasn't on today. ESPN had the rights so you had to sign up for their ESPN + streaming. It's $4.99 per month but there was a 7-day free tester.

    I saw the first half and some of the second and then it crashed and I couldn't get it up again.

    Pretty pathetic of RamsTV not to email their subscribers and let them know because like you I was trying and if I hadn't seen a comment on Twitter would have wasted a load more time.

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